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Martin Pino

Why is not my fence at 90 degrees?

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Hello, I have this rpblema on my server, I would like the fences to be created straight, at 90 degrees, not as you see in the image



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When you are looking for a spot to place your fencekit you can see if the fence will be straight or not. It's a new thing since the update release ^^'

Just build where the terrain is flat in short

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Thats kind of an unreal solution though, if you now can only build vertical walls on flat ground. If you build something it needs to be vertical otherwise you will never match walls built on varying degrees of inclination. And we all know that the terrain on the map has varying inclination. I built a base (on my server) on varying terrain, going up a hill to a high point, if I did it now the walls would be all over the place.

In my opinion, the devs need to reconsider this issue @ImpulZ

@Martin Pino You may want (need) to raise a ticket (bug report) on this item

Edited by aux7

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2 hours ago, martin__pino said:

Hi, I do not know how to do it.

ok, on the main forum page, under the sub heading "DayZ PC", there is the subheading "Bug reports", click on this. This takes you to the "Feedback tracker". Create an account on here, login and follow the instructions on how to submit a report.

Edited by aux7

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