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1.26 Experimental Release

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The inventory size nerf is not a good change for the game, some items like ghilie suits are already almost extinct because they don't provide inventory space. How are we supposed to build bases, go to gas zones or raid if we can't carry items that we need? It's already hard for solo players to do those things and with this patch you'll make it even harder. You've spent years adding cool stuff to the game, some of which takes up a lot of space like larger mags, claymores, new interesting guns, and now you say that players carry to much loot on them? 

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Excellent amount of very good changes and additions. This update looks very promising!

Regarding inventory sizes reduction, I really welcome them, and furthermore the T-shirt shouldn't have any slots whatsoever. At the end, it's a piece of clothing that changes in the first few minutes after spawning, so wouldn't be harsh for fresh spawns to reduce its inventory size to none. T-shirts don't have any pockets at the end.

And regarding this from Adam's article:

"We’ve also taken a deeper look at the item distribution in Sakhal and applied a kind of regional theme to each map, which will mostly be noticeable through the firearms you’ll find lying around. Livonia will primarily host western-made firearms, Sakhal will mostly host eastern ones, and Chernarus will continue to offer a mixture of both."

From the point of regional theme, could you consider removing dynamic gas from Chernarus and keeping it only in Livonia so that not on every map there is dynamic gas? The dynamic gas gets old really fast and is too frequent and prevalent everywhere you to.

To clarify, I would still keep static gas zones in Chernarus. I only mean removing the dynamic ones that become very frequent and prevalent in any playthrougt of Chernarus.

Keep It Up and thank you for all these years!

Edited by Kathosky
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Proszę o potwierdzenie, że #wipe będzie dotyczyć postaci. Platforma XBOX.
Brakuje powiadomienia, jasnego komunikatu o #wipe 

Poprzednie poprzednie jasne i gotowe. Teraz nie ma zapowiedzi zapowiedzi tak tutaj:



⚠️Uwaga, Survivors,<br>Aktualizacja 1.25 ma zostać wydana na stabilnych serwerach 27 maja, zaledwie dwa tygodnie od premiery. Wyczyścimy obie mapy na wszystkich platformach, aby zapewnić lepszą stabilność. Twoja postać i postęp pozostaną bezpieczne. Dziękujemy za zrozumienie.

Edited by Jarek Antoszewski
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Takie są nowiny, jako iż apdejt będzie wpływał na sprzęt oraz metody nielegalnego wprowadzania go do obrotu, czyli tzw. "dupingu". Mowa o oficjalnych serwerach. Nieoficjalne mogą robić co im się podoba - a jakie skutki będą, to się dopiero okaże.


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Man as a Playstation player I am really doing best to temper my frustration but I'd recommend you guys avoiding any sort of time lines when it comes to your updates. The game is truly amazing and I among so many others appreciate all the hard work you guys have and continue to put into the game to make the players experience fun, smooth, and unique. That being said, the lack of knowledge and the confusion around the 1.26 update to now watching everyone other than playstation players playing the new updated version has been a very unpleasant experience as a daily player of official servers. Thankfully at the moment the market offers no alternatives to Dayz in the sense of a survivor focused zombie apocolypse game that blends pve/pvp in the way Dayz has. The potential is insane but there has to be a way to wait on your announcements and pr until you know you can have a clean roll out. Anyway, not looking to complain, just want to offer an honest/geninue opinion of survivor who plays almost daily. 


I hope the future is bright for Dayz and Bohemia. See you on the coast.



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Download dayz experimental on steam for PC, lets try to get some full servers on 1.26 for stress testing, good luck and lets have fun!🤗

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My friends and I love the nerf to clothing and gear carrying capacities.

This brings DayZ closer to its original concept, to survive. IMO too many play the game like a Milsim. DayZ isn’t Arma nor Battlefield.

Having less inventory increases stamina; forces survivors to be more choosy in what they need to carry for survival and will make firefights more strategic because less magazines, ammo and weapons can be carried.

It’s silly to be able to carry an assault rifle in one’s back pocket. T-Shirts with no pockets should have zero inventory also, but I get why having 9-slots is there so they aren’t completely useless and game balance.

Looking forward to FrostLine release!

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  On 8/6/2024 at 8:06 PM, Paragraf said:

The inventory size nerf is not a good change for the game, some items like ghilie suits are already almost extinct because they don't provide inventory space. How are we supposed to build bases, go to gas zones or raid if we can't carry items that we need? It's already hard for solo players to do those things and with this patch you'll make it even harder. You've spent years adding cool stuff to the game, some of which takes up a lot of space like larger mags, claymores, new interesting guns, and now you say that players carry to much loot on them? 

I agree relating to Chemsuit arguments, they don’t carry much themselves—reducing how much space their bits & bobs take to carry around with us would be in order. 

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  On 8/29/2024 at 10:06 PM, WOLVERlNES said:

This brings DayZ closer to its original concept, to survive. IMO too many play the game like a Milsim. DayZ isn’t Arma nor Battlefield.

You are very wrong.
The reduction of the inventory only leads to favoring "CoD hit and run style" behaviors and will penalize those who use the space to survive alone.
And those who only look for a few weapons and go looking for the unfortunate to kill complain about the space in the inventory... and they also look for him "defenseless"... who does not have obvious weapons... (great "heroes" of DayZ)... and if the one they "thought defenseless"... (evidently thinking of an "easy kill")... as soon as they get close, he pulls out an automatic weapon and kills them... they get angry and cry.
Mi mi mi mi mi... "I was looking for an easy kill and the enemy killed me"... mi mi mi mi mi...
He doesn't like dying like this...
This is, in essence, the complaint of those who want these changes... NOT "realism" (which is NOT in DayZ and will NEVER be!), which is just an excuse for "easy kills"!


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Hello DayZ Community Support!
I have a question. I will be very grateful if you answer.
Will update 1.26 be released on stable at the same time as the Frostline DLC? Or should we expect the DLC at the same time with 1.27,  but 1.26 will be released in the coming days?

Edited by Jonjorgio

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  On 9/8/2024 at 8:42 AM, Jonjorgio said:

Hello DayZ Community Support!
I have a question. I will be very grateful if you answer.
Will update 1.26 be released on stable at the same time as the Frostline DLC? Or should we expect the DLC at the same time with 1.27,  but 1.26 will be released in the coming days?

Hello, we will announce the detailed info soon on our social media. 🙂

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  On 9/9/2024 at 11:47 AM, merropa93 said:

Здравствуйте, подробную информацию мы скоро опубликуем в наших социальных сетях. 🙂

Hello! I am writing through a translator.Tell me, how soon will the patch be released? The VIPE on the server where I play depends on it)I have a vacation this week, and I really want to immerse myself in the game, but it's impossible without a vIpe. Every day I wait for news about the release of the patch and the subsequent erasure of the map and the start of the new season on my favorite soda server. Thank you!)

Edited by LPFlame
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  On 9/9/2024 at 8:00 PM, LPFlame said:

Hello! I am writing through a translator.Tell me, how soon will the patch be released? The VIPE on the server where I play depends on it)I have a vacation this week, and I really want to immerse myself in the game, but it's impossible without a vIpe. Every day I wait for news about the release of the patch and the subsequent erasure of the map and the start of the new season on my favorite soda server. Thank you!)

As soon as possible. Or you prefer to get bugged game? I'm sure that you'll be in the first wave who'll cry about the bugs. Your vacation is only yours vacation and no ones else will not be cared about it, same as about your lovely server.

Take you patient, calm your passion and await the release same as many other players and admins. Or get to the test branch and play there as it been done by many other players.

Any wooden stick has at least two ends...

And reach the most important part of shooter, survivor and software developer - better safe then sorry.

Two times community had been broken the game because they can't await (2012 - 2013 community cryed for game release of the game, when BI was attacked by hackers and in the hackers had been published source code of DayZ 0.15; second time was not really long time ago about 3 - 5 yers ago, patch had broke the cars and some mechanics, BI said that was huge mistake that they had published release of patch so fast, about pess then two weeks).

I as a player not really wish to get the same issues third time...

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  On 9/25/2024 at 1:09 PM, Girth Brooks said:

Just so ya know, you can ride boats under the map. Maybe fix that before the next update drops.

Is it a random bug or is there a way to do it on purpose? I'd be curious to try it... 😁

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It seems random when beaching the boat, sometimes it disappears underground after you exit, sometimes while you are in driver seat.

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  On 9/27/2024 at 5:56 PM, zloy-21fe4214220c6b60 said:

found invisible sight SSG82Optic
in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml file
when I pick it up the player freezes, this is with SSG82 which cannot be removed

Man it's the hidden class of defenition for SSG optics, same stuff there's for AUR-A1 (AUG-A1). You shall remove it from types, coz it's non existing (separate item) item in-game. Yes it's represented in game files, but it's non op, simply say it's dumb-item.


Товарищ, это скрытый класс представляющий оптику винтовки SSG, такой же класс есть и для АУГа. Тебе следует его убрать из types.xml чтобы не ломать систему спауна предметов на сервере. Если это есть среди оригинальных файлов - то это ошибка. Этот предмет по сути "затычка" для логики не отъёмной оптики (АУГа и SSG).

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Any idea when official will be back online? Is there a place where you're reporting status updates?

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  On 9/7/2024 at 2:08 AM, Riddick_2K said:

You are very wrong.
The reduction of the inventory only leads to favoring "CoD hit and run style" behaviors and will penalize those who use the space to survive alone.
And those who only look for a few weapons and go looking for the unfortunate to kill complain about the space in the inventory... and they also look for him "defenseless"... who does not have obvious weapons... (great "heroes" of DayZ)... and if the one they "thought defenseless"... (evidently thinking of an "easy kill")... as soon as they get close, he pulls out an automatic weapon and kills them... they get angry and cry.
Mi mi mi mi mi... "I was looking for an easy kill and the enemy killed me"... mi mi mi mi mi...
He doesn't like dying like this...
This is, in essence, the complaint of those who want these changes... NOT "realism" (which is NOT in DayZ and will NEVER be!), which is just an excuse for "easy kills"!


Just because you don’t agree doesn’t make my statement wrong.

Two long arms can be carried on one’s shoulders, there’s no reason to carry more than that at one time. Between the stamina drain and momentum changes made awhile back, coupled with the reduced inventory makes the experience much more balanced and again brings the IP closer to it’s roots of being a survival game rather than a Milsim.

Loan survivors have to be more selective about what they carry, which also reinforces the strengths of crafting.

I rucked around in the Army with full battle-rattle, it’s not fun and does weigh a person down significantly. Reduced inventory was the right decision by Bohemia.

Benefits to lower weight: better mobility, longer breath hold times to steady aim, less use of resources to remain mobile and firefights will be more interesting because less magazines and ammo can be carried, so survivors will be more choosy on which engagements are worth the risk. Carrying less also can foster more survivors to work together towards a common goal rather than KOS as often as its historically been. 

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  On 10/28/2024 at 4:42 PM, WOLVERlNES said:

Just because you don’t agree doesn’t make my statement wrong.

Two long arms can be carried on one’s shoulders, there’s no reason to carry more than that at one time. Between the stamina drain and momentum changes made awhile back, coupled with the reduced inventory makes the experience much more balanced and again brings the IP closer to it’s roots of being a survival game rather than a Milsim.

Loan survivors have to be more selective about what they carry, which also reinforces the strengths of crafting.

I rucked around in the Army with full battle-rattle, it’s not fun and does weigh a person down significantly. Reduced inventory was the right decision by Bohemia.

Benefits to lower weight: better mobility, longer breath hold times to steady aim, less use of resources to remain mobile and firefights will be more interesting because less magazines and ammo can be carried, so survivors will be more choosy on which engagements are worth the risk. Carrying less also can foster more survivors to work together towards a common goal rather than KOS as often as its historically been. 

I don't know if it is a problem with Google's translation, but it seems to me obvious that I don't agree with you because I consider your statements wrong. Maybe you're right and I'm wrong, but at the moment, if nobody shows me and convinces me that I am wrong, I continue to believe that you are wrong.
I do not discuss that "traveling light" has its advantages, I just say that they would not have to "force everyone" to travel lightly. A choice had to remain.
In this game we have so little crafts and a lot ... exaggerated ... consumption of everything ... out of any reality.
Nobody will manage to convince a player who only enjoys "hunting humans", to collaborate with them ... certainly not with these "ploys".
It is a question of mentality and vision of the game: those looking for survival and the (potential) collaboration between the surviving humans, there is no modification of the game that can make it change ... it will still make a "quiet and collaborative" game . For those who enter the game with the only goal of arming themselves and hunting the other players, he will always and in any case ... and if, due to some changes in the game, he will no longer be able to do it, he will abandon the game. They are two completely different and incompatible visions of the game.
In any case, I remember that we are talking about the "official public" version, of course. On private servers you can do everything you want: there are the mods that inhibit the killings between players, for those looking for only PVE, and there are all possible changes to encourage the PVP (also completely eliminate the infected).
I remain of the idea that the reduction of space in the inventory penalizes only those looking for survival alone and, for this reason they must carry everything you need (so much, too much in this unrealistic game).
Those looking for only the PVP, just a few weapons and a little ammunition, so much "light travel" from before, and he does not need a lot of material, he will take him so much from those who have killed, or ... if he is killed, not He will need more.
And, to conclude ...
Having less spaces in the inventory will increase the KOS even more: what is the fastest system to find tools and accessories (which you can no longer take with you) if not the first player you see in front of you?!?
However, it is now so ... we will adapt.
What is curious, however, is that if you look at the community servers, the majority are PVP. The PVE are a minority. So it remains a choice that I don't understand.
If they had wanted to "free the public servers", they would have had to "disadvantage" the PVP, making the players "migrate" to private servers ... but this changes disadvantage the pve, but they are the minority of the players.
Conversely, with this modification, they do not help the PVP, because almost nothing changes ... whoever seriously made the PVP "traveled light" from before ... and nobody "prohibited" to do it. The players of the PvE (who "traveling heavy") were of the best loots when they could load more stuff ... they were heavier and more clumsy and, killing them, you could acquire much more booty.
It is a change that, in my opinion (from any point of view I try to look at it), makes no sense and is not useful to anyone.
Only the "smart ones" of "easy killing" can get some advantage, but also the very small one, because it does not need to have many weapons to be "dangerous and hidden": the Deagle in 357 is the most powerful gun of the game and the 12 caliber in pallettoni is the most powerful ammunition, and you can still keep a sawn-off shotgun inside a jacket or backpack. A mosin inside the backpack is useless.

But that is not the purpose of the change, otherwise they would have done much better in another way.
And I continue to think that those who only seek the clash between players have the wrong game.

¯\_(^~^)_/ ¯

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