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Quality of life changes

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Hello bohemia developers and community! here some suggestions I made for you!

1. Splitting inventory pants inventory (maybe jackets too?), as hiding SG5K in pants is ridicilous.


2. Using a rope as a belt with bottle/knife attachment. Or at least give us the opportunity to craft belts with leather and a leather sewing kit.
Belts are such a common item in real life and in dayz it feels a luxury item you barely find it


3. I'm sure this was brought up so many times but why can't we add morphine/epinephrine shots on our backpack and vests as an attachment?
Also make slot of radio/chemlight interchangable
Small QoL change everyone would benefit


4. A lot of dayz guns don't feature an attachment for a flashlight and it's understanble but let us have the ability to attach it using duct tape
Imagine having a BK43 with a flashlight :')


Some notes:
> Combing sewing kits should make sense
> Crafting belt pouches from leather would make hunting more attractive
> Getting big guns from a backpack should take much more time (3s at least) than taking it off the shoulder. This would make player interactions more interesting.

Edited by costavojik
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2 hours ago, costavojik said:

Hello bohemia developers and community! here some suggestions I made for you!

1. Splitting inventory pants inventory (maybe jackets too?), as hiding SG5K in pants is ridicilous.


2. Using a rope as a belt with bottle/knife attachment. Or at least give us the opportunity to craft belts with leather and a leather sewing kit.
Belts are such a common item in real life and in dayz it feels a luxury item you barely find it


3. I'm sure this was brought up so many times but why can't we add morphine/epinephrine shots on our backpack and vests as an attachment?
Also make slot of radio/chemlight interchangable
Small QoL change everyone would benefit everyone


4. A lot of dayz guns don't feature an attachment for a flashlight and it's untestable but let us have the ability to attach it using duct tape
Imagine having a BK43 with a flashlight :')


Some notes:
> Combing sewing kits should make sense
> Crafting belt pouches from leather would make hunting more attractive
> Getting big guns from a backpack should take much more time (3s at least) than taking it off the shoulder. This would make player interactions more interesting.

These ideas are both worth the time to implement and amazing 

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The first (division of slots) - it just has to be in the game for a long time and is very easy to do (I don't see a problem).
The second (a rope instead of a belt) is hardly believable in reality. You need to be very careful to tie things so that they do not fall off. And there will be no joy from finding the belt.
The third (slot for morphine on the strap of the backpack) is not a bad idea, but I doubt that it is relevant.
Fourth - (flashlight on scotch tape) - it's cool, maybe not easy to implement, I don't know. But I like the idea.

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The second (a rope instead of a belt) is hardly believable in reality

I understand what you mean but some items are very believable but tying a bottle onto a rope is not that complicated IRL. (Remember survival game lol)
For example, chemlights, handheld transcievers, flashlights, IRL all have hooks/straps/clamps that are designed for this kind of stuff.
Hell you could literally put a duct tape on a rope... but ok


The third (slot for morphine on the strap of the backpack) is not a bad idea, but I doubt that it is relevant.

Maybe it doesn't feel relevant to you but man I would be so happy to see that feature implemented

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I am not criticizing, I liked two things. You designed the "offer" well and I like that style.

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These are pretty good suggestions, there needs to be more DIY stuff in the game, and I'm 100% agreeing to the first suggestion

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I don't know about this picture... RPG in dayz? 🤪
If you remove the RPG on the left pic, all items should fit in the bag even though the gun would be sticking out.
IMO the stamina in dayz makes the player a superman who can jog/run nonstop, kinda dissapointing and breaks the immersion 😞

Edited by costavojik

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3 hours ago, costavojik said:

I don't know about this picture... RPG in dayz? 🤪
If you remove the RPG on the left pic, all items should fit in the bag even though the gun would be sticking out.
IMO the stamina in dayz makes the player a superman who can jog/run nonstop, kinda dissapointing and breaks the immersion 😞

Until we get cars working it's fine as it is.

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Simple and well presented ideas. And I agree with your notes as well. I don't know if they are the most needed ideas but they are QoL suggestions for a reason. I personally think DayZ needs to rethink its inventory system in general. It's very unrealistic as well as having a design that conspires against the fluidity of the gameplay. (Not to mention when we see how it works on consoles).

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Re: No.1

We can carry waaaay too much stuff in DayZ. It's farcical how much a person can lug around with them in the game. They are people running around with a small arsenal, equipped with two rifles, a side arm or two and an smg in their bag. Plus cans of ammo, food, cooking pots and a whole host of other stuff (car radiators LOL) that in reality with restrict you to a very slow pace and a very small distance, if you were able to move at all.

I understand why the devs have such carrying abilities, of course. But it's still silly to see people running around with the equivalent of a squads worth of arms and ammo.

Re: No.4

Using duct tape to improv certain things is something I've wanted to see for a long time. The taped flashlight is a good idea. And taped mags would help too . You should be able to tape a lot of things.

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I agree that we can carry way too much stuff in dayz, but at the same time items in dayz take space not in the most realistic way. I don't think dayz should try to be 100% realistic because it's simple unachievable
However a 3 pack of duct tape is  around the size of one can and in dayz what it's like 3 cans? Absurd
Regaining stamina while jogging is so dumb absurd and breaks the definition of a slow pace game.

Duct tape has so much potential for a survival zombie game and we use it to repair clothes and craft bottle suppressors bruh

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