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Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

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We have a map with paved roads on hills, but the vehicles haven’t the power to navigate them.

Every vehicle should be able to make it up paved roads on an incline, in first gear. I propose, vehicles could build up torque while the acceleration is active. This would allow them to make it up the roads on hills. It would even allow for spinning the tires (burnouts), which most audiences want


more on vehicles 

  • when exiting a vehicle in 3rd person, the camera dips into the car. On certain terrain, this causes the character to fall thru the map.
  • Consider remove forward aft camera bobbing when driving vehicles in first person. 
  • vehicles are far to fragile, consider the performance lag, the console cannot run DayZ smoothly. Driving is far to problematic with these fragile vehicles 
  • headlights project no peripheral illumination .
  • vehicle engine noise, as heard by the player is a little too loud in 3rd person. Dropped by perhaps 25% or more, the sound may feel more realistic. It’s easily understood that infected hear vehicles, without them sounding so loud to the player. Frankly, aren’t they a big enough target already?
  • consider placing a thin white damage bar under the existing vehicle hud display, which decays to depict body damage. Currently players write in communities with confusion, as to why a vehicle just started smoking while having serviceable components. The current system miss-uses a check engine light for this. 
  • vehicle check engine lights should be exclusive to changeable components 
  • concerning new players especially  - why not let a % of vehicles spawn ready to drive?
  • The ADA isn’t really a 4x4. I feel like that statement alone, delivers disappointment.
  • Dropping a weapon while getting in a vehicle is silly. If you can sprint with it in your hands, you should be able to enter a vehicle with it in your hands.
  • Vehicles may flip and tumble while driving at low speeds over railroad crossings, certain spots on roads at intersections, And roadside curbs.
  • olgas have a chance to despawn at server reset when parked on uneven terrain (including two track roads) or near various vehicle spawn points. 
  • all vehicles may get destroyed or despawn at server reset, when parked on slightly uneven terrain. 
  • a damaged vehicle intermittently makes crashing and/or glass breaking sounds upon entering or loading in nearby.
  • No horn, why no horn
  • all tire tread markings are identical
  • vehicle inputs: acceleration, breaking, and steering; need trigger/pressure sensitivity. This is a big one.
  • Sarka instrument panel image file is spread across the dashboard and steering wheel. 
  • Olga spare tire cannot be installed
  • Players other than driver often hear scraping wheels, even with no vehicle damage



Thank you for your time and considerations,


Edited by Pauperprince
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I agree with just about everything you mention although the damage bar may not be feasible given the individual components affected (e.g. radiator, tires, etc.).  After a crash it's important to check things out to see what may have been damaged / ruined.  .....but that's not why I posted here.

I think the biggest problem currently are the screen freezes that cause most of the crashes people experience now.  My proposal is that until they actually fix this, they should dial the damage way back on vehicles at least for now.  I don't find the cars necessarily too fragile but if all else were working as it should, I agree that it could be toned down.  

.....but for now, the damage makes it way more difficult than it needs to be for players given the lag / freezes.  Nerf the damage or remove it for now at least until those problems are finally addressed.

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I would like to add, this would drastically help with exploration. 

Edited by Pauperprince

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I haven’t found a Sarks in the PS4 console version. I hope they aren’t weaker than the Gunter on hills.

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  On 10/6/2019 at 10:04 PM, Pauperprince said:

I would like to add, this would drastically help with exploration. 

Yeah, especially on paved roads like you mentioned.  I get the dirt roads and off-roading on grass, etc., but paved roads should be accessible to all vehicles in the game.  Likewise, the Ada should give players the advantage of four wheel drive to be able to get up grades on dirt roads better, better traction off road, etc.  As it is, it really provides little additional benefit over the Gunter.  The Ada should be the ultimate exploration vehicle in the game.   ....IMO.

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  On 10/7/2019 at 3:54 PM, Kean__1 said:

.....Ada should give players the advantage of four wheel drive to be able to get up grades on dirt roads better.... The Ada should be the ultimate exploration vehicle in the game...



 I was originally so anxious to get an Ada running. But, when I finally did, quickly realized it wasn’t really 4 wheel drive. I totally agree, the 4x4 should really be able to off-road and navigate thru various terrains. 

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We fixed up an Ada, on a slight incline on a tarmac road it struggled in anything other than 1st gear. I ended up driving everywhere in 1st or 2nd gear.

I don't think the current state of cars in the game are worth the hassle of trying to repair them.

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  On 10/7/2019 at 5:43 PM, etaab said:

I don't think the current state of cars in the game are worth the hassle of trying to repair them.

Definitly it doesn't...

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  On 10/7/2019 at 4:08 PM, Pauperprince said:



 I was originally so anxious to get an Ada running. But, when I finally did, quickly realized it wasn’t really 4 wheel drive. I totally agree, the 4x4 should really be able to off-road and navigate thru various terrains. 

A lot of the physics and mechanics are there already which is nice, but they just need to be tweaked as you said. 

It would be a hell of a lot better if the freezes / lag didn't exist while driving then I could actually get more of a running start on some of those without the worry of wrecking my vehicles because of a glitch.  😉    ....that and the bug that causes them the wildly flip all over the place from time to time.  

Edited by Kean__1

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  On 10/7/2019 at 6:17 PM, Kean__1 said:

A lot of the physics and mechanics are there already which is nice, but they just need to be tweaked as you said. 

It would be a hell of a lot better if the freezes / lag didn't exist while driving then I could actually get more of a running start on some of those without the worry of wrecking my vehicles because of a glitch.  😉    ....that and the bug that causes them the wildly flip all over the place from time to time.  


I have two PS4 pros, and one has a ssd which runs the game significantly smoother. I’m on a 1g connection at 70avg ping to server. So, realistically, any Ps4 should run the game smoothly.

As for that bug/d sync, yeah, I had an ada take flight! Lifted off like a small prop plane for a few seconds. Which, I must admit was mildly entertaining. However, the reality of waking up in a smoking vehicle in nowhereville, was sobering.


  On 10/7/2019 at 5:43 PM, etaab said:

We fixed up an Ada, on a slight incline on a tarmac road it struggled in anything other than 1st gear. I ended up driving everywhere in 1st or 2nd gear.

I don't think the current state of cars in the game are worth the hassle of trying to repair them.


As of now, I think the Olga is the only way to go. But even the Olga doesn’t make down every road. And, I drive it really slowly. I mean, really slooooowly.

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Well, I'd only got that one car working since day one. Cars were never high on my list of priorities. It was mildly entertaining but just so hard to get anywhere as the cars just slow down for literally no reason and lose power, even without any lag spikes or bugs. Plus other players can hear you driving around, so pulling up near a military base you're compromised straight away.

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  On 10/7/2019 at 7:28 PM, Pauperprince said:


I have two PS4 pros, and one has a ssd which runs the game significantly smoother. I’m on a 1g connection at 70avg ping to server. So, realistically, any Ps4 should run the game smoothly.

As for that bug/d sync, yeah, I had an ada take flight! Lifted off like a small prop plane for a few seconds. Which, I must admit was mildly entertaining. However, the reality of waking up in a smoking vehicle in nowhereville, was sobering.

As of now, I think the Olga is the only way to go. But even the Olga doesn’t make down every road. And, I drive it really slowly. I mean, really slooooowly.

I have the original PS4 but I'm running the game from an external Samsung 1TB SSD.  It's actually helped with rendering problems I've had with other games but I have only played DayZ from it so I really don't know what differences it makes in this scenario.  

I have video of that "bouncing" bug where the car wouldn't stop for like 2 minutes.  The engine also began to over rev but I was finally able to shut it off.  The car eventually settled enough that I was able to get out.  After that, everything was back to normal. 

I like the Olga as well.  Seems to be the most capable out of the bunch.  

I usually drive 20kph at most and a lot slower in towns or near hazards.  I've been able to keep several cars for a long time just by doing this as it tends to help mitigate the the chance for collisions during lag spikes.  I've also been experimenting with trying to drive from FPP to see if that helps reduce the frequency of those events.

They really need to get these bugs and glitches sorted out though.  I do still find cars useful but without fixes for these freezes / lag and other things you mention, we will never see their full potential in the game.  

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  On 10/7/2019 at 9:06 PM, Kean__1 said:

I have the original PS4 but I'm running the game from an external Samsung 1TB SSD.  It's actually helped with rendering problems I've had with other games but I have only played DayZ from it so I really don't know what differences it makes in this scenario. .......

.........I usually drive 20kph at most and a lot slower in towns or near hazards.  I've been able to keep several cars for a long time just by doing this as it tends to help mitigate the the chance for collisions during lag spikes.  I've also been experimenting with trying to drive from FPP to see if that helps reduce the frequency of those events.......

I didn’t consider playing games from an external. 

‘Yeah, 20 km/h = life. I myself cannot do first person driving. The camera bobbing that’s forward-aft, makes me crazy. 

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  On 10/8/2019 at 2:23 AM, Pauperprince said:


I didn’t consider playing games from an external. 

‘Yeah, 20 km/h = life. I myself cannot do first person driving. The camera bobbing that’s forward-aft, makes me crazy. 

I didn't either and really bought it for additional storage space.  However, after a little research I found that even an ext SDD (a good one) performs much better than the factory HDD in these units.  I had forgotten that the PS4 uses the faster USB 3.0 ports.  I ended up moving all my games to the SDD and using the HDD as additional space if needed. IN games that I had been playing on the HDD, I had noticed decreases in load times and increases in performance.  

I had a nasty rendering delay with the textures in the Division 2 that essentially disappeared after transferring the game to the SDD.  This little Samsung has been worth it.


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Thanks for sharing that Kean. I am very happy with my 2t ssd. As you experienced, i also see an improvement in a few games. Mainly DAYZ, everything loads in better. I experience fewer performance lag, and haven’t met the occasional bulletproof infected yet. Haha, i say, yet! 

I am on my own community server. It’s only me playing on it, so i drive everywhere. I must say, seeing such a difference in performance, made me very disappointed, that sony sold a game its console couldn’t fully support. Installing the upgraded hardware confirmed it all. We’ve accumulated approximately 170 games, and 120ish are non resealable digital purchases. Yet, for me, this is the first game to have performance issues. Sad really, because i greatly enjoy this game. 

I truly hope that the vehicles get a torque value, or see a similar improvement. Till this and certain improvements roll out. Ill give no money to DLC for this game. I’m not honestly excited for a rainy map anyway. It’s not like raincoats go over clothing, nor do they hold much. 

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Is it true that if you hold shift it gives the car more throttle to help with going up hills?

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  On 10/8/2019 at 9:19 PM, Pauperprince said:

Thanks for sharing that Kean. I am very happy with my 2t ssd. As you experienced, i also see an improvement in a few games. Mainly DAYZ, everything loads in better. I experience fewer performance lag, and haven’t met the occasional bulletproof infected yet. Haha, i say, yet! 

No problem....

I wish I could have seen what (if any) improvements my SDD would make in performance with this game.  In regard to the bulletproof zombies, I died twice because of it unfortunately but I think it's a bug like the one where you can no longer open cans or manipulate magazines (load / unload), etc.  A relog fixes it usually but if you happen to in the middle of an attack, you can only switch weapons and hope for the best.  Luckily the other times I had been with others so any one of us can cover for those who might be glitching until they get to cover or pull out a weapon that works.  Glad you haven't experienced that yet.  It sucks when you're alone and out of cover.

Even when the PS5 arrives (just confirmed for the holiday season 2020), it may help some of the optimization issues with rendering, etc. but not the bugs or bad code.

  51 minutes ago, Pauperprince said:

I am on my own community server. It’s only me playing on it, so i drive everywhere. I must say, seeing such a difference in performance, made me very disappointed, that sony sold a game its console couldn’t fully support. Installing the upgraded hardware confirmed it all. We’ve accumulated approximately 170 games, and 120ish are non resealable digital purchases. Yet, for me, this is the first game to have performance issues. Sad really, because i greatly enjoy this game. 

So am I.  I finally broke down about 3 weeks ago and rented my own server for just me and my friends.  I have also played on other private servers that were PvP and friendly.  I also have a character for the public but haven't played on those since I started renting.  

We're loving it too.  Playing on our server has allowed us to experiment and experience aspects of the game we simply couldn't on public ones due to hoarders / dupers, etc.  Now with the bleeding effects being increased, disease, etc., it's made the PvE aspect a little more fun to be honest.  I thought it might be a little boring without the PvP but it's actually kind of refreshing to do the co-op / "lone survivor" thing. 

Certain gear is still not necessarily easy to find either as it's random.  ......feast or famine it seems.  

We have about 4 cars now and play with 2 characters each.  .....one for solo and one for friends.  Well, actually, my friend just glitched himself into a ravine with his Ada so unless we can pull it out, it's going to a parts car.  lol

  51 minutes ago, Pauperprince said:

I truly hope that the vehicles get a torque value, or see a similar improvement. Till this and certain improvements roll out. Ill give no money to DLC for this game. I’m not honestly excited for a rainy map anyway. It’s not like raincoats go over clothing, nor do they hold much. 

Me too.  I hope they get more attention in those areas you mention.  I would also love to drive more than 20kph around the map.  lol

.....btw, I hit over 100kph on the NW airfield the other night.  I just had to.

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  On 10/8/2019 at 10:25 PM, aaronlands said:

Is it true that if you hold shift it gives the car more throttle to help with going up hills?

Do you mean holding down the button to shift gears or the [shift] key as on PC?

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  On 10/8/2019 at 10:28 PM, Kean__1 said:

 .......We're loving it too.  Playing on our server has allowed us to experiment and experience aspects of the game we simply couldn't on public ones due to hoarders / dupers, etc.  Now with the bleeding effects being increased, disease, etc., it's made the PvE aspect a little more fun to be honest.  I thought it might be a little boring without the PvP but it's actually kind of refreshing to do the co-op / "lone survivor" thing. ........

.....btw, I hit over 100kph on the NW airfield the other night.  I just had to.

No doubt, I have gotten to really experience more aspects of this game! I don’t think I can ever trade in endless hours of driving, base building, trying weapons, etc., for the kill everything that moves official servers. I have even started to tear down and rebuild my camp. Which, btw, is a very long process involving double the normal numbers of tools. Shoveling the poles up and back into the ground being the main problem. It’s all really cool tho and definitely worth it. The rebuilding is gonna keep me busy for a while. 

I have a few key spots, like the airfield that I can speed thru. It’s definitely a, have to do sort of thing, considering my normal pace in a vehicle.


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  On 10/8/2019 at 10:28 PM, Kean__1 said:


.....btw, I hit over 100kph on the NW airfield the other night.  I just had to.

A cool place to drive your car or to do races is the krasnostav air strip, Minimal lag in that area, during like 1.04 I was about to get about 118 in a gunter but the turning there can get hairy. 

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I tried getting there in my car, but as soon as I went near Novo, the game would lag so bad and i would crash. So i tried going up the hill through the forest, but again it froze up and it crashed the car. 

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  On 10/9/2019 at 9:46 PM, Anwah said:

A cool place to drive your car or to do races is the krasnostav air strip, Minimal lag in that area, during like 1.04 I was about to get about 118 in a gunter but the turning there can get hairy. 

NIce.....   I got just over 100 before I shut it down.  I was approaching the C130 but still had some tarmac left.  .....then I thought about how bummed I would be if a big lag spike hit me right at that moment.

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  On 10/9/2019 at 10:00 PM, Kean__1 said:

NIce.....   I got just over 100 before I shut it down.  I was approaching the C130 but still had some tarmac left.  .....then I thought about how bummed I would be if a big lag spike hit me right at that moment.

yeah on a private server We use to do races there we had like 6-7 gunters haha 

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I’d be worried driving that fast near another vehicle with all this performance lagging. 😋 so, racing is outta the question for me. Just recently I was in an Olga, and at about 22km/h hit a 7 second lag. When it was done the car was rolling around in between trees. It quickly stopped and was upside down. I barely seen smoking before my screen went red with that wonderful message, your dead. I had that vehicle a long time too. Plus, my character had been alive since I started my private server, which was several weeks. 🤪 

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Racing? That's brave. I just slam on the breaks if the lag starts, at least I know when it passes I should come to a complete stop.

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