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1.27 Experimental Release

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Why can't we access the 1.27 experimental patch on Sakhal via xbox?  Am I missing something?  One thing I noticed is that when I sign into experimental, it says I do not own the Frostbite DLC.  Weird.  

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  On 1/20/2025 at 3:41 PM, merropa93 said:

I understand, but the other person could say the same thing, as having different opinions might seem to some people as provoking. Im not going to argue with you and I don't care how are you justifying it as "idiotic behavior, defined as stupid also" term. You didn't use this; you said idiot twice. Im not natively English speaking as well. Don't blame it on terminology; your vocabulary is rich enough for what I've seen so far, so avoid insulting. If you're being provoked or insulted, report it, but don't solve it by escalating the situation. 

Seems like a relatively minor task for you to be handling but well warranted and received since sometimes these arguments can get " heated" and out of hand. ( I already restrained myself and usually do when an "idiotic" argument is in question. but it can be somewhat frustrating at times which many can relate to. Also i wouldnt mind being referred to as an "idiot " or "stupid" myself as long an explanation or a reasonable counter argument is given as to why, for self improvement.  also calling some one an idiot or stupid is just a simple way to but it rather than constructing an elaborate response  that seems less insulting )

Also im kinda glad that my obviously and somehwhat harsh criticisim is monitored(That i strongly believe is well deserved by now ) I hope it does not fall on completely " deaf ears" and is received with a grain of salt ofcourse but recived non the less. I do not wish this type of "development" to become the "norm" in game development in general. People should be aware of this.

Current situation shouldnt be acceptable by bohemia or the dayz team and should be remedied.

Edited by dayzplayer1234

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  On 1/20/2025 at 4:18 PM, etwas said:

this whole debate is pathetic.

I dont see it as much of a debate kind of a facts by now...but you are right about it being pathetic tho. When a game studios idea of " development"  has fallen to this level and been so for years apparently.... it really is pahtetic.

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Hey - 48 hours for total boat decay (according to WOBO) - that is just wayyyyy toooo short a time. If the intention is to create more opportunities to explore the islands, this will create the opposite situation! Not everyone can logon and play every day and 48 hours can easily go by if people are on holiday or dealing with real life! Yes you can make a flag but for heavens sake with no cargo on a boat just trying to get all the ridiculous materials together to even build a flagpole will be darn hard! Plus you need to build it on the coast which makes it hard to protect! Boat decay could easily be double or tripled and still be effective - not forgetting they need actively repaired too - which requires yet more resources!!! and Sakhal in particular is resource light!

And these colour coded containers? Really an unnecessary multi-step process for what is really not very good loot - I explored all my islands on my server and opened every container I came across and got 1 reasonable gun in dreadful condition in multiple hours of gameplay!! Not forgetting this new boat decay mechanic would make that even harder!!!

I've been keeping a close eye on server player numbers for official Sakhal on Playstation in my region and the 2 servers that are in my region are normally in the single digits or very low double digits - they are DEAD!!! these new changes will tank the numbers on Official. Bad idea.

The official servers need MORE reasons for people to get involved, not less. This is NOT a well balanced update. I suggest you check the WHOLE server numbers again and go re-consider this balancing and these keys!! I want to see the new map succeed and I don't see this doing it!

P.S. I like the inventory updates - very good idea. I might also suggest you look into a 'double mag' for certain guns - you know two mags taped together so they can be flipped for use? That might be a nice one. And yeah cargo space for boats please!!! 300 seems fair.

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The server or code has not improved at all in Dayz with 1.27. It is just another thing when you freeze and are about to lose connection from the experimental server. The main issue is server quality, because I`ve played on private Dayz servers with 4 hours server schedules downtime with much higher player numbers. 

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  On 1/24/2025 at 8:10 PM, LongjohnSilver1PS5 said:

Hey - 48 hours for total boat decay (according to WOBO) - that is just wayyyyy toooo short a time. If the intention is to create more opportunities to explore the islands, this will create the opposite situation! Not everyone can logon and play every day and 48 hours can easily go by if people are on holiday or dealing with real life!


Well, it was seen that these dinghies (made and managed much better than vehicles: they work well even on servers with high ping... as vehicles should be and as is the case with all other games), for the features they have are basically useless. And they even managed to make them worse.
I've been writing this for a few years now: it seems that these programmers hate the game or its players, since they try to ruin it on so many occasions/deliberate choices.
These are programming choices, not defects that they will be able to fix (maybe)... unfortunately.
This is much worse than the defects... 😠


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I like the new boat decay.   make it 2 weeks.

Edited by Parazight

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  On 1/24/2025 at 8:10 PM, LongjohnSilver1PS5 said:

Hey - 48 hours for total boat decay (according to WOBO) - that is just wayyyyy toooo short a time. If the intention is to create more opportunities to explore the islands, this will create the opposite situation!

100% disagree. Boats should be use or lose it items. You stumble upon one, find a spark plug, spin it around, ditch it, and continue your journey. It's a one-life-only deal, and that ensures that they remain in the loot pool and findable for the next player. The diehard hoarders can still hoard if they want, but this change is a massive improvement to allow players to continue to access, find, and actually USE boats. 


I just hope they do the same thing for cars in the future, though with a slower decay. No one actually uses their car, they just hoard them, hide them, and forget about them. 

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  On 1/28/2025 at 7:33 PM, slothdad said:

100% disagree. Boats should be use or lose it items. You stumble upon one, find a spark plug, spin it around, ditch it, and continue your journey. It's a one-life-only deal, and that ensures that they remain in the loot pool and findable for the next player. The diehard hoarders can still hoard if they want, but this change is a massive improvement to allow players to continue to access, find, and actually USE boats. 


I just hope they do the same thing for cars in the future, though with a slower decay. No one actually uses their car, they just hoard them, hide them, and forget about them. 

100% disagree.

Let's make this game more and more absurd, unrealistic and grotesque just because "racing warriors" don't like it?!?
It's a pandemic survival game... and it also claims to be "authentic"... if you want a war FPS to play "on the fly"... maybe... you should look elsewhere.
Then, if you want, we can also use it to race cars, race motorboats, eliminate all the infected and make it go back to what it was: ArmA2.
In my opinion it's wrong... it doesn't make sense...
As it is, it's already quite unrealistic and grotesque... let's not suggest that the programmers make these aspects worse...
My 5 cents. 😉

If the "hoarding" of objects bothers you... which is part of this type of game (in RL this would happen exactly... you should learn to fight it in the ways provided by the game or accept it)... there are other ways to avoid it without necessarily ruining the game.
Hoarding is a specific flag provided by the game itself, in the "types.xml" file, just for the record.



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  On 1/28/2025 at 10:20 PM, Riddick_2K said:

100% disagree.

Let's make this game more and more absurd, unrealistic and grotesque just because "racing warriors" don't like it?!?
It's a pandemic survival game... and it also claims to be "authentic"... if you want a war FPS to play "on the fly"... maybe... you should look elsewhere.
Then, if you want, we can also use it to race cars, race motorboats, eliminate all the infected and make it go back to what it was: ArmA2.
In my opinion it's wrong... it doesn't make sense...
As it is, it's already quite unrealistic and grotesque... let's not suggest that the programmers make these aspects worse...
My 5 cents. 😉

If the "hoarding" of objects bothers you... which is part of this type of game (in RL this would happen exactly... you should learn to fight it in the ways provided by the game or accept it)... there are other ways to avoid it without necessarily ruining the game.
Hoarding is a specific flag provided by the game itself, in the "types.xml" file, just for the record.



80% disagree. 

Boats are part of the map and the map, consisting of islands (albeit empty are pointless ones), require a boat to get around. It is part of the experience. If you allow a squad to stash a boat and then dont return to the game for a few days, that is a negative experience for everyone involved.

I understand what you say; in reality they would be hoarded. But you need to find a good balance. I think 48 hours is still too long. 

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  On 1/29/2025 at 10:20 AM, Judley said:

Boats are part of the map and the map, consisting of islands (albeit empty are pointless ones), require a boat to get around.

No. Boats are part of the game, NOT the map. It's not the same.


  On 1/29/2025 at 10:20 AM, Judley said:

 If you allow a squad to stash a boat and then dont return to the game for a few days, that is a negative experience for everyone involved.


As it would happen in reality.
You can swim.
You are not forced to visit the islands.
The inflatable boats are difficult to transport inside the land, they will be deposited on the shore, anyway... go and get one (swimming) and take it away.
There are many possibilities remaining in realism or... in the advertised "authenticity".
Rather, it would not be bad to add a raft buildable with wood and nails. There used to be a mod for this, I do not know what happened to it. Now there are some much better made and more realistic motorboat mods.
In the "serious" servers (NOT the official ones which are a joke) the Vanilla rafts will end up like the Vanilla vehicles (also poor and unrealistic): either modified in characteristics and functions... or deleted so you can not use them.
This is the reality of the facts... if you also follow the community servers.
Obviously in this forum it makes sense to contest the "Vanilla" characteristics, not those of the mods. And these rubber dinghies, as they were programmed, are completely unrealistic and almost useless.
Only positive note (finally one): they work well even on servers with high ping... as it should be for vehicles and as it happens in ALL "normally written" video games.


If you go to an island with a dinghy, play a bit (maybe try to build something, a base, a warehouse, it doesn't matter), then go out and continue your normal real life. Then, when you can, maybe the following weekend you come back to continue playing, but... you can't find the dinghy anymore?
If it was stolen, it would be part of the game... you have to be resourceful not to have it stolen (this is how it would be in reality and this is how an "authentic" game should work !).
But if you can't find it because... it "disappeared" due to a "*!@↯★ programming choice" of the person who manages the game?
It's absurd, this is "crippling" the game, "distorting" it from its original vocation, the one for which it is advertised and sold: an "authentic" game.
Come on, let's try to be a little realistic and see all the possibilities of the game, not just "our own personal little garden".



Edited by Riddick_2K

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I am not arguing against boat decay - in fact I like it. And vehicle decay. But on Sakahl 48 hours is nonsense for an island map. Boats have no cargo. The islands generally have very little to no loot, and the ISLANDS are so far out you will die trying to swim to shore if you do not have boat. NO BOATS spawn on islands??

Sounds like some fo you haven't tried it on Sakahl - I Have. Even a short swim nearly killed me from hypothermia.

Yes decay - but time is nonsense. 5 days is fine.

Island life??? not with this mechanic - or, every island has at least one boat spawn.

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