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A fix for duping is simple. Lock servers down. Make the servers lock to that Character with that inventory.  Therefor no ghosting, no duping. Two of the biggest issues right now on Xbox is those two. I love DayZ but i hate that they have to disable spawns for the M4 and AK cause of duping. Yes, the AK spawns in heli crashes but how often do you see those? Not very often unless you set out to actually be 100% determined to find them. I want more firefights with an even playing field then using a USG against a LAR. Either agree or disagree, but we can all agree that the game breaking issues needs to be resolved first. 

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You know a little search is a great thing.. (top right of this page under your name tag.. put the words you want to search in quotes to hit that exact term.. like "locked server" for instance  ) 
you find your topic is already covered and argued about
so you ADD YOUR COMMENT THERE and it comes out RIGHT at the top of "ACTIVITY" at the front of the Forum for everyone to see as soon as they log in.
Then it seems to everyone like you actually read other peoples comments !

(sounds kind of dumb and obvious I know, but I do it myself.. it gets to be a habit)



Edited by pilgrim*
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