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About vlastnayapara

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  1. vlastnayapara

    Question about AKM Testing

    Invite still stands.
  2. vlastnayapara

    Question about AKM Testing

    You can come to my xbox server "mate", Adult Daycare whenever you wish.
  3. vlastnayapara

    Question about AKM Testing

    Thank you for your opinion, I will file it with the rest of them.
  4. vlastnayapara

    Question about AKM Testing

    <type name="AKM_TESTBED"> <nominal>1</nominal> <lifetime>7200</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>1</min> <quantmin>100</quantmin> <quantmax>100</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier1"/> </type> This is an example for the type's for the Testing AKM.
  5. vlastnayapara

    Question about AKM Testing

    Sharing this info would be nice.
  6. New Xbox Server called: Adult Daycare https://discord.gg/5VfECWUsxw
  7. vlastnayapara

    Console Update 1.20

    .json spawning of the Personal Radio and Base radio still stack.
  8. vlastnayapara

    Console Update 1.20

    Truck_01_covered - has no power whatsoever on inclined surfaces. The wheels sit and spin at random, and the whole truck acts like it has a I beam stuck in the middle of its suspension causing it to rock from left to right. Offroad_02 - has no power on inclined surfaces. and shifting it is absolutely unreliable. STILL has no slot for a Hood to be installed. This is necessary for .JSON spawning of the Offroad_02. Offroad hatchbacks - Like the truck it wobbles back and forth from right to left tires causing it to take and make turns erratically.
  9. vlastnayapara

    DayZ in 2023

    @ Devs, your console update addressed the running issue. Congrats! On console, the stacking .JSON items is still happening. all items are stacking with exception of the easter egg. And it would seem that since all items are stacking in my admin-base/store there are no items spawning in the world, As per the central loot econ. Please address this asap.
  10. vlastnayapara

    Console Update 1.20

    Specific question that I didn't see addressed, the Hummer's Hood. Will there be a place for the hood to be installed on the Offroad_02?
  11. vlastnayapara

    Console Update 1.20

    Please go back to update 1.19.......at least that worked. Keep your masks I want stability back.
  12. vlastnayapara

    Console Update 1.20

    Hello, i am a server owner on xbox. I have a few problems. 1.) Movement is screwed up. You can walk, and with a few quick jerks of the stick you can jog, sprinting is no longer working. 2.) I have a admin shop set up. Every item in the game is in the shop. Before the update they didn't stack. Now....with every restart every single item stacks on top of its previous self. Making lag more than deadly but rendering the bases unable for people to approach because their xbox's are freezing. How can I stop the multiplication of items. In fact the only two items that arent duplicating with every restart are the easter eggs and ray caster. And while we are at it, lets talk about Hummers (offroad_02) not having a slot in its inventory for a hood? Why?
  13. vlastnayapara

    Stable Update 1.20

    Hello, i am a server owner on xbox. I have a few problems. 1.) Movement is screwed up. You can walk, and with a few quick jerks of the stick you can jog, sprinting is no longer working. 2.) I have a admin shop set up. Every item in the game is in the shop. Before the update they didn't stack. Now....with every restart every single item stacks on top of its previous self. Making lag more than deadly but rendering the bases unable for people to approach because their xbox's are freezing. How can I stop the multiplication of items. In fact the only item that isn't duplicating with every restart are the easter eggs.