I don't mean to sound like a whiny little bitch, but this shit is getting old. No shit, there I was, chilling in a cabin at a hunting camp. It was night, so I proceeded slowly into the camp. Checked out some cabins, and was going through my gear, getting ready to navigate my way through the zeds meandering around the aide station. I wasn't "geared", but I had accumulated some nice stuff....a Mosin with a scope, about 40 rounds for it, an SKS with about 30 rounds, a Scorpion with a half mag and 2 full, and a handgun. Had PLENTY of food and water to trek across the map and back, and I had my coveted cowboy hat (my headgear of choice). Anyhooooo, there I am, minding my own business, eating an apple, and someone spawned INTO MY CABIN, and IMMEDIATELY opened fire, knocking me out. Now I "might" be able to look past that, perhaps I startled him.....understandable. But why not duct tape or handcuff me, revive me, and rob me (or better yet, say "My bad, homie. Sorry) instead of KILLING ME. Later, after respawning YET AGAIN, I ran into the military camp north of Staroye. As I was going through a tent, I heard footsteps run up. I pulled my shotgun, told the guy I was cool, but I have my gun out and that I would shoot. The guy said that he was cool, and that he was unarmed. I explained that I was a two-time victim of douche-baggery today and that I wasn't gonna take any chances. He informed me that the same thing happened to him, and that he was trying to get back to his guys. I was plenty armed (although I did score another SKS), so I proceeded to help the stranger find some firepower. I found him an FX-45, two loaded mags, and some loose .45 ACP. I offered him my Scorpion and two mags, but he declined, and I was able to shift gear around to accommodate my new found SKS. Anyway, the point to this story is, why do people only play HALF of the game, and completely bypass ANY interaction whatsoever? I know it's a survival game, and I am aware of "survival of the fittest", but here lately it's been "survival of the weapons-grade ass hats". I would like to think that if there ever WAS to be an actual breakdown of society, that there are at least SOME people, like the guy I helped at the camp, still out there.