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Entitlement collection topic

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Hi guys, 

This is a special topic for everyone who feels entitelt to anything develepment related. Instead of venting and discussing it on multiple channels/topics, it can be done here.

For example roadmaps, updates, developings of specific contect ect. Please post your expectations here in the following format (you can copy past it)

I feel entitelt to:


This makes me feel:




@ImpulZ could you redirect every entitlement to here? Thx 🙂

Edited by hemmo

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Reseved for future comments

Edited by hemmo

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@hemmo play nice,we ask you not to escalate this by pushing this topic on other users. If that happens we will consider that as trolling and take required action.

Players have the right to ask questions on development issues, it shows the interest those players have in the game. If we do not want to answer a question for certain reasons, we are not obligated to do so.

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30 minutes ago, ImpulZ said:

@hemmo play nice,we ask you not to escalate this by pushing this topic on other users. If that happens we will consider that as trolling and take required action.

Players have the right to ask questions on development issues, it shows the interest those players have in the game. If we do not want to answer a question for certain reasons, we are not obligated to do so.

He is playing nice by making a venting thread. Much easier for moderators to clean one thread of spewed crap. 

Trolling will happen anyway you know that. (No i dont see this as normal, just a by product of the internet)



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You make a good point @ImpulZ, thank you. I've edited the second post. My appologies.

@McWendy, thanks for understanding me. I too see it go all over the place, including constant hijacking, repeats and spams.

By the creation of this thread i hope to give a clear insight in the different ventings motives so appropiate anslysations and actions could be archived. This will give the player a place & feeling, to be heard and interact. 

Edited by hemmo
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