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Best transportation during an apocalyps.

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The same transportation humans have been using for hundreds of years.. 


Why did BI think cars would be good? 

If it's because they wanted to include the tedious chores of building a car? They could easily done it with horses, find sadel, shoes and all other horse stuff. I would much rather see horses and the ability to catch them, train them, feed them and let them drink. 

Horses would fit so much better and add to the immersion. 

What do you think? 

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Well it's a lovely idea, but making horses is even more complicated than making cars as I estimate. I'm sure the devs will confirm this, but the animation system for a horse is very very complex. Given that they're even struggling with the comparably simpler animation systems of say, the revolver. This would blow the roof off. Even the bicycle is probably alot easier to do than a horse, so I'm sure that would be the main reason.

The number one transportation in an apocalypse would be cars I believe. Simply because they can go the fastest, they can carry luggage and there are plenty of unused ones around. This is why it should be alot easier to get a car going than it is now and from what I understand, the devs intend for alot of cars to be standing around and having NO MORE of these cars that are only props that loot spawns on top of.

But considering that they have now decided to not tell us what they're working on at all anymore, not to mention avoiding a roadmap entirely as well, it's hard to say what will ever become reality of these sweet dreams. Rest assured they've only just milked the last dug teat, releasing this unfinished game for PS4 as well.

Announcement regarding the avoiding of roadmaps -> 


Edited by 0.64 Freerider

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