Cpt. Foo 9 Posted July 5, 2012 Hi everybody, This morning i got killed. After a looong time of surviving. I was a little bit sad that i lost high tier gear.But... now i could finally expirience this ultra hardcore spawn time everyone in this forum is whining about. This is what i got after spawning in the east of cherno:I got shot at, chased by the horde, got broken bones... After 30 minutes doing so i finally left cherno with following gear:Alice packaks Kobra with 2 mags, M1911 with more mags than i could carry, hunting knife, map, watch, And effing more food and water than i could carry. I had to eat and drink most of it. All that without killing one player or even finding a dead one. What do I want to tell you with this thread? This game is too hard? It is too hard spawning with no weapon? NO! I want to tell that this game is was too EASY! I thought that i could finally understand all your whining but all i do now is to feel pitty for you pathetic little whiners who cant even survive in this. This mod is not the hardest/harshest/$RANDOMEXTREME survival game ever created. In its current state it is just another pvp game. And that is hard to say, because i loved this game and its idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imabstract 1 Posted July 5, 2012 Gear is easy to find and easy to lose. That is how it should be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GodOfGrain 191 Posted July 5, 2012 agree.+- 30 mins in Cherno or Elektro and you have everything you needexcept high end stuff.That's not good :)/// Update: Just died... :(But new personal record for a cherno loot run:Within 10 minutes:Revolver, alice pack, compass, binocs, map, antibiotics, 5* of morphin, bandages, blood, painkillerJust missing a primary weapon and now head north :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Levias 28 Posted July 5, 2012 Then good luck finding your hardcore game... we won't miss you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaderlane1997 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Keep in mind, while this is a " Realistic Mod " they do have to balance it with game play elements that make it fun. And like other touched on, it does need to be easy to find, since so many people are bandits anymore. ( Personal experiences. The worlds " Friendly! Friendly! " don't mean much anymore :P ) But, yeah. Not saying it's too easy, but I don't think it's all that terribly hard either. All you need is a group to kick ass and eat beans. ( And I'm all outa beans.... ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 27 Posted July 5, 2012 Sounds like you've been playing a while tbh. Its not as easy for new starters who dont know the game mechanics, loot locations & have never played arma either.However i agree that its not too difficult to get started & get equipped once you get used to how the game works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giglu 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Then good luck finding your hardcore game... we won't miss you.so tell me where he guesses to leave?i also think that it is way too easy, but it is still fun to find everything in an hour or less and then just to respawn :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 5, 2012 same here, most "new spawn cherno/elektro" visits end up with 10-12k blood, a shotgun or better + sidearm + alice backpack + food + water + some tools ... so everything u need for some time ...but this game IS pretty hard ... but only because there are other players... i would also like to have a longer hard time after spawning + reducing the amount of food&water regenerate your status (so u will need 2 bottle water/coke/pepsi so get from blinking-red to fresh green)... im alrdy doing so, when my char is rly thirsty, i give him 2 drinks ... cant believe him, hes after one little drink satisfied :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strategos (DayZ) 190 Posted July 5, 2012 I agree actually. Much as I like running around with my Bizon, Barret GPS etc. This "end game" play just leads to all the douches you get camping cherno with sniper rifles. At this point surviving is easy and there is little challenge to be found aside from hunting players.I think the game needs to be a constant battle for survival. Rarer guns and ammo. Harder hunting, more danger etc.The first part of the game is the most fun , if that feeling could be extended the game would be better for It I think. If the very act of surviving was harder people would have more reason to team up and less time to PK as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patient Zero 2 Posted July 5, 2012 Surviving isn't that hard when you know the game yes. But there is more to surviving than just eating and drinking... you should be living, having fun ! And that's where the danger comes in and how you end up dieing. No one ever died from hiding in a bush if they had water and food. But that's hardly living. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JustThatEpic 72 Posted July 5, 2012 I think once you get your gear, then you become way more cautious, and it could lead to the game seeming to get tougher. I never think it is too easy, because if I do, I will get way too cocky, I'll sprint into a town without a fear in the world and get cornered by a horde of zombies. That's why I typically live in the woods and hit deer stands. I got a freaking Coyote (24 slot) backpack just by living in the woods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Levias 28 Posted July 5, 2012 Then good luck finding your hardcore game... we won't miss you.so tell me where he guesses to leave?i also think that it is way too easy' date=' but it is still fun to find everything in an hour or less and then just to respawn :D[/quote']It's in most cases the next step if he argues everything to be too easy.. I'm missing some comparison with another game he'd change to. I mean the game doesn't get harder the longer you play. And it is still alpha so I guess there is a lot more to come.. imo there is no reason to call 'this game' to be too easy though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted July 5, 2012 what a dumb post. obviously you'll get that shit happen to you in cherno, what are you new here? Seriously you just got lucky people didn't shoot and kill you, otherwise you'd make a thread "QQ OMG CANT GO INTO CHERNO!!!1111" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play (DayZ) 123 Posted July 5, 2012 The problem is what happens after that...the first 30 minutes you act as a Kamikaze as you dont care ifyou die but after a while is a different story Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macenzie 79 Posted July 5, 2012 If finding good gear is the end of the game for you then this isn't your game.Bye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted July 5, 2012 The problem is what happens after that...the first 30 minutes you act as a Kamikaze as you dont care ifyou die but after a while is a different storyexactly. people tend to run into cherno when they just spawn looking in all the lootable areas then getting the f out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor-Kyle 148 Posted July 5, 2012 If the game is too easy, why not choose to make it more difficult. Play as a medic or a taxi driver. Sure, they have SUPER short life-spans, but that's because it's the hardest way to play DayZ. Pretty damn rewarding too. My buddies and I are building a MASH unit so that there will be medical supplies further out into the wasteland. You could set out to arm newbie with better gear (so that they don't have to enter Cherno/Electro).Tl;DrIf you are bored it's because you have no imagination and are not challenging yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNSANE' 0 Posted July 5, 2012 I have to agree, died yesterday and took me almost no time to get enough equipment to savely head to the north. There should really be less equipment in the south. I think it is pretty easy especially when it's night you can very savely loot Cherno.Once you have Medical Supplies, a gun, sth to drink and hunting equipment you can savely go north and loot Stary Sobor or deer stands and you have pretty much everything you want to have without even going to the NW Airfield or beeing lucky and finding a Helicopter Crash Site.So my idea is to remove some stuff from the South such as:- Alice Packs don't spawn in Cherno and Elektro- Make Hunting Equipment rare in Cherno and Elektro- lower spawn rate for food/drinks a bit- No AK or M4 in the Firestations only Shotguns or Lee Enfield (Cherno and Elektro)I also feel there should be a bit less loot spawns in the military camp in Stary Sobor and a bit more in the NE Airfield. And make Deer Stands in the North more profitable than ones in the South.The idea behind all this is to make it hard to travel the north as you may not find enough food/drinks to travel that far and you may not find hunting equipment that easy. But you will only get the good stuff in the north so you will be rewarded for the time you spent traveling. Maybe up the food/water consumption a bit to make it really difficult to travel long distances without hunting equipment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macenzie 79 Posted July 5, 2012 The reward for traveling north is not getting shot at so much for your trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNSANE' 0 Posted July 5, 2012 The reward for traveling north is not getting shot at so much for your trouble.I think it's just to easy to get there or do you disagree on that ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor-Kyle 148 Posted July 5, 2012 I have to agree' date=' died yesterday and took me almost no time to get enough equipment to savely head to the north. There should really be less equipment in the south. I think it is pretty easy especially when it's night you can very savely loot Cherno.Once you have Medical Supplies, a gun, sth to drink and hunting equipment you can savely go north and loot Stary Sobor or deer stands and you have pretty much everything you want to have without even going to the NW Airfield or beeing lucky and finding a Helicopter Crash Site.So my idea is to remove some stuff from the South such as:- Alice Packs don't spawn in Cherno and Elektro- Make Hunting Equipment rare in Cherno and Elektro- lower spawn rate for food/drinks a bit- No AK or M4 in the Firestations only Shotguns or Lee Enfield (Cherno and Elektro)I also feel there should be a bit less loot spawns in the military camp in Stary Sobor and a bit more in the NE Airfield. And make Deer Stands in the North more profitable than ones in the South.The idea behind all this is to make it hard to travel the north as you may not find enough food/drinks to travel that far and you may not find hunting equipment that easy. But you will only get the good stuff in the north so you will be rewarded for the time you spent traveling. Maybe up the food/water consumption a bit to make it really difficult to travel long distances without hunting equipment.[/quote']Food/Drink was very scarce for a while ( I believe?) people had a conniption fit over it. The idea shouldn't be to make things more difficult for new players, it should be for players to CHALLENGE themselves.There is lots of open space between the North and South, so it will always be safe to travel. Incentiveizing migration won't solve the problem of it being too 'easy' to safely travel North. It also won't stop people from getting bored once they arrive. If you are bored in a sandbox, maybe it's time to build a sandcastle, think of a game, or get your hands dirty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNSANE' 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Food/Drink was very scarce for a while ( I believe?) people had a conniption fit over it. The idea shouldn't be to make things more difficult for new players' date=' it should be for players to CHALLENGE themselves.[/quote']I would love to meet more survivors/bandits in the north, I generally play on a 40man server and it's very uncommon to meet someone in Berezino or Stary Sobor for example. I only feel tension when I'm in Cherno, Elektro or one of the Airfields (especially NW Airfield) And that tension is what makes the difference between DayZ and most other games. Maybe I should just go play on a 100man server :DBtw why is there no spawn in Berezino atm ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macenzie 79 Posted July 5, 2012 The reward for traveling north is not getting shot at so much for your trouble.I think it's just to easy to get there or do you disagree on that ?Why the hell should it *not* be easy to walk north? This isn't an MMO, there is no progression.Going north is a decision not a level up, most choose to stay in the south which makes the south more dangerous than the north. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. Foo 9 Posted July 5, 2012 Thanks for not bitching around here :) i agree with those suggesting i should get creative. I thought of being a medic myself and decided thanks to this thread to realise that now. I like the idea of being a taxi driver too :D it is maybe easier to realise as there is no global chat to ask where my help is needed. Thank you guys for reminding me that DayZ is a sandbox game. I think my death rate is going to skyrocket :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor-Kyle 148 Posted July 5, 2012 I think my death rate is going to skyrocket :DThat's the spirit! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites