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Differences between PC and Consoles versions

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I played the PS4 version of Dayz and I would like to know if there are differences with its counterpart PC version.

First off, I found this game annoying, when I just ran around for too long, seeing no one, searching but finding nothing, then dying... But I understand now that this is a realistic game. You need to play slow, to really be involved in the game to enjoy it. It's not like other games that give you immediate action. 

Anyway, I want to ask some questions to PC players :

Is there a lot of bug ?

When you're in a rural area or a secluded place, how often do you encounter other players ?

Do you see many animals ?




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51 minutes ago, Mikaxo said:

First off, I found this game annoying, when I just ran around for too long, seeing no one, searching but finding nothing, then dying... But I understand now that this is a realistic game. You need to play slow, to really be involved in the game to enjoy it. It's not like other games that give you immediate action. 

The game is indeed designed to be slow and the game want to not be prepared to encounter a survivor or a wolf pack. They want you to be looting a town like everyday but this time, you hear gunshots on the other side of the town, your heart go crazy, your hands are shaking. You don't know what to do. You are scared because you are not prepared for it. 😉


Currently Xbox One and PS4 version of the game are running with the patch 1.02 while pc is with the 1.03

51 minutes ago, Mikaxo said:

Is there a lot of bug ?

Yes but not as much we had in the 1.02 (pc is 1.03). Currently the biggest issue I have is related to tweaking the game to make it more balanced. The bugs we have are for most of them just details like bandanas not working anymore or car desync... All you have to do is to stop and wait a bit before going on.

51 minutes ago, Mikaxo said:

When you're in a rural area or a secluded place, how often do you encounter other players ?

Depends. If I'm in a low pop server it's rare but if I play on a moderate/high pop server I can encounter a guy (or a multiple of guys) in 1 or 2 hours at the most.

51 minutes ago, Mikaxo said:

Do you see many animals ?

Yes and they have a really good taste !

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4 hours ago, Lt.Master said:

Yes and they have a really good taste !

and sometimes its you that has the really good taste . . .. . wolves


4 hours ago, Lt.Master said:

Depends. If I'm in a low pop server it's rare but if I play on a moderate/high pop server I can encounter a guy (or a multiple of guys) in 1 or 2 hours at the most.

depends where you are on the map. berezino, solnichniy, cherno, elektro, or gorka you are going to see a player. Any mil base you probably wont see them, but you will see a black screen (you are dead). ..  . secluded areas on a full server, I bump into one or two regularly . . . ( but they dont see me)


5 hours ago, Mikaxo said:

Do you see many animals ?

yes .. .

5 hours ago, Mikaxo said:

Is there a lot of bug ?

dont get in a car . . .. . . . .

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A lot of it is luck of the spawn, @Mikaxo

You might spawn somewhere that have some players in the general vicinity and you'll be getting into action in no time at all -- sometimes even too soon, because they're geared and you're not.  Other times, I've spawned in and gone an entire session of wandering the map and encountering absolutely nobody.  That's rare, especially on a full server, but it does happen because it's a big map.

DayZ is definitely not PUBG or CoD or the like.  You need patience to play DayZ, but you can go from absolutely nothing going on to encountering one or more players in a heartbeat -- the thrill of deciding what to do in that situation (approach guns out, approach guns away, take cover and scout them out, etc.) is what's fun about DayZ -- you get to decide what happens next.

If you're in a period of not encountering anyone, give yourself a side quest to do.  Find a hospital and loot some medicine in case you pick up a germ somewhere.  Search for a heli crash to see what Tier 4 loot it might have.  Hunt an animal and then figure out how to craft a fireplace to cook the meat for a reserve supply of food.  Head to the coast and swim to Skalisty and/or Prison Islands to check those out.

Of course, if you're desperate for action, there's always the option of playing for a while on one of the PvP servers people have put up.

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