Johnny Georgopoulos 10 Posted October 17, 2023 On 10/15/2023 at 4:57 AM, Russkir said: When will you be able to cook rice in your “wonderful” game? Or are you just pistols and will you add automatics? Is this really a game about “survival” and not military PvP? Why is construction in the game so garbage? Are you not going to change it either? Or do we need to wait another 10 years? I agree with you on the rice not cooking and base building being absolute garbage and unchanged since it was implemented many years ago (yay fence, that can't be placed anywhere and watchtower, such base building 🙄), but I disagree on the weaponry, we're still missing over 20 individual weapons that were either here before renderer swap, or shown and promised to be added. You're in a war torn country with many military installments, have been for over a decade, there should be more, not less, your concern over it being "military over survival" has already been addressed with them removing what we had in DayZ Mod, firearms spawning fully kitted with magazines in the same spot, fully loaded to, bare firearm, usually no accessories, never a magazine to fit. They should be returning all missing weapons (firearms, melee, and non-lethal) still gone, they should be addressing Base Building to at least bring up to par with their competition (Rust and Scum specifically, obviously with a "DayZ-esq look and method), and they should be addressing missing survival mechanics and "end game" features and content to improve the game other than just playing with sounds and melee damage that's been here and accustomed to for years... Lastly, they do a MAX of 4 individual updates a year now because of laziness and many vacations (while Rust and Scum get at least monthly), out of those 4, 3 are "bug fixing and stability" focused, pushing never coming content and missing features to the back burner constantly, so IDK what you're talking about. No base building, no air or sea vehicles (we used to, competition does), tons of missing weapons, no end game content (Livonia has AT LEAST a bunker, Chernarus still doesn't even have Utes Island Military Compound like we were TOLD was added and would be in "the next patch" many years ago).... I don't know what in the world they're doing when it comes to giving us a better fleshed out game besides "loot, fight, die, repeat", but they sure do try to fix bugs and add different audio. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Georgopoulos 10 Posted October 17, 2023 To this Halloween update just dropped like always, I dig that new goat... and I always dig that nighttime fog, but a few things that could improve them. That special black goat with his glowing eyes should give chase to players, he doesn't need to attack....but that red gas....he could fart it out like miniature gas attacks, like a 5ft diameter red gas attack that dissipates really quickly, similar to when you kill him, he should fart a red poisonous cloud, you wait, skin him, and instead of regular raw steaks, he should give you baked steaks. Come on guys, think occasionally. Another thing, the you not remember DayZ Mod and DayZ Origins Mod? We used to have fog that rolled in at night and stay low to the ground, super atmospheric and creepy....Arma 3 Survival Mod (A3S, a better recreation of DayZ Mod) did it the best.... the fog rolls in at night, but stays close to the low lying ground and inside valleys, you can visibly see it rolling down the valleys.... it's super sick and looks fantastic....why is this feature not in DayZ SA permanently? Do you guys really need someone to come up with simple ideas for great additions to make this game better? I'm free (time), and I'm cheap. Side note, your brooms aren't igniting on fire like usual either, so you might want to look into that and my above. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nebulae3 422 Posted October 20, 2023 (edited) A new experimental 1.23 bug: Tanker Helmet takes too long to dry and some other items like "stab vest" when the item is in soak/wet state. It might be other items as well which I did not mentioned which should be looked at since rain is very common in Dayz, and you use more energy in the wet status. Edited October 20, 2023 by Nebulae3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thafluu 4 Posted October 20, 2023 (edited) 5 hours ago, Nebulae3 said: Tanker Helmet takes too long to dry and some other items like "stab vest" when the item is in soak/wet state [...]. I believe this is intentional, they already changed this 2-3 patches ago. One bug that I found is that the green variant of the new OKZK cap is displayed as the beige version. It looks green when on the ground, in my hands, or in my inventory. But when I actually wear it it's beige. Edited October 20, 2023 by thafluu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuzyn. 37 Posted October 23, 2023 On 10/20/2023 at 1:48 PM, Nebulae3 said: A new experimental 1.23 bug: Tanker Helmet takes too long to dry and some other items like "stab vest" when the item is in soak/wet state. It might be other items as well which I did not mentioned which should be looked at since rain is very common in Dayz, and you use more energy in the wet status. On 10/20/2023 at 7:18 PM, thafluu said: I believe this is intentional, they already changed this 2-3 patches ago. One bug that I found is that the green variant of the new OKZK cap is displayed as the beige version. It looks green when on the ground, in my hands, or in my inventory. But when I actually wear it it's beige. There is a great in depth video regarding heat sources and clothes drying made by WOBO, in general it takes much longer now: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
H_B_D 2 Posted October 25, 2023 (edited) On 10/6/2023 at 12:05 PM, H_B_D said: Hi. It is very cool. There is NO example of the contents of the cfgPlayerSpawnGear.json file in your documentation. @Kyiara Hi. Please come back to my question. I am the owner of a small PvE server, but unfortunately not a programmer ( Please publish in the documentation an example of the contents of the file for the player's starting loot. This will help server owners a lot. Edited October 25, 2023 by H_B_D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sid Debian 144 Posted October 25, 2023 8 hours ago, H_B_D said: @Kyiara Hi. Please come back to my question. I am the owner of a small PvE server, but unfortunately not a programmer ( Please publish in the documentation an example of the contents of the file for the player's starting loot. This will help server owners a lot. Mate it's alright but in init.c already most of common stuff is described. You need to search for additional information. I'd sented to you a priv msg. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted October 26, 2023 PC Experimental 1.23 Update 3 - Version 1.23.156896 (Release on 26.10.2023) GAME FIXED The DMR was missing dry fire sounds The DMR was playing an incorrect unjamming sound The DMR was playing an incorrect sound when chambering the first bullet after magazine reload Items with on/off functionality could break when put in hands by holding F The winter coif stop being rendered at too close of a distance Textures of some concrete slabs were flickering Vehicles would keep driving after their driver died It was possible to stack individual items into each other indefinitely Fixed instances of inventory desync resulting from actions happening at the edge of a player's network bubble Fixed instances of desync resulting in other players temporarily freezing outside of the network bubble Some collisions in the new castle tower were problematic to navigate Fixed an exploit that allowed to walk through walls ( - private) A character could get stuck on ladders through certain actions CHANGED Changed Bashnaya basement furniture Increased the initial muzzle velocity of the DMR Gave a degree of chemical protection to the OKZK cap Improved display of the horizon CENTRAL ECONOMY Tweaked: Bashnaya barracks underground will now spawn medical loot Tweaked: Reduced amount of Yellow NBC spawning in hospitals and fire stations Tweaked: Reduced lifetime of contaminated loot + added restock values Tweaked: Adjusted Chernarus and Enoch spawn points CHERNARUS Fixed: Individual environment issues at the Vybor Air Base (NWAF) Removed: Spawn points from inside the pond in East Chernogorsk LIVONIA Fixed: A police situation vehicle at Lukow was spawned on water SERVER Fixed: PlayerSpawnGear: handles error while the cfgGameplay loading is disabled Fixed: Items spawned by CE as attachments are not affected by quantity min and max set in types.xml ( Fixed: Certain spawnabletypes.xml setups could crash the server ( Changed: PlayerSpawnGear: support for loading of multiple files; slight JSON structure change; file error/validation (Documentation) LAUNCHER The launcher would crash when navigating to the DLC tab MODDING Fixed: Deprecated "physical" cloud layer would z-fight on AMD GPUs, fixed for backwards compatibility with old worlds Fixed: Revert of global function 'FileExist' returning false for absolute paths in Workbench Environment ( Tweaked: method/variable naming according to guidelines 6 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saul_Goodman1 1 Posted October 29, 2023 (edited) 26.10.2023 об 11:59 Кияра сказала: PC Experimental 1.23 Оновлення 3 – версія 1.23.156896 (випуск 26.10.2023) ГРА ВИПРАВЛЕНО DMR не чув сухих звуків пожежі DMR відтворював неправильний звук без пошкоджень DMR відтворював неправильний звук під час подачі першої кулі після перезарядки магазину Предмети з функцією ввімкнення/вимкнення можуть зламатись, якщо взяти їх у руки, тримаючи F Зимова зачіска перестає відображатися на ближній відстані Текстури деяких бетонних плит міри Транспортні засоби продовжували б рухатися після смерті водія Окремі предмети можна було нескінченно скласти один в одному Виявлено випадки десинхронізації інвентарю в результаті дій, які відбуваються в крайовій мережі бульбашки гравця Виправлено випадки десинхронізації, через які інші гравці тимчасово зависали за мережами мережі. Деякі зіткнення в новій замковій вежі були проблематичними для навігації Виправлено експлойт, який дозволяв проходити крізь стіни ( - приватно) Персонаж міг застрягти на сходах через певні дії ЗМІНЕНО Поміняні меблі підвал Башня Збільшено початкову початкову швидкість кулі DMR Надав ковпаку ОКЗК ступінь хімічного захисту Покращено відображення горизонту ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЕ ГОСПОДАРСТВО Змінено: підземні казарми Башної тепер породжують медичний лут Оптимізовано: зменшено кількість жовтого НБК, що з’являється в лікарнях і пожежних частинах Оптимізовано: зменшено тривалість життя зараженої здобичі + додано значення поповнення запасів Змінено: скориговані точки з атакою Чернаруса та Еноха ЧЕРНАРУС Виправлено: індивідуальні проблеми середовища на авіабазі Вибор (NWAF). Видалено: точки нересту середини ставки в Східному Чорногорську ЛІВОНІЯ Виправлено: поліцейська ситуаційна машина в Лукові була породжена на воді СЕРВЕР Виправлено: PlayerSpawnGear: обробляє помилку, коли завантаження cfgGameplay вимкнено Виправлено: елементи, створені CE як вкладення, не впливають на мінімальну та максимальну кількість, встановлені в types.xml ( ) Виправлено: певні параметри spawnabletypes.xml могли привести до збою сервера ( ) Змінено: PlayerSpawnGear: підтримка завантаження кількох файлів; незначна зміна структури JSON; помилка файлу/перевірка ( документація ) ЗАПУСК Панель запуску аварійно завершувала роботу під час переходу до вкладки DLC МОДИНГ Виправлено: нерекомендований «фізичний» хмарний рівень призводів до з-боротьби на графічних процесорах AMD, виправлено для зворотної сумісності зі старими світами. Виправлено: повернення глобальної функції «FileExist», яка повертає false для абсолютних шляхів у середовищі Workbench ( ) Оптимізовано: іменування методів/змінних відповідно до вказівок Краще зробити щось з читами, за 12 років можна було б і знайти вихід боротьби із цими слабкими, потрібно чити і вони не можуть без них грати бо дуже слабкі. Яб краще віддав свої речі у чесному бою справжньому ігроку ніж цим недотягнутим слабким. + зробіть паркан міцнішим, краще його буде важче побудувати, ніж намагатися зробити 3-5 парканів підряд, щоб якось забезпечити свій лут поки ти не онлайн. + тепловізор - було б дуже чудово його мати. + прибрати глюк коли зомбі чи вовки запригують на дахи чи в текстуру коли за вами женуться. Edited October 30, 2023 by Saul_Goodman1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rackinglad27 138 Posted October 31, 2023 On 10/20/2023 at 6:18 PM, thafluu said: I believe this is intentional, they already changed this 2-3 patches ago. One bug that I found is that the green variant of the new OKZK cap is displayed as the beige version. It looks green when on the ground, in my hands, or in my inventory. But when I actually wear it it's beige. I had this a few times on exp. After I'd say 4 or 5 times finding the green OKZK cap it just corrected itself and actually showed me I had the green one on instead of beige. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 182 Posted October 31, 2023 Do we know anything about this? Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sid Debian 144 Posted November 1, 2023 (edited) Release plains on 7th November. Approximately at 3pm CEST. 😄 Edited November 1, 2023 by Sid Debian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
penguin511 24 Posted November 3, 2023 After playing this patch for a good couple weeks now i got to say it's pretty solid. The sky looks beautiful especially at night. The NWAF is a solid redesign and has plenty of loot. i was able to use the push mechanic to get out of a couple of different situations though often cars still feel like they spin out a little too easily. The DMR is a great throwback to a fan favorite and sounds beefy. Exp servers are still holding players which has been rare in the past. This leads to a concern that has been a issue consistently in the past. Hackers. Specifically on official. I feel when the patch drops there will naturally be a large influx of players many of whom will go straight into official to play with the new stuff. This experience is often soured the second you get mass killed with the rest of the server from one guy with poor social skills. Obviously playing a community server helps alleviate the issue, but is that the solution you want for you game? Battle eye is okay for what it is but really it is not adequate. Many other developers have been looking at different ways to minimize the issue to an acceptable degree using everything from community reporting, kernel based AC, multiple AC programs working in conjunction, or straight developing their own in house AC. My question is what is Bohemia's plans going forward? Looking at Reforger's development over the year and the idea of a basis for Arma 4 and reasonably a DayZ sequel/evolution, I question where AC falls in that plan? What short term solutions are the devs looking at? What long term solutions are they looking at? This leads to a much bigger question of what the future of DayZ is, but i won't digress into that... yet. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuzyn. 37 Posted November 3, 2023 On 10/10/2023 at 11:32 AM, Kyiara said: Hi, I will get back to you on this. Feedback forwarded, thank you. Hi, feedback forwarded. Regarding the duct tape... personal opinion - you can fix EVERYTHING with a duct tape! 😄 You should see how many friends of mine used duct tape on their motorbike suits and shoes (riding with it for months) 😄 And obvioulsy not just them. Just sayin' 🙂 Awaiting Internal Testing Hey, any news regarding ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrzZzZt 10 Posted November 3, 2023 Hi, I saw people complaining in this thread about the "new gas zone exclusivity" of high tier rifles - I cannot confirm that, seems like I hit an exeption or so it seems: Got a DMR, a FAL and an AUR-A1 fom one military convoy in Kumyrna the other day, which is only a tier II area. So if FAL/DMR spawn there, they should also spawn at helis and military trains, maybe even the new military crates at NWAF, no? So I cannot follow the complaining, these rifles should be rare after all but as of now are not limited to gas zones. I don´t know how to check the loot table of those heli/convoy/crate events, can anybody confirm this? Otherwise: - the new skybox is beautiful , adds some much needed atmosphere, thank you! - the "pushing the car" feature is a clever "in theme-workaraound" for stuck cars, but for cars flipped on the roof it should not work, at least not for a single player alone. When flipped on top, you should need more people (or another car for example) to flip it on the wheels again. But anyway, better a workaround than the former hassle with car doors an such, so thank you, i guess.... - the new headgear has some toxic resistance according to the patchnotes - but unclear what exactly that means - Are cuts less or slower appearing while in gas zones? Can you elaborate if it´s gas-tight or works like or close to nbc hood? - very happy you people STILL put in the continuous work in my favourite game! I don´t play much these days, so its super cool to find something new has happened every time. Thank you all a lot! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BosmoR 3 Posted November 4, 2023 10 hours ago, DrzZzZt said: - the new headgear has some toxic resistance according to the patchnotes - but unclear what exactly that means - Are cuts less or slower appearing while in gas zones? Can you elaborate if it´s gas-tight or works like or close to nbc hood? It means you get less frequent chemical burns in gas zones. I haven't checked the exact number, but I assume it's the same as on firefighter clothes, wellies and surgical gloves. When you replace one proper NBC piece with these items, you'll get slightly less cuts. But with two or more substitutes, the difference to regular clothes becomes practically nonexistent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SVGunnar 0 Posted November 5, 2023 (edited) Anything being done to these? Edited November 5, 2023 by SVGunnar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted November 21, 2023 PC Experimental 1.23 Update 4 - Version 1.23.157045 (Release on 21.11.2023) GAME FIXED Fixed a severe instance of server crashes Dynamic events, items, objects and AI could spawn crooked (,,,,, Items dropped inside a structure could spawn on a higher or lower level (, When a player died in prone position, their item in hands could not be picked up (, After certain combinations of inventory interactions, it was not possible to equip some headgear pieces (, Fixed several issues with the new barrack basement ( A filled dry sack could not be taken into the inventory ( It was not possible to bury a dry sack ( The green OKZK hat appeared beige on female characters It was not possible to attach chicken steak to indoor fireplaces Fixed an exploit resulting in a server crash Fixed some instances of desync when picking up items simultaneously Bolts shot into inanimate objects would appear flipped ( Cooking food would play the sound of burned food during the entire process (, Picking up an item would sometimes fail for remotes CHANGED Reduced the intensity of god-rays SERVER Fixed: Navigation in the pause menu was not working when the respawn from unconsciousness was disabled on the server ( LAUNCHER Fixed: Sever details in the server browser claimed a missing Livonia DLC for servers not running Livonia Fixed: Closing the server details in the server browser unfocused the launcher MODDING Added: New 'godrayStrength' entry to 'CfgWeather' item to replace 'through' entry for controlling godrays only. For backwards compatibility 'through' is used when not defined in 'CfgWeather' item Fixed: Bullet Physics Library shape tests in Camera Solver or exposed in script class 'DayZPhysics' wouldn't appropriately ignore objects that have a skeleton (i.e. HouseNoDestruct) Changed: Object.GetDebugName(void) now calls Object.GetDebugNameNative(void) Changed: Object.GetDebugName(Object) now calls Object.GetDebugName(void) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supernick 33 Posted November 21, 2023 (edited) well done but please remember GPS screen bug file, don't know how to start it but at any time screen not show info anymore and stay blank, despite battery and item condition i'm on ps5, official servers Edited November 21, 2023 by supernick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted November 21, 2023 On 10/31/2023 at 5:21 PM, Riddick_2K said: Do we know anything about this? Thank you YES! Scheduled for 1.24! 💪🤞 On 11/3/2023 at 4:13 AM, penguin511 said: After playing this patch for a good couple weeks now i got to say it's pretty solid. The sky looks beautiful especially at night. The NWAF is a solid redesign and has plenty of loot. i was able to use the push mechanic to get out of a couple of different situations though often cars still feel like they spin out a little too easily. The DMR is a great throwback to a fan favorite and sounds beefy. Exp servers are still holding players which has been rare in the past. This leads to a concern that has been a issue consistently in the past. Hackers. Specifically on official. I feel when the patch drops there will naturally be a large influx of players many of whom will go straight into official to play with the new stuff. This experience is often soured the second you get mass killed with the rest of the server from one guy with poor social skills. Obviously playing a community server helps alleviate the issue, but is that the solution you want for you game? Battle eye is okay for what it is but really it is not adequate. Many other developers have been looking at different ways to minimize the issue to an acceptable degree using everything from community reporting, kernel based AC, multiple AC programs working in conjunction, or straight developing their own in house AC. My question is what is Bohemia's plans going forward? Looking at Reforger's development over the year and the idea of a basis for Arma 4 and reasonably a DayZ sequel/evolution, I question where AC falls in that plan? What short term solutions are the devs looking at? What long term solutions are they looking at? This leads to a much bigger question of what the future of DayZ is, but i won't digress into that... yet. Hi, thank you for the constructive feedback. We are very well aware of this issue. I can't go into details, but the team is looking into few more ways how this could be improved. I hope there will be more to share next year. On 11/5/2023 at 8:01 PM, SVGunnar said: Anything being done to these? Hi, those are scheduled for a fix. 1 hour ago, supernick said: well done but please remember GPS screen bug file, don't know how to start it but at any time screen not show info anymore and stay blank, despite battery and item condition i'm on ps5, official servers Would you please have a Jira ticket so I can look it up? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted November 21, 2023 Please poke me If I forgot to react on something and I will get back to you asap. 🙂 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuzyn. 37 Posted November 22, 2023 7 hours ago, Kyiara said: Please poke me If I forgot to react on something and I will get back to you asap. 🙂 One thing regarding Buldozer: How we can actually change the "horizon" on world load in that case? Thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supernick 33 Posted November 27, 2023 (edited) On 11/21/2023 at 5:52 PM, Kyiara said: YES! Scheduled for 1.24! 💪🤞 Hi, thank you for the constructive feedback. We are very well aware of this issue. I can't go into details, but the team is looking into few more ways how this could be improved. I hope there will be more to share next year. Hi, those are scheduled for a fix. Would you please have a Jira ticket so I can look it up? hi, there are several bug tickets about gps on ps4 section. i can provide a workaround fix on ps5/ps4 (but my friends with mouse and keyboards still have problem) i turn on gps, blank screen and no coordinates (this bug seem to happen in daytime no in nightime), so i have to: push l1 two times to enter zoom mode, then first person view, then crouch, then i can use gps and see coordinates Edited November 27, 2023 by supernick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nebulae3 422 Posted December 5, 2023 A new character movement suggestion 1. Is it possible to add movement while you break up long sticks similar to load a magazine in future updates? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 182 Posted December 23, 2023 (edited) On 11/21/2023 at 5:52 PM, Kyiara said: YES! Scheduled for 1.24! 💪 🤞 Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the late response, but since DayZ no longer works with W7x64 I haven't been playing it anymore. I'll try to set up an HD specifically with W10 (which I despise) just to go back to playing DayZ... I don't know when I'll be able to do it yet, but I definitely will because... unfortunately... I already miss DayZ... 😧 Edited January 16, 2024 by Riddick_2K Share this post Link to post Share on other sites