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Is PvP an American thing?

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Try a Russian server, they did regular patrols with helicopters just to kill newly spawned people.

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Try a Russian server' date=' they did regular patrols with helicopters just to kill newly spawned people.


Ahh... Russians

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My AU friends pvp more than my CAN/US/EU friends combined

i want to kno who DCs more

I've never tried an Aussie server need to do that soon

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I have heard that on Kiwi servers they are all holding hands and singing kumbaya!! One of the guys I play with was on there(and he is from NZ i believe) and it was blowing his mind, so much so that he had to leave.

I would have to agree with those saying it is just their are more populated servers in the states, and at all hours.

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Team America! Hell yeah! guns and guts and killing for all!

Seriously, we have Rambo, Commando, Duke Nukem, Master Chief, Ghost, Soap, Sweetwater, Sarge, need I say more? Those are "American" heroes in nerd culture. That is who people want to play as, and so that's why everything has to be guns blazing. Culture is a large factor in personality. This is commonly played off in movies (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Mummy, Etc.) but it has a very definite ring of truth to it. In the good old land of Uncle Sam, the gun is a symbol of strength and power.

So then what is the symbolic nature of the gun in England? See, I won't speak on that because I am not from there and have no right to sit there and say I know the answer for sure. I would like to ask someone across the pond to please speak up on this topic. Let's see if there's a correlation.

So what does this have to do with DayZ? Nothing, by itself. DayZ isn't a US based game, HOWEVER, it allows the player to determine what their gun is for (self-defense, hunting, mass murdering) and it is very popular in the US. It only stands to reason that it's the general feel of the game, guns and glory, because the majority of players are US based (that I know of). I could go even further into the Pavlov's dog method of gamplay (see movement, unload weapon) being utilized in FPS games to such an extent that it is considered the norm in game culture, but that's another discussion.

At the core of it though, you're asking something that is a very oft-asked question: Where are the Role-Players? They're what will make DayZ living and breathing.

They were called carebears and promptly trolled out of the game, so now we're left with what's left: Players that drool at every kill.

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Russians are big for PKing also I admit I am a bandit for the most part its Americans and Russians :P

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Team America! Hell yeah! guns and guts and killing for all!....

:) Nicely put!! I guess the gun culture in America is one of the reasons I started the thread.

From my point of view - I dislike guns and gun culture in real life, and I'm from the UK. In gaming though?? hmmmmm..

Well I love CoD and L4D - I play the game exactly how it supposed to be played although I do prefer objective based games rather than full deathmatch and free for all.

But in DayZ? - well I don't like killing folk for no reason. There is something so captivating about this game, the immersion emulates how we value our selves and others quite well.

The PK's I have done have been on folk who I know attacked me first and ones who refused to answer out to my hails. On a server I play on now, I am far more happy to lower my guard. I have had some good team up sessions and folk have healed me when they could have ran off.

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Got attacked 2 times near the military tents near Stary Sobor on a Finnish server. So I don't think so.

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I love the Russian servers. Sure, they PK a lot, but they do it with dignity. I haven't had one Russian player disconnect because I shot him: They usually just shoot back or run away. However, if you meet them while you are unarmed or have shit gear, they will leave you alone most of the time.

Then again, I've seen fully loaded Russian hitsquads just killing everything in Cherno, but in my opinion, it's just a far better environment.

I know it's just my personal opinion and encounters of people on Russian servers, but to me, it looks like the average age/maturity on Russian servers is a bit higher. There are some exceptions, but when I'm playing on American servers (I live in europe, so for cheating nighttime), it's just a giant hack/disconnect fest.

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So then what is the symbolic nature of the gun in England? See' date=' I won't speak on that because I am not from there and have no right to sit there and say I know the answer for sure. I would like to ask someone across the pond to please speak up on this topic. Let's see if there's a correlation.


Brit here: It doesn't have one. Seriously, we don't want guns, we don't feel like we need guns, we don't see what all the fuss is about. I've got a lot of relatives in the US (I have joint nationality but I was raised mostly in the UK) and they don't get why we don't get it. There's no real way to resolve the difference in opinion over guns because it's a fundamental difference in culture between the US and UK. It's like trying to get some atheists to understand why some people believe in God; if you don't get it then you don't get it. There's no point arguing over it - neither side is capable of understanding the other's point of view.

Remember though; guns don't kill people. Mentally unstable American high school kids kill people. With guns.

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So then what is the symbolic nature of the gun in England? See' date=' I won't speak on that because I am not from there and have no right to sit there and say I know the answer for sure. I would like to ask someone across the pond to please speak up on this topic. Let's see if there's a correlation.


Brit here: It doesn't have one. Seriously, we don't want guns, we don't feel like we need guns, we don't see what all the fuss is about. I've got a lot of relatives in the US (I have joint nationality but I was raised mostly in the UK) and they don't get why we don't get it. There's no real way to resolve the difference in opinion over guns because it's a fundamental difference in culture between the US and UK. It's like trying to get some atheists to understand why some people believe in God; if you don't get it then you don't get it. There's no point arguing over it - neither side is capable of understanding the other's point of view.

Remember though; guns don't kill people. Mentally unstable American high school kids kill people. With guns.

Shrug. I'm American, and I've never owned a gun. I'm over 40.

I guess it might be parts of some sub cultures, but I've only ever had two friends who were "into" guns. I think that from a distance, things look a little different. It's a big country. Maybe you are seeing some aspects of it, for a certain percentage of the population, and assuming. But then, maybe not.

I certainly do t think of pvp as something tied to nationality or other demographic, except that everyone playing is a computer gamer type.... No matter what nationality.

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I love the Russian servers. Sure' date=' they PK a lot, but they do it with dignity. I haven't had one Russian player disconnect because I shot him: They usually just shoot back or run away. However, if you meet them while you are unarmed or have shit gear, they will leave you alone most of the time.

Then again, I've seen fully loaded Russian hitsquads just killing everything in Cherno, but in my opinion, it's just a far better environment.

I know it's just my personal opinion and encounters of people on Russian servers, but to me, it looks like the average age/maturity on Russian servers is a bit higher. There are some exceptions, but when I'm playing on American servers (I live in europe, so for cheating nighttime), it's just a giant hack/disconnect fest.


In my experience, its always the Russian servers that have prominent hackers and whatnot. I remember a friend and I going through the cherno firehouse on a russian server. We came upon two other players and promptly disposed of them. Literally one minute later, the same two guys showed up with brand new gear, and we got raped because we didn't expect to be dealing with hackers.

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So then what is the symbolic nature of the gun in England? See' date=' I won't speak on that because I am not from there and have no right to sit there and say I know the answer for sure. I would like to ask someone across the pond to please speak up on this topic. Let's see if there's a correlation.


Brit here: It doesn't have one. Seriously, we don't want guns, we don't feel like we need guns, we don't see what all the fuss is about.

See, this is what I thought it was, but I didn't want to assume for you guys.

American's see guns as a symbol of power (in general), and even in L4D they're self-defense weapons. It's not seen as a piece of equipment to be used in the event of a hostile situation, it's seen as a symbol that puts you in a veritable glass ceiling above every other human being. That is why we have big heroes with big guns, it's a symbol of power/dominance.

In the UK, nobody wants guns. They've seen firearms and deadly weapons for what they are and they just don't get why Americans obsess over it. So in a survival situation, if someone in the UK started gun-nut killing, that would be a big deal. In America? Everyone has guns and they practically expect it to happen.

This mentality of "shoot everyone, might be hostile" is a cultural thing, and at the end of the day proves that there would realistically be a LOT of survivors that don't just go out and kill on sight.

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Lol, I guess everyone seems to see their local servers as most PvP ones and most populated with hackers. I am Russian, and when I started playing, I've been told to NEVER PLAY ON RUSSIAN SERVERS, because OMGZ THEY ARE FULL OF HACKERS AND EVIL BANDITS, and EU AND US ARE MUCH NCIER TO PLAY ON DUDE.

So I went to some EU server and have been killed with Su25 in 5 minutes. Then I went to some US server, and have been killed twice by survivors while trying to save them from zeds and patching one of them up (bandit/survivor morphing was still in place, so they really shot me in the back).

Seriously, server location has nothing to do with this. Not to mention that many country-tagged servers are run by non-locals.

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I don't wish to provocate' date=' I hate racism and have many American gaming buddies.

It's just....well...... I am finding most pvp heavy servers are American ones. My XBox buddy ( an American ) pretty much seconded this to me. I have found a great little European server were PvP threats are balanced out with cooperative players. Other guys have hinted at this too.

It's not the game - it's the mentality of the players.


Cheeseburgers are American, PvPing is not.

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I am actually enjoying this discussion.

lets take it further.

If the majority of one nation carry fire arms and have easy access to the fire arms.

They may survive the initial zombie threat but as we have seen they will also kill on sight anyone who they deem as a threat because they know the other person probably has a gun too.

That being the case nations who are not gun tolerant and who have no easy access to guns will find the initial zombie threat difficult but wont shoot on sight because the norm is not to carry a gun.

I therefore suggest that the surviving nations would be the none gun tolerant nations because the survivors would not kill each other because of the lack of guns and therefore lack of paranoia.

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I am actually enjoying this discussion.

lets take it further.

If the majority of one nation carry fire arms and have easy access to the fire arms.

They may survive the initial zombie threat but as we have seen they will also kill on sight anyone who they deem as a threat because they know the other person probably has a gun too.

That being the case nations who are not gun tolerant and who have no easy access to guns will find the initial zombie threat difficult but wont shoot on sight because the norm is not to carry a gun.

I therefore suggest that the surviving nations would be the none gun tolerant nations because the survivors would not kill each other because of the lack of guns and therefore lack of paranoia.

That's a good point but the surviving gun intolerant nations would have needed to have survived the initial zombie pandemic. And without easy access to guns most of those nations will die but the surviving nations will thrive. Or at least survive

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America is a nation, not a race.

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I play on a US server but im EU, i think its more the age tbh. im 15 and i play with people my age however they seem to follow the principle of "im a child, i see bright shiney thing, i take bright shiney thing with no actual effot but to click" where as people i teamed up with that are older seem to be a bit more resonable, but again just an observation

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