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Ryan McClain

Do people always just shoot?

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New player and I am just wondering if everyone shoots before talking in this game? I have yet to not just get killed by the first other player I find. If that's how most people play it's sort of discouraging from a new player standpoint.

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In a word...yes.

Been playing for 6 years and I can count the number of friendly interactions on one hand. It's even worse now, because the loot economy is so fucked. People have tons of loot buried or kept in bases, that the good stuff won't spawn, or at least spawn in readily findable numbers. So, the instances of KOS increases. Of all the things that the devs need to look into, this is the most important IMO.

But, get it out of your head that DayZ is some sort of friendly game where people talk to each other and swap stuff. The most likely encounter you'll have is getting shot in the back by someone you never even saw, because players want to steal what you have...

...and then there's the wanker snipers who sit there all day trying to shoot new players running on the coast looking for food. But that's a whole different level of shithead. 😆

DayZ is an unforgiving survival game, where the point is simply to live as long as you can, and can be a source of great frustration and disappointment at times. But you'll never play another game like it.

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Recent interactions on EXP were surprisingly very friendly 🙂 Seems like less loot made people more open to the idea of not attacking everyone on sight. Especially on the coast this was a huge waste of everyone's time when freshies killed other freshies for … rags I guess? Even had an encounter which could really quickly turn against us, the other guy was well armed and just shot two other people, but it didn't. I guess there was just a shootout but the survivor wasn't a KOS guy or did not perceive us as a threat. 

Still, dropped two guys without a word, one of them shot my friend and the other one stood in the doors in military building. Military areas are not really the place where you go for a conversation. And definitely found dead people, even chopped to steaks. 

Yes it's hard and let's see if the positive trend transfers from EXP to stable once 1.10 is out. But this is also a reason for me why DayZ is best played with at least one friend, instead of relying on strangers. It also gives you quite a leverage if there is someone with you, openly or not because you have much more control over the situation that way. Which is another point to keep in mind, approach other players in a way that gives you the advantage. Know your surroundings and have a clear plan in mind what to do where things go wrong. If you're not sure, rather do not approach other players. It is kinda sad, still just like in real life, you can never know other people's intention in a situation where your very survival depends on details. But … communication is key. If you can talk to the other guy, you can probably de-escalate.

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EXP is usually for people to check stuff out, though. It's not the "real" game as it were. So, there's nothing riding on saying Hello to another player and getting killed. Your EXP toon is going to be wiped anyway when experimental gets released, so there really is nothing to lose.

On official servers, Hello will get you a bullet in the face usually.

But yeh, the rule is simple. Avoid others if you're not 100% sure. Otherwise all that lovely loot is gone down the Swanny.


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New player and I am just wondering if everyone shoots before talking in this game? I have yet to not just get killed by the first other player I find. If that's how most people play it's sort of discouraging from a new player standpoint.

One of the reasons this happens more often is because there is a great deal of anonymity in this world.   Your character is not identifiable by his name, account, or appearance, so no one can develop a reputation (good or bad).   If our characters had names associated with our user accounts I think this might improve a little.

If we had a workable player generated economy (combined with players being able to identify one another by name) I think you'd see another improvement in player civility.  Being able to operate a store/barter would improve interactions.  

The ability to server hop with no real restrictions also kills any feeling of attachment to one server/community.

If a reputation system were created with good, neutral, and evil, color system maybe we'd see some improvement.   People who attack others who have not caused them damage would get negative reputation points.  I could go into detail, but then evil people don't have I'm evil tattooed on their foreheads in real life... well most of them anyway.  lol.

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21 hours ago, Ryan McClain said:

New player and I am just wondering if everyone shoots before talking in this game? I have yet to not just get killed by the first other player I find. If that's how most people play it's sort of discouraging from a new player standpoint.

Otherwise good people will kill other people when there are no moral repercussions.  It's a sandbox with people and ways to kill each other.  

The best place to have genuine in-game chats is when you're both new spawns.  The more people on the server, the better.

If you're looking for an alternate experience then try out a private community server.  Official servers can be cutthroat at any time!

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You must force the conversation on someone, for example if you see them first and have no real intentions of killing them yet, hide in their path of travel and pop out from behind and yell at them to "drop everything or ill shoot", Remember there is a possibility of them being in discord and may take awhile to switch to in game chat. Don't do this if they have a gun in their hands.  So far this has worked for me 7 out of 9 attempts, the 2 it didn't I had failed to notice that the player I was holding up had teammates nearby.  This also can work while they are in a building, just hold the exit point assuming it has one entrance/exit. Many how to videos on youtube as well. 

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If you are in a military location yes, if you have a gun yes. If you are playing on a modded server with traders 100% yes because people literally play on those servers to shoot people, not try to survive around and make friends as there is no survival on those servers. I am kind of sad there is no 1p server with no traders that is full on chernarus.

I don't understand why anyone would play on a 3p server, literally either you get capped by someone who you can't see and you have no way of preventing or winning against this guy. Or you do that, last option you camp in a building and unless guy is trying to get himself killed he will not push in because amazing 3p camera 🙂 will always end up making you win in that situation unless you are bad of course, or you have shitty ping

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