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(Recruiting) The Hellsing Organization

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I do have interest in joining, i have my own gear and am quite old enough. Running m4a1 cco sd, ghillie, nvg, svd camo at the moment. played for a while.

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I do have interest in joining, i have my own gear and am quite old enough. Running m4a1 cco sd, ghillie, nvg, svd camo at the moment. played for a while.

Hmm you clearly didnt read my last post.

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I'd be very interested in joining:

I fullfill all the requirements;

I'm 18, live in Switzerland and speak English fluently.

I've played DayZ for about two months now and I know the map very well (including the lootspots obviously). I'm well enough equiped (at the time that I'm writing this: As50, ghillie, ragefinder, etc.) and if I happen to die I'll just dropp some snipers in Ele / Cherno and take their stuff ;)

I'm interested in joining because I look for other players who enjoy the thrill of battle.

Skype: Cpteleon

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Terror is my 2nd name.

Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.

France then moved to French Canada. Although I am above fluent in english ;)

Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

I was a spotter for my friend who left yesterday :(

Rangefinder,L85,m9 silenced, alice, everything to make my own food :D

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I may have some connection issues in the next few days because I just moved to a new place but my internet connection should be up and running in the next 48-72 hours ( right now I'm tethering from my phone which can give me high pings on some servers and kick me out, but it will definetely be fixed in a short while.

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

1 month and counting

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

I am very familiar with counter sniping spots, so if we are to raid big cities, I may be a good addition ;)

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Both, including Raidcall

Contact me asap pls

Edit : As for extra gear I have some tents spread across the Hive so no matter where we will be I've got a camp waiting not so far. Most of my camps have been up for weeks and never been raided. I have a few vehicles also but I am mainly interested in getting a chopper up & running ;)

Edited by azepro

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Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

No gear atm just died, but its not really hard to get some.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.


Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

long time.

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.


Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.


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PMed if you didnt receive one you were not accepted.

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Hi there,

I seem to meet all of the requirements for your clan. I will tell you a little bit about myself and why I wish to join.

- I am 18 years of age

- I am from the United Kingdom

- I am mature for my age

- I play the game on a daily basis

- I like to play seriously but have fun also

I would like to join the "Hellsing" clan as it seems the right sort of clan for me. I have never been in any previous clans or organisations, joining Hellsing's would be a good thing for me, it would teach me a lot of things. And I'm sure, as a team, we would work together perfectly and really achieve the goals your clan is looking to achieve.

Please get back to me via the forums or feel free to contact me on Skype @ kerr.macgowan

Thanks, Kerr

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Ingame Name: SkullCandy

Preferred Class: Assault ( im pretty good with all of them though)

Name: Jackson Campbell

Age: 15 ( yes i know not 18, i believe i am mature enough to play with a well skilled and organized clan such as yourselves)

Time Zone: Us Central Time ( Chicago IL)

Computer: Alienware M17 R4 fully upgraded

Most Kills in one life: 37

Longest Life: 2 weeks

Do I have skype: Yes (JacksonCampbell2)

Can i use teamspeak: yes ( i do not have it atm but i am willing to get it)

Steam Account: Jackson14141

I think you should let me join because i'm very helpful and i don't horde loot and i am willing to die for a team mate. So i hope you consider me in choosing your squad, thank you for your time!

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The 18+ is a strict rule and honestly i cant be annoyed listening to a kids voice while trying to concentrate in DayZ.

Edited by Zecele

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Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.

Sweden but speaks good english

Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

Have my own supplies, and also have some to share since i have my own camps.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

Im Neither.

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

Have played it a couple of months

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

That i do.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Have both. Also run a TS3 server.

Edited by Farbaute

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Farbaute you were not accepted.

Edited by Zecele

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Hey im 20 years old and live in England. Played the game for nearly two months now and played arma before that. Totally used to the map and more than happy to gather my own gear. I prefer it in all honesty. Obviously have skype and teamspeak, who dosnt :)

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Me and my sniping partner are both experienced snipers and are very well geared, we have been bandits together for a while and now we are interested into joining a clan. and yours seems perfect, we are both pretty mature and live in the UK. we are both currently on day 16 on the game with a high kill count. We will be loyal and cooperative with the rest of the group. if you are interested in us joining please pm me on here or add me on steam/skype

steam: wokfoyu

skype: pengconnor

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Kirkle need to make a proper application forum.

Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

Just got taken out by a chopper team but can easily gear back up.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I'm not a douche...

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

3 Months on and off. A lot more than I care to mention on the whole Arma series :)

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.


Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.


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Edited by Zecele

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Oh crap, this has never happened to me before!! =You must be 18 years or older to join= JK, it has happened to me, for EVERY clan. Might as well not join one sense everyone is so damn picky.

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