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Dev can we please get Control settings as advanced as Vigor please?

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Firstly i love the game & the following is constructive criticism & a general question to the community & development team.

I am not sure how many of you have played Bohemia Interactives other console baby 'Vigor' , anyway long story short it is also a third person game primarily & has quite a few control scheme similarities with DayZ, especially after the 1.01 update. What it has that DayZ doesn't though is a very advanced & superior controller options menu. You can adjust look sensitivity, adjust third person aim sensitivity, adjust first person aim sensitivity. Adjust inner & outer stick dead zones. Movement exponent, scope zoom exponent etc etc etc. Currently all DayZ has is Horizontal/Vertical sensitivity sliders, no separate sensitivity for Different scope levels or any of the above. I find when scoping in the scope movement is very slow even with my sense turned upto max & having the same sense for freelook, third person aim & first person aim is very clunky. It'd be amazing if a Dev or Bohemia Community member could let me know if the teams working on a more advanced upto date controller option menu? @ImpulZ

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Back in October they added a dead zone to the game which has been untouched since, no nothing, not an answer or acknowledge regarding the issue even reported and asked several times. It's impossible to make a slight adjustments when aiming because of this. Has anyone tried to do a circle with the right stick? haha let me know if it doesn't come up as a square.

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