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Darrell Moneymaker

will dayz Enfusion engine mods be able to be ported into ARMA 4?

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Since the engine seems far away from being complete and BI already stated thast they are not even thinking about Arma 4 but supporting Arma 3 as a plattform for the years to come....no need to think about this xD

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your guess is as good as ours!

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1 hour ago, Private Evans said:

Since the engine seems far away from being complete and BI already stated thast they are not even thinking about Arma 4 but supporting Arma 3 as a plattform for the years to come....no need to think about this xD

yes i red that same article, and even though they say that. currently there is a 99% chance A4 will be on Enfusion, so it can be claimed that any current work done is for A4. but thats but semantics.


i think it does matter, i believe that if A4 is on Enfusion and mods can be ported that Dayz SA will die, and everyone will move to A4. BUT SA mods can't, i don't want to waste my time, 2+ years, on a game that will never be finished.

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So, I love answering questions for BI before they will and being right.

Yes, DayZ stuff will go into Arma 4. There will likely be a fair amount of nit picking and minor changes that will need to be done, but it will be possible... but so is Arma 3 to DayZ... so... it's all do-able. It's more about the licences than anything else.

Because both platforms are and will remain moddable it will be possible to do anything with both... it will just be a matter of whether it's worth the time investment, and if it's allowed under the licences.

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