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NVG not working?

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I have a tactical helmet and have attached the Night vision goggles. I don't understand how I am supposed to activate them though and flip them over my eyes. I can use the goggles in my hand, ( granted, this just makes night into day, which I don't believe is how they are supposed to work) but this is annoying as I can not be mobile or have a gun out while doing so. I've also found NVG head straps but couldn't seem to put it on my head. Anyone else figured out how to use one of the most anticipated items of the new update??

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11 minutes ago, McPhorce said:

I have a tactical helmet and have attached the Night vision goggles. I don't understand how I am supposed to activate them though and flip them over my eyes. I can use the goggles in my hand, ( granted, this just makes night into day, which I don't believe is how they are supposed to work) but this is annoying as I can not be mobile or have a gun out while doing so. I've also found NVG head straps but couldn't seem to put it on my head. Anyone else figured out how to use one of the most anticipated items of the new update??

You can't use them yet. They have not figured out a good button binding for it yet.

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17 minutes ago, MaximusDickus said:

You can't use them yet. They have not figured out a good button binding for it yet.

Okay glad it isn't just me being daft... Took me awhile to figure out how to take a bag off a zombie so it was within' the realm of probability...

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Also I apologize if there was already a topic on this. Couldn't seem to find one but again... The daftness...

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I was just checking this, I found a pair of NV goggles and the do work if taken off the helmet, equipped in the hand and "look through" but they dont on the helmet, has any one also found a way to switch on the torch attached to the helmet without having to remove the torch to the hands, switch on then reattach?

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