asog88 3 Posted October 13, 2019 I agree that modern military grade weapons should be rare. The problem is that because hoarders there are often no assault rifles spawning on a lot of servers. And I feel that the problem is that while only 60 players can play on a server at a time, I’m sure that hundreds maybe over a thousand players share the same server throughout a week. So without update the maximum loot spawns I think semi automatic semiautomatic rifles would make sense. They could spawn in teir 2-4 police stations or maybe even houses. A lot of police agencies use semi automatic assault rifles and they use civilian type rounds. Maybe there could be lower grade optics, a slightly weaker and slower round (because of less gunpowder) and obviously they could only be semiautomatic. This would allow a lot more players to play in a non militaristic style and get ride of the sk 59 less important. I actually feel the that gun should be in civilian houses and the semi auto ARs in police stations. This would help cause more people to loot towns for more than food and make police stations more of a risky and yet possibly more rewarding loot area. It would also allow people to have a cool civilian rifle. And of course the slightly weaker (not too much weaker)/ slower round, the optics that don’t have a zeroing scale, and the lack of automatic fire would make it much weaker than the military grade weapons but still fill the middle ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S.Kaneda 59 Posted October 13, 2019 Yes, SG5K could spawn in police station, police use that kind of guns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asog88 3 Posted October 13, 2019 While I agree, I was leaning more toward semiautomatic only rifles. Ones that can be customized. Similar to a WASR 10 or an ar-15 that shoots .223 ammo. I’m not sure what the 7.62 civilian version is called, just that they typically have less gunpowder. Which should effect penetration and flight speed more than damage, maybe 50 damage and a little less shock damage? But I’d honestly rather the damage be the same and penetration and flight speed be less. The best part about rifles is how they feel when you land a shot. The rifles should have a different design, smaller magazines capacity (10 bullets max?), heavier barrel and heavier gun so that they weigh more and with a lower dexterity. I know they are adding more guns. This is mostly a suggestion to help with not adding a higher count of Military ARs, make more common type guns like the sk 59 more fun by making it more customizable and cooler looking, and for us who just think cheap but modernize guns would be awesome in the apocalyptic world of Dayz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted October 13, 2019 In America some departments might use semi-automatic rifles but in Chernarus these guys already have submachine guns so if they had AKs I don't see why they wouldn't just have proper AKs, or ARs. There's not a good reason to add a new .223 round, the rifles would accept the 5.56 rounds too, and it would not be much less effective anyways (95% as fast as a 5.56). Dexterity was removed from the game. I don't think brand new AR-15 in those tiny civilian cottages would feel right either. Maybe on rare occasion. The game already used to have 10rnd 5.56 magazines, not sure why, those were military loot, I wouldn't have added it in the first place, and now it doesn't spawn. They could have made something like a VEPR 7.62x39 + 10 rnd magazine though. When I read the title I think of things like Browning BAR or Benelli ARGO. But, they already finished the weapon list. And they are NOWHERE close to implementing even all the weapons WE ALREADY HAD, never mind the all those previewed ones like the PKM, the Taser or the rocket launchers. I expect it will be measured in years and that maybe, they may not even manage all of them. So further weapons are essentially out of the question. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asog88 3 Posted October 14, 2019 Military guns can shoot .223 can typically also shoot 5.56 and same for other civilian vs military guns, but mitary grade typically has more gunpowder and civilian versions typically can’t handle it. And I’m not sure about Russia or Eastern Europen countries police forces but I know Russian law is semi autos only and I think it was a 10 count magazine for civilians. And if Bohemia already finished their list and isn’t willing to add anything, ok. It was just an idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
William Sternritter 449 Posted October 14, 2019 I would say that nothing prevents them from adding a semi auto variant of AK, if they want to "spice things up" it could be a semi-auto variant of the vz. 58, which would be exclusive to civilian spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sid Debian 147 Posted October 14, 2019 Pretty easy. Look on Russia of 90'th. Police using SMG's (MP5 like cal. 9x19), also Police used AKS-75U (5.45x39). What about hunting SA rifles. You can use SKS (it's a hunting carbine since 80'th in USSR) same as Mosin's rifle, AKM rifle but only with SA fire action. 5.56 - is military only rifles, .308 win (Winchester 70 is a hunting rifle, but FN FAL is military) same as 5.45 (AK-74) same as SVD. But I'm agreed that we need something SA for hunting, so M14 is good option, also they can make a type-option (make M14 to ABR with full-auto fire mode. But game logic is too creepy. We have M4A1 but we have no M16A3 or something like AR-10 (.308 Win). They can take soviet SVT-40 (SA rifle 7.62x54R, 10 round can attach scope PU). They sill not completed AUG with tune option (barrel replacement). So if they can't make ABR replacement, then take M1-Carabine (as civ), M1 Garand (hunting), and M14 as Military. But they prefer do nothing. Oh yeah, forget to say, VSS Vitores is special forse's rifle. It using but special police forces (OMON) and Anti-Terrorism Unit (Specnaz and FSB) so you should find VSS not only at Crashes you must find it at T4 bases. Many unuseless limitations inside the game. But devs not care about thah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EzyStriderPS4 191 Posted October 14, 2019 (edited) The Devs are putting in hours and hours of work; because, every update, things improve. The stench of entitled assumption is pervading this forum thread. The gun list is longer than what is featured so far in the game. If you're not putting in the hours, you don't even know half the nightmare of acceptably porting this game to console, so you shouldn't even be talking shit. Some of you guys sound scared to go to military bases with your "Give me more guns in police stations" argument. Pick up your SK 59/66 and deal with the apocalypse! It's been 6 weeks and I found a couple KAS-74U's finally. Keep on L-I-V-I-N out there survivors, alright, alright, alright. Edited October 14, 2019 by EzyStriderPS4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted October 18, 2019 The shotgun fills the role of the OP’s suggestion. Shotgun is the most authentic solution. Focus less on new guns and focus more on ‘Old Susan. Maybe buff the ammo. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites