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Nevus (DayZ)

Streamer on twitch.tv playing with hackers on UK 63

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So if you've done nothing wrong' date=' why delete the recorded video?


Yes,why delete such highlights as "I flipped my Helicopter,could you give me another one?"

more legit gameplay

Because children like you of course :)

Why attack me and not the hacker? It's obvious, you're butthurt because I show-cased(not recommending it, i even told people to not join the server because i didn't want them to be a part of what he was doing) exploiting in your favvvvvvvvvorite game. So you attack me because it's public and I was in the lime light. Instead of attack the hacker WHICH YOU HAVE THE NAME OF. It's clearly just a personal attack on me because you're upset at me laughing at the game.

Also, please don't post the video where he agreed to just take us back to where we were so we could continue to progress normally and continue playing like we were before he stream sniped me. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE KEEP IT ONE SIDED.

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Also' date=' please don't post the video where he agreed to just take us back to where we were so we could continue to progress normally and continue playing like we were before he stream sniped me. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE KEEP IT ONE SIDED.


This. The videos that have been edited are used to make the streamer look bad yet you never showed the parts where He never kept any items or vehicles, or anything at all. He simple left the hackers behind and started over with nothing. The videos are put off VERY one sided.

Also none of the items/vehicles when the hackers were there were used against other players.

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Because children like you of course :)

Why attack me and not the hacker? It's obvious' date=' you're butthurt because...


Do not call people older than you a child,this really won't help your case.

I did not attack you with a single sentence so stop your passive-agressive behavior,maybe pop some Valium to chill a bit,at the moment it looks like YOU are the butthurt one...getting all defensive.

All i did was asking a question an posting a link to a video,where did you see a "clear attack against you"?

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Because children like you of course :)

Why attack me and not the hacker? It's obvious' date=' you're butthurt because...


Do not call people older than you a child,this really won't help your case.

I did not attack you with a single sentence so stop your passive-agressive behavior,maybe pop some Valium to chill a bit,at the moment it looks like YOU are the butthurt one...getting all defensive.

All i did was asking a question an posting a link to a video,where did you see a "clear attack against you"?

"You" being this entire thread buddy, and by posting you are getting yourself into the middle of this. Don't act like you aren't contributing to this. So yes, you are attacking me.

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Twitch will ban you for cheating in a game, which you were doing. the hacking doesn't even matter.

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Also' date=' please don't post the video where he agreed to just take us back to where we were so we could continue to progress normally and continue playing like we were before he stream sniped me. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE KEEP IT ONE SIDED.


This. The videos that have been edited are used to make the streamer look bad yet you never showed the parts where He never kept any items or vehicles, or anything at all. He simple left the hackers behind and started over with nothing. The videos are put off VERY one sided.

Also none of the items/vehicles when the hackers were there were used against other players.

Wouldn't it have made sense to save the videos to prove his innocence assuming this clip was one sided? The recorded videos could have actually helped vindicate Sixthedk, but he chose to delete all evidence after this thread was made.

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Can we get the guid of the hacker so we can ban him from our servers for now just in case it takes awhile for the DayZ devs to ban him.

Firstly i will start of by saying, SixTheDK, stop getting high and mighty, you're details were passed on to the dayz team for the simple fact, you were egging him on, you talk about the fact you were interested in what he could do and thats why you did it which makes you guilty, the fact you didn't benefit from it because he shot you means nothing. If he hadn't shot you, would you have naded yourself to make it fair on the other legit players? On top of that what about the damage you did in the server, firing the guns on the vehicles, the players who may have been hit and died as a result or the buildings that collapse with people inside who may have lost gear that they've spent hours working on? You call others a child yet you are whining about being caught. You are the one in the wrong so stop trying to portray it as you are the victim. You are 20 years old, act like it, take some responsibility

Secondly, HoboNinja i'll pm you with the guid's of all 4 parties involved, i will also detail which one was the hacker and you can ban which ever one of them you like.

Hacking and collaborating is not fair on other players, play the game as it was intended and don't be a lamer and chernarus will be a better place

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On top of everything else, you and your little girlfriends disconnected at the first sign of trouble on numerous occasions. Please, just leave DayZ behind.

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Anyone with a twitch account reported him, before he deleted the cheating parts?

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mod is shit now peace I see the numbers droping already nothing is going to be done about hacks so have fun

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