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Console Update 1.20

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Console 1.20 Update 1 - Version 1.20.155766 (Released on 14.02.2023)



  • Mime masks
  • Carnival masks
  • Warning icons for the connection stability and server performance



  • Changed combining action from "press B/O" to "hold B/O"
  • Vehicles can spawn without wheels again
  • Wheels can again be damaged
  • Reduced the eye zoom distance while sprinting
  • Reworked item weight calculation (fixing several bugged item weights)
  • Item wetness now influences their weight again
  • Weight of the carried gear now impacts player movement inertia
  • Increased the time needed to refill the car radiator
  • Checking a player's pulse is now a continuous action
  • Increased the lifetime of improvised explosives to 5 days, which can be refreshed through a flagpole
  • The stairs of the concrete silos are now usable to access the roof
  • Adjusted the geometry of barrels and fireplaces to cause less issues when colliding with vehicles
  • Improved the surface detection for throwing impact sounds
  • Optimized the character update to environmental exposure
  • Lowered the hit points of improvised feet covers and gave them louder walking sounds (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169140 - private)
  • Positional wind and tree creaks are more audible now
  • Tweaked the 3rd person camera collisions to reduce possibilities of exploits
  • The 3rd person camera zooms in when an obstacle is in front of the camera
  • Disconnect due to a server restart will no longer kill restrained players
  • Updated map textures to reflect recent map changes (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163844)
  • You can now stealth-kill with the Cleaver
  • Replaced outdated dirt pile model
  • Updated textures on static pipes
  • Updated sounds for the different stages of cooking for more variety
  • Slightly increased the volume of the stealth kill
  • Improved the sun reflection on water and changed its color in quarries


  • Fixed: Green and black plate carrier vests and their attachments did not have their intended lifetimes (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168947)
  • Tweaked: Increased chance for random positional bird, insect and tree creak sound to play
  • Tweaked: Increased audibility of the positional bird sounds during windy weather
  • Changed: Adjusted player spawn points for more even distribution


  • Added: Server config parameters for connectivity warnings (Documentation)
  • Added: Gameplay JSON version mismatch and default value handling
  • Added: Parameter to gameplay config (JSON), that allows people to disable the behavior of influence of stamina to inertia (Documentation)
  • Added: Parameters to gameplay config (JSON) that allows control over variety of stamina consumers (combat, climbing,..) (Documentation)
  • Added: Launch parameter "storage" to define root folder for storage location ("-storage=") (Documentation)
  • Added: Functionality which will copy over storage when a storage exists in default location (mission) but not in the custom location provided by the storage launch parameter
  • Added: Warning when DE spawns an entity with no Types entry
  • Fixed: Sawedoff18 was missing from types
  • Fixed: Deleting events.bin but not vehicles.bin would cause events composed of eventgroups to have the possibility to spawn inside each other
  • Changed: Improved error messages and error handling regarding storage location
  • Changed: Adjusted ping calculation to be more forgiving with individual spikes before kicking a player


  • The character might shake when close to doors
  • The combine button in the inventory might not be functional - Switch to the new controller scheme and back to default from the Main menu to resolve - we are working on a complete fix.


Console 1.20 Update 2 - Version 1.20.155814 (Released on 22.02.2023)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities.




  • Spawning objects with _DE-suffix by Object Spawner can result in them being duplicated with every server restart - the team is testing a fix internally
  • The player character might glitch under the map when leaving vehicles - the team is looking into a fix
  • The gear box of the M1025 might desync when shifted up in drive mode - the team is looking into a fix
  • The 3rd person camera view might shake in close quarters - the team is looking into a fix


Console Stable 1.20 Update 3 - Version 1.20.155844 (Released on 01.03.2023)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents - or revert to a previous storage version - to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities.



  • Fixed: Spawning objects with _DE-suffix by Object Spawner could result in them being duplicated with every server restart


  • Weapons that in previous version were bugged due to loading a bullet from a ruined magazine need to chamber a bullet to function again
  • The gear box of the M1025 might desync when shifted up in drive mode

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Console Stable 1.20 Update 4 - Version 1.20.155881 (Released on 08.03.2023)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities.
After careful evaluation of 1.20 update, we have reached a decision not to wipe the official servers. We will reserve this for future updates that would require central economy changes later in the year.



  • Weapons that in previous version were bugged due to loading a bullet from a ruined magazine need to chamber a bullet to function again
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- Fixed several exploits used to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168561 - private)

I cannot thank you enough.

DayZ is back on the menu.

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it did reset our base and loot, except chars and inventory  on Official PC NL 3664704 hosted by multiplay.com. would like to hear feedback if same issue on xbox, cause so far noone was able to help out

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I just did the update when I logged in had issues with running he just wanted to walk until I hit the jump button and also it won't let you load your weapon mags 

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  On 2/14/2023 at 5:20 PM, SyKo513 Killa said:

Acabei de fazer a atualização quando loguei tive problemas para correr ele só queria andar até eu apertar o botão de pular e também não vai deixar você carregar seus carregadores de armas 

Vamos ter que mudar nos servidores as configurações manualmente 

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Hello, i am a server owner on xbox. I have a few problems. 

1.) Movement is screwed up. You can walk, and with a few quick jerks of the stick you can jog, sprinting is no longer working. 

2.) I have a admin shop set up. Every item in the game is in the shop. Before the update they didn't stack. Now....with every restart every single item stacks on top of its previous self. Making lag more than deadly but rendering the bases unable for people to approach because their xbox's are freezing. How can I stop the multiplication of items.

In fact the only two items that arent duplicating with every restart are the easter eggs and ray caster.


And while we are at it, lets talk about Hummers (offroad_02) not having a slot in its inventory for a hood? Why? 


Edited by vlastnayapara

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you guys really know how to break a game trying to fix a game, Sheesh. Fix the Json stacking on console. This is causing huge server loads and crashes

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The Humvee's on console are fucked up, I hit B a couple times to get it to shift to drive, and it shifted to a high gear, I had to shift down several times before it shifted back to N (in other words it can shift to gears that's supposed to be automated), also I just crashed going 10 km, which ruined the humvee (it was a fresh spawn)

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Third Person camera is shitty when climbing tall building ladders. We used to see our characters’ body fully, now the the camera clips through our bodies, hands and the ladder model — it’s disorienting and needs to be reverted.

Edited by WOLVERlNES
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The permanent heavy autozoom in/out in 3pp is really annoying. Especially also in larger, complex bases.  I.e. standing under/using/passing the tower stairs, running closely along/between fences/walls/tents/towers, in all narrow passages, etc.

when i´m standing under the stairs i can easily look through the next basewall now.

And i really  don`t want to watch the woodworms when i stand in front of a tree/fence.

it´s also complicating the placement of construction kits near existing structures .

in fact, it`s very stressful for my eyes to move/stay in my base, not to mention the handicap to denfend it or simply have an overlook now.

so i´m forced to use 1st person to avoid that ?!

Additionally, there is an rendering issue when you looking up from the floor/turn around to fast. it also occurs with the weird autozooming in/out next to obstacles.  

that new inertia behavior seems to cause frame-drops/tearing effects, same for zooming/switching perspective during run/sprint and last but not least

the B/circle-button issue doesn`t make it better all in all.

Only good thing is: the narrow fence-placement is furthermore possible.(in my opinion, enabling that was the best change they did to basebuilding for a long time, because it is increasing the possibilities of construction enormously and ads a decent buff of defence to bases)

 the roll-back decision they made in that case, because of `exploits` like 5 gates placed behind each other, is just ridiculus!  

Edited by RenDark2000
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When is this issue of stacking / duplicating JSON files going to be fixed? Almost 90% or so of all community servers (the people who pay to play) are now crashing and unable to reset - surely this has to be your priority right now?! A significant portion of your player base is unable to play...come on guys!

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For the last few years I've been going around the Chernarus & Livonia map and picking out all the faults that I've seen and come across.

There are so many Dayz issues and here they are:

1. Trucks: No Power up hills.... Trucks need the 5th gear adding.....Engine burns out when revving the engine to much.....Rev counter needs slimming down..... Tyres are to far of the ground at least inch & half, Hence the reason why the wheels are turning when truck is ticking over...

2. Cars: as the same with the trucks wheel are to far of the ground....

3. Shops and other buildings: The steps into are higher then the ground, you have to jump in to then to get in.

4. Zombies:  They can hit you from 2 foot away from them  when running away from them. They can go into the vehicle when they are chasing you or when they see you in vehicle when vehicle stops. 

5. Static Military Convoy: At prison island ( rocks) you cant get by when driving a vehicle at all (coordinate   2506.05 / 2045.28) They need moving backwards by 3 foot.....

6: Static Police Situation: In Eltro town the Static Police Situation you cant get by when driving a vehicle again needs moving forward by 4 foot.

7. Roads: Roads go from tarmac into grit road or grass roads. 

8. Loot:  loot can be seen hanging out the vehicle.... So when a player wears a gun on there back then gets into a vehicle you can see the gun popping out off the roof. 

9. Track Roads: on this particular area approx  192.47 / 3905.37 The road dips very low and needs addressing. when driving any vehicle it throws you in to the trees.

10. Player floating: When player connects with any climbing item the player feet goes into the item such as vehicles. 

11. Gates: When a player opens or opens a pad lock to open a gate the the gate spawn through them. 

12.Hatchet: When player use's a hatchet it looks like the player is about to chop of his fingers. The hatchet needs turning around so the other end is hitting the nail. 

13. Chopping down trees: There is a issue when chopping down a tree, Sometimes the tree falls into you and damaging your health. 

14: Canteen & Bottle:  Dont open when player drinks from it.

15: Water fountain: when filling up to far to fill up and CanisterGasoline goes into the fountain. 


Thease are the main problem that are issues that can be fixed. 

kind regards. 

Dayz is a perfect game that anyone can play either PVE or PVP. But this game can kill you in many ways. One being the issues above or by someone who shots you.

Maybe one day i can help correcting these issues and make dayz the best game ever to play.

kind regards




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Private server. Sprinting is disabled. Jogging is only possible after I either, jump, flick the left stick backwards, or ads. Each of those I have to do a couple times. The sound meter is flickering very fast like the character is bugged. Also when I walk the character stutters really fast just like the sound meter. The 3rd person auto zoom in when my character is near a wall or object is very annoying, it needs to be reverted back. Not going to play until this is fixed. Please fix this A.S.A.P. as I have paid money for the server and you broke the game trying to fix it. This was all discovered within the first 2 minutes of playing. Again, PLEASE fix this.

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JSON LOOT STACKING... I blue screen trying to log in at my Trader, why am I even paying for a community server? Is there anybody working on this issue? I thought this was the "stability Update."

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ADS bug are still in the game. When you press LT after you use quick wheel you cannot put your gun up. And sometimes you cannot press RS to aim with the scope. 

The quick wheel feels delay when you’re press A. They have add hold B to combined. Just remove B to leave the inventory maybe I don’t know. I guess people use B when you move the same time. And I don’t know why they ad big texture on quickly. It is for grandma to be able to see? When you do this changes with the controls, I always think about the guy with the white glasses on dev team stream that was some head guy on console that doesn’t even know the controls in the game that they was working on. 

Items is more delay when you’re dropping them to the ground from the inventory to show up in the inventory. Still problem to move stuff that you pick up something else when you’re going to move it for example to our a wooden crate.


See more white texture when you’re looking around in the woods and you can even see the player lighting up white and during night is like a white square. 

Good that they fix the nose of the blaze from the scope you don’t say that anymore. 

This is just some problems that I have encounter just playing for a short while. Maybe more people have recognize this stuff.

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I love DayZ and am an avid player of the console version on official servers, and with this 1.20 update, I have some feedback. I like the added realism with weight and water affecting the movement of ones character but the zoom nerf while sprinting wasn't necessary considering the graphics on the consoles are worse and with sometimes weird textures making it more difficult to spot other players the zoom while sprinting was beneficial to everyone, this feature I would consider to be almost a necessary come back to the game as it added a much more enjoyable playthrough, though it seemed a small thing while we had it now that it is gone it showed how important it was to mine and so many others gameplay. Another thing is the rendering, I have been playing DayZ almost every night for the past year and I haven't had very many issues with the rendering of houses and other objects regardless of distance, after this update, I can't even render houses within the same town that I've been in for a considerable amount of time. Houses, cars, trees, and fences all seem to have a much harder time rendering even if you are right in front of them for minutes. As well as ADS and the use of the quick wheel there is a considerable delay when aiming in after the use of the quick wheel I would like for this to be looked into further. I really have enjoyed DayZ and all its updates up until this point I feel like some of the problems at hand that have been talked about weren't really fixed and the ones that were created new and worse bugs to the game. All in all, I really appreciate the Devs for this game working very hard to give us new content and fixing problems but this update disappointed me I would really just like an immediate investigation of the rendering issues since this makes the game virtually impossible to play and when played unenjoyable since nothing loads in. As well as maybe adding a new gun that is in the Static gas zones or heli crashes something rarer of more value. I would also like to add again that during the 1.19 update, the game ran super smooth and I had the best gameplay I've ever had on the 1.19vupdate if there is any way that we can either go back to this or fix the issues above then DayZ will be saved again.

Edited by Jacob Mesnar
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  On 2/16/2023 at 12:17 AM, Jacob Mesnar said:

I love DayZ and am an avid player of the console version on official servers, and with this 1.20 update, I have some feedback. I like the added realism with weight and water affecting the movement of ones character but the zoom nerf while sprinting wasn't necessary considering the graphics on the consoles are worse and with sometimes weird textures making it more difficult to spot other players the zoom while sprinting was beneficial to everyone, this feature I would consider to be almost a necessary come back to the game as it added a much more enjoyable playthrough, though it seemed a small thing while we had it now that it is gone it showed how important it was to mine and so many others gameplay. Another thing is the rendering, I have been playing DayZ almost every night for the past year and I haven't had very many issues with the rendering of houses and other objects regardless of distance, after this update, I can't even render houses within the same town that I've been in for a considerable amount of time. Houses, cars, trees, and fences all seem to have a much harder time rendering even if you are right in front of them for minutes. As well as ADS and the use of the quick wheel there is a considerable delay when aiming in after the use of the quick wheel I would like for this to be looked into further. I really have enjoyed DayZ and all its updates up until this point I feel like some of the problems at hand that have been talked about weren't really fixed and the ones that were created new and worse bugs to the game. All in all, I really appreciate the Devs for this game working very hard to give us new content and fixing problems but this update disappointed me I would really just like an immediate investigation of the rendering issues since this makes the game virtually impossible to play and when played unenjoyable since nothing loads in. As well as maybe adding a new gun that is in the Static gas zones or heli crashes something rarer of more value. I would also like to add again that during the 1.19 update, the game ran super smooth and I had the best gameplay I've ever had on the 1.19vupdate if there is any way that we can either go back to this or fix the issues above then DayZ will be saved again.

I'm also a console player, and I think the render issue may relate to the added server load that comes with players weighing more when wet. If youre on last gen, like me (XB1s w/ SSD), the game may be pushing the boundary of our console's capability at this point. For me, building facades (mostly windows and doors) have always had trouble rendering when I scope in at them, which gives any player peeking the window at least one second advantage on me in a gunfight 😕 

I think they should make heli crashes twice as rare, and improve the loot that spawns on them; half the time I or my friends hear one, we just dont bother since they never drop anything of value. Personally, I think M4s and AUGs should spawn in the bunker (lvl 3) and AK101s back at Swarog. The keycards should only spawn in the gas (not on convoys), and the Famas, SVAL, VSS, and AKM should spawn in the gas, leaving the SVD and LAR to spawn on the helis, along with whatever else is considered high tier.

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  On 2/15/2023 at 1:38 AM, MephistoGaming-415e06d71c85bfe0 said:

The Humvee's on console are fucked up, I hit B a couple times to get it to shift to drive, and it shifted to a high gear, I had to shift down several times before it shifted back to N (in other words it can shift to gears that's supposed to be automated), also I just crashed going 10 km, which ruined the humvee (it was a fresh spawn)

This issue was addressed  and scheduled for a fix.

  On 2/15/2023 at 2:09 AM, WOLVERlNES said:

Third Person camera is shitty when climbing tall building ladders. We used to see our characters’ body fully, now the the camera clips through our bodies, hands and the ladder model — it’s disorienting and needs to be reverted.

This issue should be adjusted in the upcoming patch.

  On 2/15/2023 at 8:15 AM, RenDark2000 said:

The permanent heavy autozoom in/out in 3pp is really annoying. Especially also in larger, complex bases.  I.e. standing under/using/passing the tower stairs, running closely along/between fences/walls/tents/towers, in all narrow passages, etc.

when i´m standing under the stairs i can easily look through the next basewall now.

And i really  don`t want to watch the woodworms when i stand in front of a tree/fence.

it´s also complicating the placement of construction kits near existing structures .

in fact, it`s very stressful for my eyes to move/stay in my base, not to mention the handicap to denfend it or simply have an overlook now.

so i´m forced to use 1st person to avoid that ?!

Additionally, there is an rendering issue when you looking up from the floor/turn around to fast. it also occurs with the weird autozooming in/out next to obstacles.  

that new inertia behavior seems to cause frame-drops/tearing effects, same for zooming/switching perspective during run/sprint and last but not least

the B/circle-button issue doesn`t make it better all in all.

Only good thing is: the narrow fence-placement is furthermore possible.(in my opinion, enabling that was the best change they did to basebuilding for a long time, because it is increasing the possibilities of construction enormously and ads a decent buff of defence to bases)

 the roll-back decision they made in that case, because of `exploits` like 5 gates placed behind each other, is just ridiculus!  ï»¿

Those issues should be adjusted in the upcoming patch.

  On 2/15/2023 at 11:02 AM, Contagion_Admin said:

When is this issue of stacking / duplicating JSON files going to be fixed? Almost 90% or so of all community servers (the people who pay to play) are now crashing and unable to reset - surely this has to be your priority right now?! A significant portion of your player base is unable to play...come on guys!

The issue was identified and ready for Hotfix

  On 2/15/2023 at 6:54 PM, Pauldinho said:


For the last few years I've been going around the Chernarus & Livonia map and picking out all the faults that I've seen and come across.

There are so many Dayz issues and here they are:

1. Trucks: No Power up hills.... Trucks need the 5th gear adding.....Engine burns out when revving the engine to much.....Rev counter needs slimming down..... Tyres are to far of the ground at least inch & half, Hence the reason why the wheels are turning when truck is ticking over...

2. Cars: as the same with the trucks wheel are to far of the ground....

3. Shops and other buildings: The steps into are higher then the ground, you have to jump in to then to get in.

4. Zombies:  They can hit you from 2 foot away from them  when running away from them. They can go into the vehicle when they are chasing you or when they see you in vehicle when vehicle stops. 

5. Static Military Convoy: At prison island ( rocks) you cant get by when driving a vehicle at all (coordinate   2506.05 / 2045.28) They need moving backwards by 3 foot.....

6: Static Police Situation: In Eltro town the Static Police Situation you cant get by when driving a vehicle again needs moving forward by 4 foot.

7. Roads: Roads go from tarmac into grit road or grass roads. 

8. Loot:  loot can be seen hanging out the vehicle.... So when a player wears a gun on there back then gets into a vehicle you can see the gun popping out off the roof. 

9. Track Roads: on this particular area approx  192.47 / 3905.37 The road dips very low and needs addressing. when driving any vehicle it throws you in to the trees.

10. Player floating: When player connects with any climbing item the player feet goes into the item such as vehicles. 

11. Gates: When a player opens or opens a pad lock to open a gate the the gate spawn through them. 

12.Hatchet: When player use's a hatchet it looks like the player is about to chop of his fingers. The hatchet needs turning around so the other end is hitting the nail. 

13. Chopping down trees: There is a issue when chopping down a tree, Sometimes the tree falls into you and damaging your health. 

14: Canteen & Bottle:  Dont open when player drinks from it.

15: Water fountain: when filling up to far to fill up and CanisterGasoline goes into the fountain. 


Thease are the main problem that are issues that can be fixed. 

kind regards. 

Dayz is a perfect game that anyone can play either PVE or PVP. But this game can kill you in many ways. One being the issues above or by someone who shots you.

Maybe one day i can help correcting these issues and make dayz the best game ever to play.

kind regards




I will get back to you as this will take me longer to answer 🙂 Shortly, we are aware of most of the issues (possibly all) but I have to look up the current status.

  On 2/15/2023 at 8:01 PM, redneck26 said:

Private server. Sprinting is disabled. Jogging is only possible after I either, jump, flick the left stick backwards, or ads. Each of those I have to do a couple times. The sound meter is flickering very fast like the character is bugged. Also when I walk the character stutters really fast just like the sound meter. The 3rd person auto zoom in when my character is near a wall or object is very annoying, it needs to be reverted back. Not going to play until this is fixed. Please fix this A.S.A.P. as I have paid money for the server and you broke the game trying to fix it. This was all discovered within the first 2 minutes of playing. Again, PLEASE fix this.

The issue was identified and ready for Hotfix / adjustement

  On 2/15/2023 at 10:30 PM, John Mastrella said:

JSON LOOT STACKING... I blue screen trying to log in at my Trader, why am I even paying for a community server? Is there anybody working on this issue? I thought this was the "stability Update."

The issue was identified and ready for Hotfix

You can fInd more info related to 1.20 issues here.

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Specific question that I didn't see addressed, the Hummer's Hood. Will there be a place for the hood to be installed on the Offroad_02?



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I've been playing dayz since it was a beta mod and it's still my favorite game. But after so many years it honestly starts to get monotonous, I would love a bit of lore and quests all over chernarus. world boss events killing hordes of infected or a huge infected bear, This would attract even more demanding users to the community, today all games offer similar things. It's my opinion and I'm not trying to criticize, I love the game but my English isn't perfect and I can be misinterpreted. greetings to all

Edited by iDW13N NUEVAVIDA
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