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About The_Mechanic74

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    On the Coast

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  1. The_Mechanic74

    Animal event

    Hello, did you resolve this issue yet? If you just want a bear to always spawn in at a certain place you do not need to create a new event. For example if this is the coords you want your bear to spawn <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/> just add it into the original bear_territories.xml and simple change dmin="0" dmax="0" to dmin="1" dmax="1" the bear will always spawn in at those coords when a player enters it radius. If you want the bear to spawn in regardless of players presence change smin="0" smax="0" to smin="1" smax="1" However if you are looking to create a new bear event you will need to make changes in these files. events.xml, cfgenvironment.xml, cfgeventspawns.xml as well as creating a new territories.xml file for your new event. Something like this. (events.xml file) <event name="AnimalMybear"> (do not change Animal, it can say anything as long as Animal is in front of it. ex. AnimalMyBigBear or as you have it). <nominal>0</nominal> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <lifetime>90</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>2</saferadius> <distanceradius>0</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>0</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/> <position>fixed</position> <limit>custom</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="1" min="1" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/> </children> </event> (New territory file mybear_territories.xml) <territory color="1124502272" (the colour is not important it will not effect anything, it is used to help bohemia developers to track territories) <zone name="Graze" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="5316.82" z="9818.90" r="5"/> </territory> (cfgenvironment.xml file) <territories> <!-- Vanilla Territories --> <file path="env/cattle_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/sheep_goat_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/red_deer_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/roe_deer_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/wild_boar_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/pig_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/hen_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/wolf_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/hare_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/zombie_territories.xml" /> <file path="env/bear_territories.xml" /> <!-- Your new bear --> <file path="env/mybear_territories.xml" /> (Here is your edit) <!--Your new bear --> <territory type="Herd" name="MyBear" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh"> <file usable="mybear_territories" /> (do not add .xml here) </territory> <!-- Vanilla Territories --> <territory type="Herd" name="Deer" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh"> <file usable="red_deer_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Cow" behavior="DZdomesticGroupBeh"> <file usable="cattle_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Goat" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh"> <file usable="sheep_goat_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Sheep" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh"> <file usable="sheep_goat_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="RoeDeer" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh"> <file usable="roe_deer_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Wolf" behavior="DZWolfGroupBeh"> <file usable="wolf_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="WildBoar" behavior="DZDeerGroupBeh"> <file usable="wild_boar_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Pig" behavior="DZSheepGroupBeh"> <file usable="pig_territories" /> </territory> <territory type="Herd" name="Bear" behavior="BlissBearGroupBeh"> <file usable="bear_territories"/> </territory> (cfgeventspawns.xml file) "it is located at the end of the file". </event> <event name="VehicleTransitBus" /> <event name="InfectedVillage" /> <event name="InfectedSolitude" /> <event name="InfectedArmy" /> <event name="InfectedCity" /> <event name="InfectedMedic" /> <event name="InfectedPolice" /> <event name="InfectedFirefighter" /> <event name="InfectedPrisoner" /> <event name="AnimalDeer" /> <event name="AnimalCow" /> <event name="AnimalSheep" /> <event name="AnimalRoeDeer" /> <event name="AnimalWolf" /> <event name="AnimalWildBoar" /> <!-- Your new bear --> <event name="AnimalMybear" /> (same as event name) </eventposdef>