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Airborne virus. V4

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Precisely. Once players DO have NCBR gear' date=' they might decide to go in so all OTHER players are gone. And of course, that's only the daredevils.


I assume NCBR gear is gasmask and what not.

if so remember: They don't last forever ;)

The'll have to leave the mist cause filters only last 30 min or so

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dramatic gameplay change.

more zombie stuff - less player stuff

cool idea though

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Underground environments' date=' doesnt sound like something Arma2 can offer... As far as the myst I can see it working and moving with the patrol of zombies from city to city. Just chooses a random city to hit next. Once the zombies die just get rid of the myst and respawn another horde with myst somewhere else. Gas masks would be nice to introduce into the game. I know there is already a mod that carries those.


I don't know what you mean by underground environments?

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The current ARMA 2 engine does not provide for constructing objects below ground level. It is a confirmed and advertised fact that ArmA 3 will. AND since Bohemia said they might and/or will pick up Day Z officially in ArmA 3, WE SO EXCITED!

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The current ARMA 2 engine does not provide for constructing objects below ground level. It is a confirmed and advertised fact that ArmA 3 will. AND since Bohemia said they might and/or will pick up Day Z officially in ArmA 3' date=' WE SO EXCITED!


yes, quite true you are sir.

Arma2 map has water under it, so it would be impossible to anyway.

I thought that was directed at the OP so i was confused lol

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All you have to do is to create an object above ground that gives the impression of being hidden underground (weapons caches or whatever). As far as underground environments forget it.

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I like your idea, and I hope it gets implemented in some way if Rocket deems it fit.

But I would really, really want to see that kind of storm/mist implemented by its own aswell, as seen in the video you linked ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_41gZx09KVI&feature=player_embedded#! )

If there's something more scary than being chased by Zed's, it's being chased by Zed's in a dark, stormy and misty night.

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I like your idea' date=' and I hope it gets implemented in some way if Rocket deems it fit.

But I would really, really want to see that kind of storm/mist implemented by its own aswell, as seen in the video you linked ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_41gZx09KVI&feature=player_embedded#! )

If there's something more scary than being chased by Zed's, it's being chased by Zed's in a dark, stormy and misty night.


both would be nice ;)

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Think the mist at itself would be cool, not dangerous but purely as some spooky fog covering the land at night.

Would be real creepy if you're making you're way through the fog at night, walking through an abandoned city, only lit by moonlight. You take out your flashlight and slowly make your way to the other side, you can hear the zombies groan/moan/growl who knows. Hearing their footsteps and seeing shades through the fog.

Either way +1 since i'm all for random events etc.

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Think the mist at itself would be cool, not dangerous but purely as some spooky fog covering the land at night.

Would be real creepy if you're making you're way through the fog at night, walking through an abandoned city, only lit by moonlight. You take out your flashlight and slowly make your way to the other side, you can hear the zombies groan/moan/growl who knows. Hearing their footsteps and seeing shades through the fog.

Either way +1 since i'm all for random events etc.

yes, i think both will compliment each through.

I want the tint of yellow to be such a tint that it almost looks gray (like normal fog)

giving the player a bigger unkown factor. Is this the fog that contains a horde? or is it just mist?

you will only know by venturing deeper in to the mist where it gets thicker and it will be easier to tell the color.

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i realy don't like this idea, it would make killing zombies very hard,

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I'm halfway through this thread but will comment now.

I like the idea very much, but I don't like the idea that it's insta-death after you get the infection. If anything the longer you stay in, the more severe the symptoms should be, i.e. sudden pains that can't be subdued with regular painkillers, steady decrease in blood to a certain level that can't be increased without a proper cure (antibiotics?), random passing out etc, while short term exposure should cause some of these symptoms but they should also subside in time without treatment. Maybe if you stay REALLY long in the mist you would die, but I would rather have it dangerous but not lethal, having the chance to take a risk and run through the mist without catching a fatal disease but still suffering from it. Also, the gas masks should be quite rare imo. If you make them common because the mist is extremely deadly, then everyone will just have one and the mist isn't a problem at all.

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Corrosive clothes would be nice if the clothes mechanics became more of a factor in the game.

but there would have to be an award for being in the mist i think, I don't want there to be a huge risk but no reward. I think a small risk 'getting sick' would be good enough, but anything more there would have to be an award

maybe a horde pack leader that drops rare loot or something.

It's the apocalypse, it's SUPPOSED to be dangerous. Everything doesn't have to have a reward to it, it's just a hazard that you really want to avoid but sometimes might not be able to. The reward is in coming out of it with your health intact and not sick/dead.

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I'm halfway through this thread but will comment now.

I like the idea very much, but I don't like the idea that it's insta-death after you get the infection. If anything the longer you stay in, the more severe the symptoms should be, i.e. sudden pains that can't be subdued with regular painkillers, steady decrease in blood to a certain level that can't be increased without a proper cure (antibiotics?), random passing out etc, while short term exposure should cause some of these symptoms but they should also subside in time without treatment. Maybe if you stay REALLY long in the mist you would die, but I would rather have it dangerous but not lethal, having the chance to take a risk and run through the mist without catching a fatal disease but still suffering from it. Also, the gas masks should be quite rare imo. If you make them common because the mist is extremely deadly, then everyone will just have one and the mist isn't a problem at all.

I thought I said in the post that the infection will not kill you intently. I'll give it a re-read and fix it asap.

though i'm pretty sure I said something about how deep you are in the mist determines how fast you get sick. I do not want it to be a instant kill lol

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I thought I said in the post that the infection will not kill you intently. I'll give it a re-read and fix it asap.

though i'm pretty sure I said something about how deep you are in the mist determines how fast you get sick. I do not want it to be a instant kill lol

Okay, I just got this vague feeling that IF you catch the illness you will die/turn, but you don't actually directly mention whether this illness is lethal or not. Also I got the feeling this would be the "zombism"-infection, right? I don't really like the idea, but if you do eventually "die" of the disease (that is, turn into an infected) then it should be only from extremely long exposure. Shouldn't be curable either, I mean, how would the zombie apocalypse happen if the infection could be fought off with plain antibiotics ^^

Personally would prefer to see it as a completely different infection from what the zombies have, or maybe all the survivors are actually immune but can still get severe/deadly symptoms from the virus but won't go full-zombie?

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Okay, I just got this vague feeling that IF you catch the illness you will die/turn, but you don't actually directly mention whether this illness is lethal or not. Also I got the feeling this would be the "zombism"-infection, right? I don't really like the idea, but if you do eventually "die" of the disease (that is, turn into an infected) then it should be only from extremely long exposure. Shouldn't be curable either, I mean, how would the zombie apocalypse happen if the infection could be fought off with plain antibiotics ^^

Personally would prefer to see it as a completely different infection from what the zombies have, or maybe all the survivors are actually immune but can still get severe/deadly symptoms from the virus but won't go full-zombie?

well this will be the zombism infection since the mist is a direct cause of the present of zombies, though I haven't thought much of what the infection would do.

If I was going to have to make a post about sicknesses it would go somewhere along this.

Multiple illnesses i.e. Cold, Flue, Zombism, Ear Infection, and Eye infection


•Temp rises


•stamina shortens

•Thirst takes less times to run out?

•Leads to the flue

Cured by Antibiotics


• more intense version of the cold

• you get the shakes

• Leads to Death

Cured by antibiotics


• Same effects as cold at start

• eventually you get the shakes

• at the end it leads to blurry eyes with a slight tint of red

• Turn

Cured by Antibiotics

Eye infection

• Blurry eyes

Cured by eye drops

Ear infection

• Deaf

Cured by ear drops

Now i'm not a doctor i'm just randomly throwing shit together here haha but that is kinda how i see the sickness playing a factor in the game

btw, i believe turning will have to be played by an AI not players.

Don't base your opinion on the OP on this post ;) this is just me throwing out idea's

Edited by Bullfrog

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It's the apocalypse, it's SUPPOSED to be dangerous. Everything doesn't have to have a reward to it, it's just a hazard that you really want to avoid but sometimes might not be able to. The reward is in coming out of it with your health intact and not sick/dead.

I agree, i was just discussing the idea lol.

If i make a hard stand on every issue then there will be no improvements on those idea's.

plus I don't want to piss off the people who support this idea ;)

Edited by Bullfrog

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First of all, that video is awesome. The weather effects and mist, wow. What mod is that from? Dayz? If it is I have never played on a server with wind or mist. I wish there were some. I like this suggestion a lot, but mainly just posting because I liked that video, that environment with zombies and players thrown in the mix, wow.

Or is this video just plain Arma 2 environment?

Edited by Rakkasan

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First of all, that video is awesome. The weather effects and mist, wow. What mod is that from? Dayz? If it is I have never played on a server with wind or mist. I wish there were some. I like this suggestion a lot, but mainly just posting because I liked that video, that environment with zombies and players thrown in the mix, wow.

Or is this video just plain Arma 2 environment?

It's script that you add to the mission. http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=13101

I use to have a post on heavy mist alone but i guess it got deleted with the transaction to the new threads. Thanks for making me aware for this I'll re edit the OP to add it in

Also it's just the mist in that script, the wind/storm effects are different scripts.

Edited by Bullfrog

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I realised I had a rant on your other thread, that I really wanted to expand and lay out, but would be too long an awkward to do especially without heavily quoting your discussions. So ive moved one of the ideas over to this thread.

If one of the potential 'electricity objectives' was, the radar in the AC tower, then could it not be deconstructed/occupied and used by a group to monitor the mist.

Dont think its too much of a stretch in imagination given AC towers monitor the weather anyway.

(not to mention this deserves a bump :)

Edited by 3rdParty

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