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About Randomz1123

  • Rank
  1. Randomz1123

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    Our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/dayznovasquad
  2. Randomz1123

    Looking for a european clan

    my clan website http://dayznovasquad.forumotion.co.uk
  3. Randomz1123

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    look on the application where you posted it
  4. kerr u applied for my clan... so why are u apllying for another clan
  5. Randomz1123

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    Sam is on holiday for 9 dayz
  6. Randomz1123

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    UPDATE we have now reached 14 squad members and we are hoping to gain more!
  7. Randomz1123

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    If anyone has any questions feel free to post in this topic :)
  8. Randomz1123

    Stuck on Loading

    I have this problem, im from uk and i have talktalk :/
  9. Hello i am Randomz1123 CoOwner of the newly formed clan DNS i am here today to link you to our forum and tell you a little about us. At the moment there is about 6 of us and we just finished the main layout of our website today. We have an apply for squad page to apply to be in our squad, if you apply now you will most likely be accepted. Right now we do not have a base or many things ingame because we are a new squad but we are hoping with a few more members that we can get started and make our time playing dayz memorable. There are also some forum staff member slots for anyone who wants to be a moderator of the forum, you must be accepted as a squad member before you can apply. Thank you for reading this and i hope you consider joining DNS. Website: http://DayZNovaSquad.forumotion.co.uk
  10. Randomz1123

    Stuck on Loading

    same problem here, today i reinstalled everything including arma2, arma2oa and dayz and still no effect, but i have realised that the only servers that i can connect to are private hive servers so i has to be a hive thing
  11. I have just finished reinstalling everything including arma2, arma2oa and dayz and still dont work on normal servers I also have just found out that the only servers i can connect to are private hives...
  12. dsl and i am running avg and windows firewall
  13. ive tried the first 2 and didnt work and i might try the others now :)