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custom start gear for multiple members

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Hi there, We have just started a server and hope to find a way to make specific spawn loadouts for members in our discord. Now I know how to set up a player spawn loadout as default, but is there a way to set a loadout script for specific steam members? if so how do i do it? if there is a current working mod that already has this ability, could i get a link also.


Thank you for your time

Edited by alphagamer1981

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  On 5/11/2019 at 5:32 PM, Shaggoth said:


Here some code.

Init.c  for one player

  Reveal hidden contents

Same equipment for 2 players

  Reveal hidden contents

If you want to set different random outwear for not admin

  Reveal hidden contents

If you want to set some skin for player (repeat skin after respawn)

  Reveal hidden contents

Have a fun.

Edited by Sid Debian

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