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A Radical PVP Game Change? Take Sniper Rifles Out.

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I do know how prevalent scoped rifles are. More importantly, I also know how 99.9% of the public couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at more than a couple hundred meters. Hell, most of them would probably hit themselves in the forehead with the scope due to recoil and run around bleeding all over the place.

Remove sniper rifles and let the cowards play god-mode somewhere else. Alternatively, don't remove sniper rifles and simply add variable wind so that unless you're really good, with lots of practice time, there's no way you could hit a man at more than a few hundred meters. It would also be a plus if the scopes weren't as steady as if a man was prone with sandbag support. Needs more shake at long distances and unless you're at 12000 health fuggedabboudit.

Consider this: 1 degree is very small. Convert that to radians, multiply by 800m, and you'll find that 1 degree error yields missing the target by almost 14 METERS. 7 meters at 400m range; that's an approximately 21ft miss. Shooting at extreme long range just isn't feasible unless you're a trained professional with some either bipod or sandbag mount. Picking up a gun and, maybe after taking a few potshots at trees, having to proficiency of a sniper who has suffered years of intense training is at least unrealistic and more likely a farce of reality.

Maybe remove all sniper weapons except the hunting rifle, have it zeroed at 400m, no mildots, have fun kids.

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Im one of those guys that sit on hills and snipe unsuspecting players that dont pay attention to their surroundings, but personally I wouldnt care if Snipers were removed, if anything I vote they drop the spawn rate dramatically.

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You people are fucking retarded seriously. Rocket has posted time and TIME again that the game is about surviving so if you need to kill someone you do it even if it's with a hatchet a grenade or a sniper you DO it. there is no consequences about being good or bad as there isn't any it's just about surviving. IF you were smart you would be with a group of friends who scan the area before running into a open field but i guarantee you're a noob who runs into a field near the NW airfield and cry about getting sniper'd. Seriously man the fuck up

/ end rant

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Finding hunting rifles should be a no-brainier.... Check Deer-stands/Barns and your set!

Other sniper rifles are MUCH MUCH MUCH more rare than you think.

After numerous attempts at looting the NE Airfield I have NEVER found a sniper rifle there.

All the ones I have found have been on dead players or at Heli Crash Sites.... Mostly the latter being 3 DMR's, one M24 and one M107 (out of about 20 crash sites in total)

As to removing them from the game?

I say no, It adds diversity to the game and makes you think twice about moving through an open are, or looting Stary, the airfields or Heli Crash sites...

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Screw that' date=' sniper rifles aren't just a PVP tool


Really ?

I have a sniper rifle but I only use it for PvP, which other use could it have ? Replacing the Binoculars ? :D

I have 2 sniper rifle: 1 for pvp That I use to cover my mates when we enter a dangerous zone (town mostly), and I am covered by a team mate with a L85 with thermal sight. My PVE weapon is a M24. Yes, I am one of the snipers of my group, yes, we play together, and yes, this way the game is way more fun, and no, we do not camp people on cherno, elektro, berezino or Stary, cause we don't like it. We stay on the run, when approaching a dangerous zone we stop a the tree line & scan the area completely.

IF you are (And I don't only mean you Justwrath) ambushed by a sniper & taken down, blame yourself, not the other player. I got shot while fully geared-up when looting chopper. 2 guys were camping the place, I got careless & ended up dead, hit by a DMR round. No hard feeling, they deserved the kill.

I don't see why they should remove sniper rifles. Takes preparation (scouting, zeroing) to get a kill. It takes time to find the one you're looking for, and luck, and farm, not to mention the 0,28% droprate of the ghillie suit.

You don't want to get hammered down by a 50cal at 800m? Stay away from Stary, NW Airfield, Cherno, Elektro & Berezino. Otherwise you may end up with a bullet in your head.

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Did not read posts.

What I know is that people complain about getting sniped a lot. Snipers server hop to find many people to shoot.

Remove server hopping and sniping will go down. As most of the server hopping snipers don't actually have the patients to be a sniper.

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Remove server hopping and sniping will go down. As most of the server hopping snipers don't actually have the patients to be a sniper.

Agreed. I think preventing disconnect/hopping exploits will have a very positive effect all around.

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How many times does Rocket have to say this? He's not going for game balance. He's going for an "anti-game" like experience that is based solely off what you'd come to expect from real life. Do you know how many rifles with scopes their are in the world? Take my remington 700 .308 that I use for deer hunting. That gun can shoot 800 yards if I wanted it too. It's basically the same round found in most popular american sniper rifles minus the .50 calibers and the remington 700 is pretty much what the M40A3 is based from.

Every RPG out there is all about balancing this' date=' while balancing that, because some people don't like aspects of the game that the developer has his heart set on keeping apart of it. Then the game shifts and goes through massive changes, people cry, people jump for joy, and people always end up leaving. I'm telling you now, more people will leave this game if you take out an entire group of weapons, then the amount of people who would join it and be regular players due to hearing about such a change.

This isn't about balance. It's about war, realism, survival, and being able to think fast and long ahead. Maybe you aren't doing one of those things, because I sure as hell do not get sniped as much as some people claim, and I spend almost every day that I play in an area where people only go for the purpose of killing each other, ESPECIALLY with sniper rifles.


i almost never get sniped. again you miss my point. i'm not demanding any changes. I'm simply gauging how people feel about it. its not what rocket says that i'm interested in.

If you are having a visceral reaction to my post, chances are you feel offended by my categorization of certain players as white knuckle pvp'ers. maybe because it applies to you.

Did not read posts.

What I know is that people complain about getting sniped a lot. Snipers server hop to find many people to shoot.

Remove server hopping and sniping will go down. As most of the server hopping snipers don't actually have the patients to be a sniper.

you raise a good point.

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Remove server hopping and sniping will go down. As most of the server hopping snipers don't actually have the patients to be a sniper.


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i think Nvg and Nvscopes as well as thermal should be taken out they give other players an unfair advantage for thos who are new to the game and trying to score some decent loot at night time i do night run because its alot safer but i have also been killled a night and the only way the person could of seen me was with thermal or nvg when all i can see is the outline of bushes and tents im sure thats all anyone else could see

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I agree I would like to see this. Personally I find sniping to be extremely boring. All I do now is mostly run around in chern and electro with a hatchet or pistol screaming at anyone I see trying to kill them either with my zombie train or close range with the hatchet and pistol. All the while screaming like a lil girl of course. Long range fights are dull' date=' dull, dull.


So wait, what you are saying is because you think sniping to be extremely boring other people shouldn't be able to do it either? :rolleyes:

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I just found an M110 With thermals O___o I didn't even know it was in DayZ but when my group was checking out the Stary Sobor we found one. It's awesome I've yet to see it any DayZ videos or anything

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How about we take you out, along with the rest of the nerf brigade?

Seriously, FUCK OFF!

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This entire thread is basically just people who get annoyed that they get shot by a sniper. Sorry, this game isn't suppose to have "Fair" or "Balanced" PvP. Rocket has stated himself this is more of an anti-game, and one of the descriptions of an anti-game is that the developer does not worry about balance. Once you get enough DayZ experience under your belt, you'll rarely get shot by snipers.

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I think the OP has a point. At the moment the only factors a sniper has to consider is breath control and bullet drop. Without the other factors such as availability of specialized rounds, wind direction, temperature, humidity and angle/elevation it is extremely easy to kill someone at 1.5km.

Now I wouldn't want to remove long range weapons entirely but I would change the current loot tables to bring engagement distances down into the lower hundred meter ranges. Remove all anti-material rifles, reduce ammo spawns related to sniper rifles, and remove anything that should use batteries. Alternatively, instead of removing the device that uses electricity, implement the generator idea Rocket has mentioned before. You could then recharge your batteries to use that rangefinder or night vision device. Another idea would be a personal solar cell requiring the player to spend personal time exposed in the daylight to charge his fancy gadget. No hiding in the forest to charge your crap.

As to the rarity of the M107 or AS50 they are really not that rare. The DMR and CZ550 weapons systems seem to be the things of legend at the moment but their ammo is plentiful. I have personally come across four anti-material rifles within 30 minutes on one occasion. Two at a crashed helo two and two more in the trunk of a red Skoda parked in the woods 2km away. And on certain days (not always) I seem to be able to find M107 ammo in almost every deer stand. Over the last week one of our members has located a crashed helo nearly every day. In some cases more than one in a play session.

The moral is that I would like to see more firefights occur in engagement ranges that reflect real world statistics. I am not against a sniper or a marksman. But the 1.5km kill is not the average post- apocalyptic skill that you would regularly see like we currently do in Day Z.

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I think the OP has a point. At the moment the only factors a sniper has to consider is breath control and bullet drop. Without the other factors such as availability of specialized rounds' date=' wind direction, temperature, humidity and angle/elevation it is extremely easy to kill someone at 1.5km.

Now I wouldn't want to remove long range weapons entirely but I would change the current loot tables to bring engagement distances down into the lower hundred meter ranges. Remove all anti-material rifles, reduce ammo spawns related to sniper rifles, and remove anything that should use batteries. Alternatively, instead of removing the device that uses electricity, implement the generator idea Rocket has mentioned before. You could then recharge your batteries to use that rangefinder or night vision device. Another idea would be a personal solar cell requiring the player to spend personal time exposed in the daylight to charge his fancy gadget. No hiding in the forest to charge your crap.

As to the rarity of the M107 or AS50 they are really not that rare. The DMR and CZ550 weapons systems seem to be the things of legend at the moment but their ammo is plentiful. I have personally come across four anti-material rifles within 30 minutes on one occasion. Two at a crashed helo two and two more in the trunk of a red Skoda parked in the woods 2km away. And on certain days (not always) I seem to be able to find M107 ammo in almost every deer stand. Over the last week one of our members has located a crashed helo nearly every day. In some cases more than one in a play session.

The moral is that I would like to see more firefights occur in engagement ranges that reflect real world statistics. I am not against a sniper or a marksman. But the 1.5km kill is not the average post- apocalyptic skill that you would regularly see like we currently do in Day Z.


Wind exists. Didn't bother reading the rest since you are clearly ignorant.

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Did not read posts.

What I know is that people complain about getting sniped a lot. Snipers server hop to find many people to shoot.

Remove server hopping and sniping will go down. As most of the server hopping snipers don't actually have the patients to be a sniper.


and also remove the "farming" factor from this game. its ruining it. wipe EVERYTHING clean and fix/randomize loot locations so that ppl do not farm places like the NW airfields and hoard them in there tents/vehicles. its beyond stupid. or better yet, get rid of the item storage entirely. this way ppl really will have fear of losing there gear even if there in clans.

the point of the game is to survive and when u die u die. not "lol i died, time to go back to my atv in the forest and regear myself instantly. better go farm NW airfield first tho to restock my ATV just incase i die again"

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Wind exists. Didn't bother reading the rest since you are clearly ignorant.

The Real Virtuality 3 Engine (ArmA 2) does simulate wind but this has no effect on the projectile unless you are using a mod like ACE. I have heard that there may be a slight effect in single player but I have not tested this rumor.

Now get back under your bridge and don't come back until you can actually contribute something factual and in an intelligent manner.

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yup, wind doesnt effect bullets in dayz. ive been able to snipe perfectly without ever having to adjust for wind, only for distance. cant speak for other mods tho.

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Wind exists. Didn't bother reading the rest since you are clearly ignorant.

The Real Virtuality 3 Engine (ArmA 2) does simulate wind but this has no effect on the projectile unless you are using a mod like ACE. I have heard that there may be a slight effect in single player but I have not tested this rumor.

Now get back under your bridge and don't come back until you can actually contribute something factual and in an intelligent manner.

Ahh guess they were talking about ACE then, oh well.

I'll be under my bridge if you need me. ;p

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Ahh guess they were talking about ACE then' date=' oh well.

I'll be under my bridge if you need me. ;p




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I don't really see the problem, I've been playing for about 3 weeks and to date I haven't been killed by a sniper.

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I think it's the scopes rather than the rifles. I'd be happy to see what happens for a while if the scopes were removed. It is exactly like the OP points out too, this is Alpha, this is the time to try these things out.

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I don't see what the big deal is. Of all the ways I've been killed, being sniped is actually pretty rare. Usually it's assault rifles.

What this post is really about is people who just CAN NOT get their asses off the coast or away from hotspots. Why do you think people say "DON'T GO TO CHERNO/ELECRTRO!"? It's for exactly this issue. That fact you got sniped instead of shot by w/e else just stings that much more, then you rage, but you go back anyways, get shot and rage even more. You may as well join the "NO PVP!" crowd.....

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