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Dayz Xbox One Full Server Lag Problems

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I've been playing DayZ on Xbox recently as I haven't had a pc for a while now. The full server I played on for these past couple weeks has been a series of strange lags and glitches almost constantly. Zombies that aggro and stay stuck in place, doors that take 2-3 seconds to open, but that's not even the worst of it. I was playing on a character that I had for a while, running around in the woods looking for my improvised shelter (turns out it got raided) I hear a few shots in the middle of the woods, I'm all "Maybe that's the guy that raided my shelter!" so I go running around, after a little while I see a guy running through the woods looking pretty well geared and a mountain backpack... he doesn't see me. I start running up behind him and... *bzzzzzzzzzzzz* game crashes.

Feeling pretty pissed, I log back on and decide to try to raid a base I've been keeping an eye on for a while. I throw 2 grenades at it, the TOP FENCE gets damaged while the bottom fence stays PRISTINE. This is annoying enough, but I also attracted the whole zombie population of Mogilevka on me, so I rally them into a barn, shut the door, go outside there's only 3 zombies left. This is fine, I think, but all of a sudden one of the 3 outside hits me twice and causes 2 bleeds in a row. I kill the zombie and start to bandage, then I see 2 more basically teleport-vault over the fence, so I run away with them in the distance, but I keep getting hit. I vault the fence they vaulted, run into the middle of the field while still getting pelted by zombies that are not there, I'm looking around seeing the zombies at least 30 ft away from me and I'm still getting punch sounds and going unconscious, finally I fall over and a couple seconds later I'm dead. I understand if nobody reads this whole thing, It's just that it's basically the worst I've ever seen full pop servers act. I watch streams from PC players on full pops and they all act mostly right, the zombies work etc. Yet on Xbox we get 3 second door opens, crashing and freezing when approaching a geared player, zombies that are stuck in place, having erratic movements, and hitting you left and right while you're sprinting and you can see they are off in the distance. /rant

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Exactly this!  

I’ve been playing Dayz from day 1 early access on Xbox and I swear I haven’t witnessed this much lag and shenanigans.  It seems like it started within the last month for me which doesn’t make too much sense.  I haven’t seen too many comments (a few hear and there) regarding these issues so I thought it might of been me somehow.  My connection has always been good and unchanged.  I’m playing on a series x.  I’ve weathered every bug/issue this game has thrown at me since Xbox release, but this is almost unplayable at the moment.  

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  On 1/15/2021 at 6:03 AM, Matt20714 said:

Exactly this!  

I’ve been playing Dayz from day 1 early access on Xbox and I swear I haven’t witnessed this much lag and shenanigans.  It seems like it started within the last month for me which doesn’t make too much sense.  I haven’t seen too many comments (a few hear and there) regarding these issues so I thought it might of been me somehow.  My connection has always been good and unchanged.  I’m playing on a series x.  I’ve weathered every bug/issue this game has thrown at me since Xbox release, but this is almost unplayable at the moment.  

I thought the series x ran dayz real smooth? 60 fps right? I haven't seen or heard a single person complain about dayz running bad on series x until now. are you sure you are not playing on a regional server thats different to where you actually live? whats the mbps connection on your router as well?

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  On 1/8/2021 at 7:17 PM, Kohlbar said:

I've been playing DayZ on Xbox recently as I haven't had a pc for a while now. The full server I played on for these past couple weeks has been a series of strange lags and glitches almost constantly. Zombies that aggro and stay stuck in place, doors that take 2-3 seconds to open, but that's not even the worst of it. I was playing on a character that I had for a while, running around in the woods looking for my improvised shelter (turns out it got raided) I hear a few shots in the middle of the woods, I'm all "Maybe that's the guy that raided my shelter!" so I go running around, after a little while I see a guy running through the woods looking pretty well geared and a mountain backpack... he doesn't see me. I start running up behind him and... *bzzzzzzzzzzzz* game crashes.

Feeling pretty pissed, I log back on and decide to try to raid a base I've been keeping an eye on for a while. I throw 2 grenades at it, the TOP FENCE gets damaged while the bottom fence stays PRISTINE. This is annoying enough, but I also attracted the whole zombie population of Mogilevka on me, so I rally them into a barn, shut the door, go outside there's only 3 zombies left. This is fine, I think, but all of a sudden one of the 3 outside hits me twice and causes 2 bleeds in a row. I kill the zombie and start to bandage, then I see 2 more basically teleport-vault over the fence, so I run away with them in the distance, but I keep getting hit. I vault the fence they vaulted, run into the middle of the field while still getting pelted by zombies that are not there, I'm looking around seeing the zombies at least 30 ft away from me and I'm still getting punch sounds and going unconscious, finally I fall over and a couple seconds later I'm dead. I understand if nobody reads this whole thing, It's just that it's basically the worst I've ever seen full pop servers act. I watch streams from PC players on full pops and they all act mostly right, the zombies work etc. Yet on Xbox we get 3 second door opens, crashing and freezing when approaching a geared player, zombies that are stuck in place, having erratic movements, and hitting you left and right while you're sprinting and you can see they are off in the distance. /rant

Just read this topic 

and this ticket on bug tracking and wait fix:

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Rest assured the pc community also experiences what you described. And indeed lately it happens more and more. 

Dont forget covid still rampant so peaks of players are still higher then we used to see. And this in turn makes for a lot of players with crap connections playing this game. 

No servers available in the region then why not join another with 200+ ping. At least that's what happening aswell. Should it be No ofc not. But it does. 

One of the best games out there with the worst support.... 

Its like Microsoft using ADSL still. 😄


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  On 1/15/2021 at 9:18 AM, rackinglad27 said:

I thought the series x ran dayz real smooth? 60 fps right? I haven't seen or heard a single person complain about dayz running bad on series x until now. are you sure you are not playing on a regional server thats different to where you actually live? whats the mbps connection on your router as well?

It loads quicker and runs smoother (series x), but has degraded for me in the last month it seems.   Im running into all these issues listed by the OP.  Im in the USA and have tried all 3 local servers (MI, NY, CA).  Same results.  My connection is fiber 120 mbps up and down.  



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And does anyone know if there is a way to check server quality on Xbox?  

The only detail I see is occupancy...no server quality/health.  

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