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What's the plan, ScottyB???

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  On 8/30/2022 at 5:46 PM, Infernales said:

P.S. Dear employees of Bohemia Interactive, I'm not trying to shield you, your hands are still melting out of your ass and I'm still waiting for a stable version of the server for Linux.😆

No worries we know lots of work is ahead of us 😉 
Stable Linux servers are still being looked into with increased efforts. We are aiming to have this ready for the experimental of 1.19 (Hope) 
Depending on the progress we could release it sooner. The point is we are on it and aware. 


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  On 9/5/2022 at 3:31 PM, scott.bowen said:

No worries we know lots of work is ahead of us 😉 
Stable Linux servers are still being looked into with increased efforts. We are aiming to have this ready for the experimental of 1.19 (Hope) 
Depending on the progress we could release it sooner. The point is we are on it and aware. 


I really hope so, especially since the experimental servers for Linux are quite stable and consume less resources,
since they do not require running a virtual machine with Windows Server.

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What's the plan, ScottyB?

When are they gonna fix cars?  I thought that was in the works.  When are we going to be able to pick up chickens again?  I saw your video for 1.19.  Real artsy.  Do you have any practical skills that relate to being a brand manager?  Because the brand is a mess.   We're way, way out of beta now and the game's ballistics are being reworked.  The core part of the game.   As Early Alpha subscribers, we were sold on the idea that DayZ would represent realistic ballistic values.   We're years past official release.  Why are we still changing the very core elements that the game must obviously be balanced around? 

We were warned about possible bad design issues but were led to believe that such issues would be ironed out.   When are vehicles going to be in an acceptable state?   Can we get some information?  Is this the final iteration of car physics?   I'm sorry if you answered these questions on some other youtube video or podcast, but I don't watch that nonsense.  I assumed going to the Official dayz website for information about dayz was the right approach.

Edited by Parazight
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  On 10/24/2022 at 11:18 AM, Parazight said:


I don't really mind the vehicles, take look at the zombies. I don't know how did this AI and pathfinding ever pass quality control, it's shame for a full release game. I'm suprised people don't talk more about this. It's not even about the latest update. It has been like this for a while now.

Edited by Just Caused
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  On 10/24/2022 at 11:18 AM, Parazight said:

What's the plan, ScottyB?

When are they gonna fix cars?  I thought that was in the works.  When are we going to be able to pick up chickens again?  I saw your video for 1.19.  Real artsy.  Do you have any practical skills that relate to being a brand manager?  Because the brand is a mess.   We're way, way out of beta now and the game's ballistics are being reworked.  The core part of the game.   As Early Alpha subscribers, we were sold on the idea that DayZ would represent realistic ballistic values.   We're years past official release.  Why are we still changing the very core elements that the game must obviously be balanced around? 

We were warned about possible bad design issues but were led to believe that such issues would be ironed out.   When are vehicles going to be in an acceptable state?   Can we get some information?  Is this the final iteration of car physics?   I'm sorry if you answered these questions on some other youtube video or podcast, but I don't watch that nonsense.  I assumed going to the Official dayz website for information about dayz was the right approach.

All great questions.....  And one I will add... when will the server exploit be fixed that has caused MUCH harm to community servers where ANYONE with a third grade education can connect to the server and write junk to the database?  Many community servers are being held hostage by scripting asshats because there is a mind boggling simple tool out there free in the wild that lets them takeover and shut down servers because there is no database security in place.  And like Parazight asked... when will the cars be fixed? (a question that has been out there for 4 years now?)

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  On 11/4/2022 at 11:45 AM, bhuvahh said:

I try to be fair.   This thread is genuinely aimed at this “ScottyB”. Software developers don’t go into gaming development in order to deal with forum public relations. Obviously. They should be coding, right?  Where is the brand manager on the official forums??

The brand manager doesn't visit the official forums.   This used to be the designated hub of information governed by the brand manager.   Now, all the brand manager does is make insipid videos that no one cares about with footage that doesn't use actual gameplay.   Is ScottyB even the brand manager anymore?  Who knows?  Maybe it's someone else's turn to pretend to do something useful.  

What's the plan, ScottyB?  When are we going to see transparency?  When will game-breaking exploits and core mechanics get fixed?  When will the constant 'micro rubber-banding' get fixed?  Is this a great company to work for, or what, mr. brand manager?

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@scott.bowen any chance u know if they intend to bring the craftable bow back at all?  I dont need a timeline im just curious if the bow will come back at all or if it has been abandoned.

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