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I love cigarettes

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I always thought that the most interesting aspect of DayZ was the portrayal of emotional realism -- stress --- in a survival situation, especially in a zombie situation.

The feature in which fear shakes your screen and distorts your aim should be heightened, expanded upon, and even exploited to add more gaming elements.

I feel that being close to death would distort your perception so much, the effect should be more of an obstacle rather than just graphical experience.

What would counter that obstacle?


Their hip, their cool, they make you look sexy and they also lower your stress level.

Cigarettes would be the perfect counter to your fear level when around zombies.

It could be a consumable item that lowers the effects of fear around zombies, such as shaking and heavy breathing.

It would be super rad.

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I don't think it should be faced that way. Cigarettes really relieve stress of a smoker in the first place. For a non-smoker, it doesn't do anything.

I think you should have the choice to be a smoker or no in DayZ. Maybe add highs and lows with both, like maybe like you said for a smoker you would be able to "relieve stress" (maybe they could work like painkillers, but aren't as effective), and as a smoker you would get hungry/thirsty quicker when running for long distances.

And of course, a smoker would be addicted, so maybe it would add another icon on the right with a cigarette pack who works like food/water after your character has smoked X times. When the meter goes all the way down, you would start to shake and panic.

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These are great ideas.

I feel like maybe the pros for a cigarette smoker could be relieving pain and slowed down bleeding.

The cons would obviously be dependence on smoking.

I love the addiction idea a lot actually.

like, maybe the cigarette icon appears if you use cigarettes a lot to relieve stress, and if the icon turns red, you start shaking more (kind of like the pain feature).

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oh come on, there's so much worse in terms of social impressions that the game is giving off already.

and that hip and cool part was more a joke and jab at classic societal views of smoking fags.

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Cigarettes are for imbecile. In chernarus you smoke morphine.

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Cigarettes are for imbecile. In chernarus you smoke morphine.

Made my day.


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THC would be much better for a quick calm down and without having the danger of a physical addiction but it also would slow u down for a while

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lets face it: cigarettes can calm you down(can be a treatment for shock), but you loose blood, and have a higher chance to attract zombies after smoking for some time. and if you smoke a lot you will suffer run speed penalty. do you really want it?

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smoking only helps you if your addicted to them. other wise it doesn't do shit for you.

Saying other wise is just a big bag of silliness.

if it's an option then so be it, but don't force that bad mojoe on me.

and I've never seen the game force me to shake due to fear, only pain does that.

the game shouldn't force emotions on you, only provoke real life emotions. thus it shouldn't give relievers for those emotions that don't exist in-game.

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smoking only helps you if your addicted to them. other wise it doesn't do shit for you.

Saying other wise is just a big bag of silliness.

if it's an option then so be it' date=' but don't force that bad mojoe on me.

and I've never seen the game force me to shake due to fear, only pain does that.

the game shouldn't force emotions on you, only provoke real life emotions. thus it shouldn't give relievers for those emotions that don't exist in-game.


Yeeaahh, what he said

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is see it so :

At the start you can choose if u are Smoker or Non Smoker - if you choose Smoke the game is a little bit harder but you get more then 12000 Blood (14000 or so) !

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I really like this idea for the risk/reward scenario it could create. Choosing if you are a smoker or not does not require a UI element at the start when you spawn! You either use the cigarettes or you don't! This is how I see cigarettes working:

* Smoking cigarettes has some beneficial effect e.g. gives a couple degrees of temperature, temporarily stops you from screaming when zombies are nearby, makes your friends think you're cool etc.

* After using cigarettes too often you become addicted.

* If you are addicted and have not smoked for X minutes then you being to very lightly shake.

That's it. Cigarettes shouldn't be a big thing.

Of course you should be able to find 20 different brands of cigarettes/rolling tobacco/weed, rizla, lighter and maybe even a pipe/bong. There should also be snus for the Swedes among us


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I also had an idea of using cigarettes ingame to counter 'stress'.

The panicky gasping that your character does could be countered by a smoke, with the following effects:

- Panicking stops

- Blood *drops* by 100 units (whoever said a smoker should start with MORE blood....it should be the opposite)

- Run speed reduced by 5% for a limited time...say 5 minutes?

- Smoke attracts zombies within a radius of x square metres

Long term use of cigarettes:

- Run speed penalty increases by a further 1% for each pack of cigarettes used up to a maximum of 15% total run speed for character's life

- Character has x% chance of developing a cough, which is involuntary and happens at random moments, and/or character's normal breathing is slightly louder than normal. Further ingame item of cough syrup used to counteract this?

- Cigarette addiction meter which functions in the same way as food and water meters, but does not become active until character has smoked x cigarettes

The possibilities for such things are really interesting...

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Yea, I don't think the game should be advertising cigarettes, nor giving the impression that they are "hip" and "cool".

Yeah I agree. I'm ok with them advertising shooting people but smoking? Wtf are these people thinking???

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You want a proper implementation of cigarettes? See Morale.

Edited by Ollox

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While i would like to see the option to smoke in the game, there is one misconception in the OP:

Cigarettes don't relieve stress, the lack of Nicotine GIVES stress, which can only be relieved by smoking... that is what part of the addiction is :(

Edited by L0GIN

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Fun idea.. But insanely dangerous

the threat of detection from players/zombies would double

smoking at night would be damn near suicidal

even in day time people would spot puffs coming from even the thickest foliage

plus you'd reek of tobacco possibly luring the curious zombie

It'd be nice if you could either consume the whole pack like food for instant benefit

or equip them as a tool for a longer passive buff

I cant really think of any survival benefits these would have..

a realistic approach to these just wouldn't be fun or useful

and no, you won't look cool, you'll look dead.

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