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man moth

Water Bore Holes n Aquifers

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How about some randomly placed aquifers around the map..  Provide Drilling equipment to find and you can get your own supply of water directly within your base.

Water Divining with some sticks would add a bit of comedy and they could actually 'work' in terms of finding aquifers.

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While this idea isn't without some merit, it seems like a task that may, or may not, require an immense amount of work to implement.  Development has stated that it isn't possible (or worth it) to have structures or items below the surface of the map.  It may be possible to code this idea and not have anything below the surface of the map for it to succeed but would definitely be of extremely low priority.  Maybe an idea for a modder, if anybody.

If the goal is to have accessible water at your base, then you should consider chlorine tablets, running to the well, or even barrels as a water collection source.

Personally, I could think of a great many things that I'd rather see finalized before additional water sources.

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I would quite like the idea . . but yes there are other things on the list with a higher priority

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