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Filling Barrels

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Okay, so we all know that filling jerrycans and filling gas tanks is a bit time consuming, but for some reason, pouring a jerrycan into a barrel is even slower.  I'm not sure why.  It's not as if we're pouring into a small opening like when filling a water bottle, canteen or gas tank.  When filling barrels, we open the lid and pour into a very wide opening, if anything, it should be faster.  The same for cooking pots, though there is not lid opening animation, but the same principle applies.  Also, since we can lift and carry 100% filled (with liquid) barrels, it would be nice if we could fill a hand held barrel at a gas pump, water pump or body of water.  Additionally, it would be, absolutely, fantastic if we could toggle to fill or pour, rather than having to hold the mouse button for an hour (the time it takes to fill a barrel from Jerrycans).

On a related note, it would be great if we could attach a generator to a barrel of gasoline via a hose, so that the generator will use the barrel as its gas tank.

Edited by NachoNinjaGnome
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Another observation, on the same subject, why is it that multiple people can fill a container from the same pump, being that the water comes from such a small spout, yet, a barrel with its wide opening, can only be filled by one person at a time?  Seems a little backwards to me.

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Filling a huge barrel, the speed should depend on what are you filling it from. With a jerrycan, it's the jerrycan's opening that's kind of too narrow and additionally its capacity is a really a small portion of a barrel.

True what you say with water pump. Interesting small details but they didn't think about those couple of things I guess.

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I would REALLY like to have either a mod or a server setting that allows us to change the pour speed of containers across the board.

1) Anyone using the "realism" argument for supporting the slow pour speed is failing at both logic and common sense, not to mention basic understanding of game design.
There are - and always will be - allot more things in this game that are completely unrealistic, than realistic.
Realism in game design should be used to create better gameplay, not worse.

2) The pour speed for example a jerry can into an oil barrel taking a full 5 minutes real time is completely unrealistic first of all (to all those who blindly argue "realism" for everything); and secondly its poor game design that serves only to troll and harass the players (which dayz devs are literally famous for, if nothing else).
This is the only purpose it serves. Trolling players.

Then the fact that there are no ways to change this very simple variable when thousands of other variables are easily tweakable serves further to show that they put things like this in the game purposefully to troll us players.

Given how broken the game is and how completely unrealistic dozens of things and systems are, its moot to even argue anything in support of this.

Please give server settings a pour speed option or allow us to mod it.

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Personally I use jerry cans all the time for work. It's realistic how long it takes to pour the gas into cars but barrels should definitely be faster to fill or empty. That's my two pence worth 😁

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