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Jared Martin

Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

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I feel this could have a great impact on the game for new and seasoned players.  Will put a greater emphasis on inventory management and forcing the player to be more selective aroubd what weapons are used/carried instead of simply picking up everything.


Reason for request is to create an added layer of challenge.


1. Essentially creates a similar management cycle to vehicles (rifle, ammo, sling = wheels, battery, radiator).  Now imagine those situations where you have a car but need to search for a radiator and apply the same concept to your weapons.  This could lead to more  player interaction as it forces the player back into high traffic areas to look for sling resources.

2.  It wont be so easy to carry bulk weapons hopefully meaning more for the rest of us 😂.

3.  More gun shots due to folks hunting animals for guts for rope or hide for leather.

4.  Finding weapons randomly dropped by players on purpose or accidentally because the sling has ruined and dropped off their back without realising.

5.  Just that extra layer of difficulty/challenge for the veteran players.

Item degradation: 
Perhaps the same as footwear? Degradation based on distance travelled?   Or based on how oftwn the weapon is used?


Edited by Jared Martin
Added context, justification.
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I'd love some stuff like this, be another great use for the leather crafting that is in game but you can only make 1 or 2 things with

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I concur - this would be very sensible addition to the game.

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I would be in favor of this idea. Maybe some guns have slings on them already.

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I like the idea. It's definitely better than having rifles glued to your back by an unknown force. I suggest adding several options for gun slings - tactical, military (can be found at military sites), civilian (cities, villages), homemade (can be made from leather, rope or rags, for example). And let there be a chance to find a weapon already with a gun sling. A gun sling can look like one of the weapon modules, like a camouflage net or a flashlight. It would also be nice to be able to carry a weapon on a sling not only on your back.

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Just want to clarify, this is not purely motivated by aesthetics/persuit of realism but about adding some extra challenge to inventory management.

Perhaps this could also be more easily achieved by assigning certain bags with rifle slots?

No physical changes needed to bags, just an added inventory slot designed specifically to shouldered items.

Edited by Jared Martin

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