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About Anwah

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  1. Anwah

    buried hidden stash

    its possible they were wiped but I think maybe someone found them. I find a lot of hidden stuff on a daily basis with no effort sometimes but yeah buried stuff is a little hard to find.
  2. Anwah

    What happened to this game?

    honestly, Its not fun because you become the guy with the gun on the coast, And the spawn is so close they keep running right back, and I've seen them using glitches in spots to avoid being accessible like in the trainstation standing on peeking through the roof, to get an angle you have to put yourself to be shot, Its just kinda lame you want to have a random encounter and I have to play solo, Did that for months now, it gets boring lol but thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Anwah

    What happened to this game?

    Ive been on multiple servers community and official, And it just seems like big guerrilla warfare players all over the coast killing people who have nothing, Just sitting in the trees above kamy or in town, its gross. 😞
  4. Been playing recently, And every so often on the coast you might find some "Humans" but most of the time you find these coastal commando's now, Running around the shore with NVGS and platecarriers? its so weird, you can't even meet up with people because everyone will run back to kamy to mess with those guys until they get bored and log out. It sucks, and the community servers have those "custom spawns" So meeting people 9 out of 10 times is impossible, its weird how people try to play this game like a br, Inland I expect to be killed but on the coast is pretty annoying as new players I run into always want to go to kamy to follow gun shots, Met some new guy he kept wanting to chase gunshots, and he kept passing out saying his temperature was low and if you can imagine his blood was red but he called it his temperature lol This game use to have more simple interactions, Staying up north on a looting route gets boring, and even the airfield people will combat log . 😞 oh well.
  5. america, usually whenever the feeling comes some times days other times a day, My style usually is i like to work up from the coast but sometimes i like to pick a spot and "Live" there but not like role playing(not that im against it ) i just hold a town down inline setting up little stashes to test my ability of hiding and controlling loot but i like to build my way up from the cost meeting individuals and going on little missions/adventures until we die from my bad shooting. I don't really like party chat, I try to use in game chat as much as possible.
  6. Ps4, PC I know has mature servers but console is like a br.
  7. Cannot seem to find any, and official no one is on First person anymore, YES you can play 1pp on 3pp servers but the disadvantage is pretty lame, A guy can just peek you without having to do anything, Also any servers with vanilla or hardcore settings? Guns and loot everywhere is boring, I want the characters to have meaning, not an m4 in every house or fifty smoke spawns with all the food you would need for the whole game lol Do these servers exist ? or should I just give up?
  8. I just got back into the game And I notice fp servers seem to be dead or not the main and these community servers are just endless shooting matches which isn't what I want out of dayz I do want to fight people but I want it to have meaning, like I dont want to spawn in and find ak at the first house and then 10 more at the next house lol I want meaningful progression, so if you know any servers community or official with vanilla settings or close to vanilla settings and no direct rules Definitely let me know, I want to wander around and progress.
  9. This server sounds nice, does it have a population? Its everything i'm looking for oh and is it the base map?
  10. Anwah


    how do you close this thing?
  11. Anwah


    thanks I figured it out, last time I played i had my Server settings messed up. My bad.
  12. Anwah


    I dont see any official servers, not really interested in community servers to be honest, if I want a battle royale, I have plenty to choose from.
  13. Anwah

    Weapon duplication

    The problem with private servers, is the owners are pretty "misinformed" There was a few I played on, Some of them Lag to bits because the population is too high others are completely dead and then you have the server owner that if they experience a hint of lag, Its time to reset the server, Even had one roll back, We had a car and every set up , tents and boxes barrels and all kinds of stuff, Got back on both of us were on the coast with nothing, Private servers can be fun if the owner doesnt mess with it too much but Public for me in my opinion was the safest bet because I don't have to worry about it being reset, Which " public servers aren't free from Character bugs" but it was more fulfilling experience imo. If you ever built a car on the dope server at max pop, And tried to drive it. Lol its like being superglued on a ground plain even when you are walking. They need to just fix the duping method or remove the gun cap OR remove the server side stuff as on console there are no hacks for this game which kinda causes the issues.
  14. Anwah


    do you stream or make youtube videos, I 'm very curious To see your experience. I've probably experienced a lot things in this game, and Flawless hasn't been one of them but I would like to see the game through your perspective. Cheers.
  15. Anwah

    The last straw

    Just adding some other experiences, I would get a bug in the car, where I would fall from the sky getting out of it, And it would flash the screen violently and on your side if people are with you , you are just standing there doing nothing. 😞