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Didier Dewalque

Animal event

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I'd like to create a new event to spawn a bear at a fixed position. But it doesn't work.

First, I created a new event named "StaticMybear" in event.xml and edited cfgeventspawns.xml with the coords AND it worked.  The bear spawned but had no behavior.  It was just eating the ground.  No moves, no aggro, I killed it with my hands.



I used the same sheme for the AnimalBear event

editing event.xml new event name="AnimalMybear" with almost the same parameters,

editing cfgeventspawns.xml new entry <event name="AnimalMybear"/>,

adding new xml in env "mybear_territories.xml" with only 1 line of coords (the color territory is confusing, I put the color of InfectedArmy territory cause my spawn position for the bear is in Airfield)

editing cfgenvironment.xml <file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" />  <territory type="Herd" name="Mybear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">   <file usable="mybear_territories"/>       </territory> to get the behavior of the bear


But the bear doesn't spawn.  It seems Animal event doesn't work.


Here is a copy of all I did:


in events.xml, add this:

<event name="AnimalMybear">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="1" min="1" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/>


in cfgeventspawns.xml, add this:

<event name="AnimalMybear" />


in env folder, adding a new xml file "mybear_territories.xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <territory color="1124502272"> <!-- Color found in zombie_territories.xml for the zone name="InfectedArmy" to match with my spawn location at airfield ??? -->
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/>

in cfgenvironment.xml, add this:

<file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" />


<territory type="Herd" name="Mybear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">
            <file usable="mybear_territories"/>



What's wrong?


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I know that's not real coding, it's more like configuring, but nobody can help me?

Just saying if it's possible to create an animal event or not? 



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I tried similar thing :


Maybe the tow of us will succeed having at least one answer 🤣

PS : use the "code" tool ("<>" button on the top of forum message box) to post your xml code here.

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Tried adding it to bear_territories.xml in env and then <!-- commenting --> out all the rest of the coords?
I think its the calculations, if you wait long enough, one should spawn...

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If you want to have fun, spawn some eastereggs, walk up to your new pet bear and throw it at it.
If you do it right the egg should display filled....
Then Throw the egg at somebody!!! 

Ps. Angry bear comes out of the egg lolol

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On 12/9/2021 at 12:51 PM, SooperMario said:

If you want to have fun, spawn some eastereggs, walk up to your new pet bear and throw it at it.
If you do it right the egg should display filled....
Then Throw the egg at somebody!!! 

Ps. Angry bear comes out of the egg lolol

...curious minds would like to know how to set that up!

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Hello, did you resolve this issue yet? If you just want a bear to always spawn in at a certain place you do not need to create a new event.

For example if this is the coords you want your bear to spawn <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/> just add it into the original bear_territories.xml and simple change dmin="0" dmax="0" to dmin="1" dmax="1" the bear will always spawn in at those coords when a player enters it radius. If you want the bear to spawn in regardless of players presence change smin="0" smax="0" to smin="1" smax="1"

However if you are looking to create a new bear event you will need to make changes in these files. events.xml, cfgenvironment.xml, cfgeventspawns.xml as well as creating a new territories.xml file for your new event.

Something like this.
(events.xml file)
<event name="AnimalMybear"> (do not change Animal, it can say anything as long as Animal is in front of it. ex. AnimalMyBigBear or as you have it).
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="1" min="1" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/>

(New territory file mybear_territories.xml)

 <territory color="1124502272" (the colour is not important it will not effect anything, it is used to help bohemia developers to track territories)
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/>

(cfgenvironment.xml file)

    <!-- Vanilla Territories -->
        <file path="env/cattle_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/sheep_goat_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/red_deer_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/roe_deer_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/wild_boar_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/pig_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/hen_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/wolf_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/hare_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/zombie_territories.xml" />
        <file path="env/bear_territories.xml" />

<!-- Your new bear -->
        <file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" /> (Here is your edit)
    <!--Your new bear -->
       <territory type="Herd" name="MyBear" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh">
            <file usable="mybear_territories" /> (do not add .xml here)

 <!-- Vanilla Territories -->
        <territory type="Herd" name="Deer" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh">
            <file usable="red_deer_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Cow" behavior="DZdomesticGroupBeh">
            <file usable="cattle_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Goat" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh">
            <file usable="sheep_goat_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Sheep" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh">
            <file usable="sheep_goat_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="RoeDeer" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh">
            <file usable="roe_deer_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Wolf" behavior="DZWolfGroupBeh">
            <file usable="wolf_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="WildBoar" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh">
            <file usable="wild_boar_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Pig" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh">
            <file usable="pig_territories" />
        <territory type="Herd" name="Bear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">
            <file usable="bear_territories"/>

(cfgeventspawns.xml file) "it is located at the end of the file".


    <event name="VehicleTransitBus" />
    <event name="InfectedVillage" />
    <event name="InfectedSolitude" />
    <event name="InfectedArmy" />
    <event name="InfectedCity" />
    <event name="InfectedMedic" />
    <event name="InfectedPolice" />
    <event name="InfectedFirefighter" />
    <event name="InfectedPrisoner" />
    <event name="AnimalDeer" />
    <event name="AnimalCow" />
    <event name="AnimalSheep" />
    <event name="AnimalRoeDeer" />
    <event name="AnimalWolf" />
    <event name="AnimalWildBoar" />

<!-- Your new bear -->    
     <event name="
AnimalMybear" /> (same as event name)

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Sooooo, apparently I'm trying to do the same thing that this post was originally about, but having the same issue...

Here's what I have coded in each file, as designated by The_Mechanic, but it's still not working. =/ (Side note: I did realize at one point that I had actual event spawns coords in the cfgeventspawns, but removed those since above direction didn't say to do that.)


<event name="AnimalTurovoBears">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="8" min="8" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/>


    <event name="VehicleTransitBus" />
    <event name="InfectedVillage" />
    <event name="InfectedSolitude" />
    <event name="InfectedArmy" />
    <event name="InfectedCity" />
    <event name="InfectedMedic" />
    <event name="InfectedPolice" />
    <event name="InfectedFirefighter" />
    <event name="InfectedPrisoner" />
    <event name="AnimalDeer" />
    <event name="AnimalCow" />
    <event name="AnimalSheep" />
    <event name="AnimalRoeDeer" />
    <event name="AnimalWolf" />
    <event name="AnimalWildBoar" />
    <event name="AnimalTurovoBears" />


<!-- Turovo bear hunt -->
		<territory type="Herd" name="Bear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">
			<file usable="bear_Turovo_territories" />
			<item name="globalCountMax" val="100" />
            <item name="zoneCountMin" val="8" />
            <item name="zoneCountMax" val="8" />
            <item name="playerSpawnRadiusNear" val="1" />
            <item name="playerSpawnRadiusFar" val="1" />

    <territory color="4294923520" type="Herd" name="Bear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">
        <zone name="Graze" smin="1" smax="1" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="14099.8" z="14370.5" r="20"/>
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="13981.9"  z="14569.6" r="20"/>
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="13887.4"  z="14425.5" r="20"/>
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="13894" z="14250" r="20"/>



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On 3/10/2020 at 3:50 AM, Didier Dewalque said:



I'd like to create a new event to spawn a bear at a fixed position. But it doesn't work.

First, I created a new event named "StaticMybear" in event.xml and edited cfgeventspawns.xml with the coords AND it worked.  The bear spawned but had no behavior.  It was just eating the ground.  No moves, no aggro, I killed it with my hands.



I used the same sheme for the AnimalBear event

editing event.xml new event name="AnimalMybear" with almost the same parameters,

editing cfgeventspawns.xml new entry <event name="AnimalMybear"/>,

adding new xml in env "mybear_territories.xml" with only 1 line of coords (the color territory is confusing, I put the color of InfectedArmy territory cause my spawn position for the bear is in Airfield)

editing cfgenvironment.xml <file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" />  <territory type="Herd" name="Mybear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">   <file usable="mybear_territories"/>       </territory> to get the behavior of the bear


But the bear doesn't spawn.  It seems Animal event doesn't work.


Here is a copy of all I did:


in events.xml, add this:

<event name="AnimalMybear">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="1" min="1" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/>


in cfgeventspawns.xml, add this:

<event name="AnimalMybear" />


in env folder, adding a new xml file "mybear_territories.xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <territory color="1124502272"> <!-- Color found in zombie_territories.xml for the zone name="InfectedArmy" to match with my spawn location at airfield ??? -->
        <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/>

in cfgenvironment.xml, add this:

<file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" />


<territory type="Herd" name="Mybear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh">
            <file usable="mybear_territories"/>



What's wrong?


You had forgot one part it is areaflags.map

There you shall set the Color (in CE editor) and set the same color in XML.

Territory type Herd i think that's wrong decision, tryout to set Bear.

Also you need to get CE files for your map and reassemble the areaflags.map... Search for the guide how to use CE editor, that's might help you.

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