Tex Willer 47 Posted July 5, 2012 Great video and... oh WAIT WHAT?!ESC+ABORT+YES ?!There is no way to be mistaken here' date=' if you wanted to respawn you missed 3 button above your left click.Man, you lost every bit of respect here.[/quote']Yep, you even were heading for the disconnect button in the lobby, so all evidence is against you saying you just wanted to respawn.But cool story anyways :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sharpe 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Who cares if he tried to D/C. Until it is patched' date=' he can choose to play however he wants. Thank him for the funny video and move on. I notice lots of people complaining about people disconnecting while getting shot at. Here is an easy solution for you... Hit them in the head... One shot kill with no time to D/C.Bunch of whiners.[/quote']Cool logic is cool!Who cares if people use cheats to nuke everyone in the server? Until it's patched, they can do whatever they want.You're just as pathetic as he is tbh. I like how whoever raised you failed to get any sort of values into you. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridley (DayZ) 19 Posted July 5, 2012 Did I say I disconnect or cheat? No. Whining about it every other post will not fix the issue. These forums are flooded with tears. Hacks are a whole other thing which I have yet to see as well. (Playing for over a month now and have died only a handful of times.)I've watched over 100 DayZ videos and I am appalled at the total lack of accuracy I see when people are in a firefight. Sometimes I feel that the majority of the players in this mod are from games like Minecraft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Syntax323 1 Posted July 6, 2012 Okay, and who cares if players are from minecraft, cod, it any game. Its a game Meant for entertainment purposes. People who act like they are more entitled to play over someone else... now that appalls me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steven89 22 Posted July 6, 2012 ok guys....i had fucking 6,7k blood or so.....they shoot me 6-8 times there....everyone knows your dead....so im like fuck this and wanted to dc to start over....so u call me a scrub ? go ahead i dont give a fuck.....i made this vid to show u guys how fun this mod is/can be....7/10 ppl say.....ahh dc fag and shit but u have done it to...this server lagged so bad...i was dead anyways so.... i shoot that guys 20-25 times and he fell down the same time i did....I WAS DEAD it doesnt matteru guys can call me what ever u want...i play this game for fun....and when this dc shit will be fixed i will still play....and yeah i admit ive dc twice to avoid death....am i a bad player....no.....a cheater...no....calm down ppl....sooo many players started a fight with me and i would of killed them but they dc....i have vids of ppl who tried to kill me an i only have a fucking axe....and they dc with fucking dmrs....FALs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-NGR- Larkinto 87 Posted July 6, 2012 lol @ the attempted disconnect at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted July 6, 2012 Hahahaha funny vid and true that guy was a maniac lol !! Whyyyy oh why did you try to D/C though man. If not for that moment you'd be a dayz forum hero for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolboynaked 0 Posted July 6, 2012 why did you stop and then just stand in the open and try to shootlol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KennyNZ 121 Posted July 6, 2012 Upload a version without music? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rabble-rouser 3 Posted July 6, 2012 Nice vid, good times.DC or no DC it was still an epic moment for you none the less.First DayZ Car Chase I have seen thanks for uploading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m.w. vindicator 880 Posted July 6, 2012 Larkinto' pid='257113' dateline='1341540040']lol @ the attempted disconnect at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted July 6, 2012 enjoy guys :DJesus the acceleration is fucked then!there is no fucking way a shitty car little that should be able to gain on a dirtbike on road. Granted, you were driving like a fool if you where trying to get rid of them, your slower offroad, so leaving road just to rejoin it ahead of them was a bit silly of you. But that said, i had no idea the ARMA cars could beat a motorbike in a drag race! lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regiee 5 Posted July 6, 2012 there is no fucking way a shitty car little that should be able to gain on a dirtbike on road. I guess you've never ridden a dirt bike then or you'd realise that a car will almost always have better top end on the road than a bike will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evoxtom 142 Posted July 6, 2012 Interesting soundtrack with the video, haha. Good stuff before the attempted DC... but I will give you credit, you could have done it much earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SneakyZombie 2 Posted July 6, 2012 Nice vid. Only gripe with the video is the jibber jabber at the beginning which drags on for a while and the music choices. Could have picked a Michael Bay movie car chase music track or something ;). Still, thumbs up on the chase. I don't blame you for the DC since you only had like 7k blood left from the initial shootout but you could have just fight it out. That moment you lift off the trigger and go for abort was probably enough for them to rain more bullets on you to kill you.Awesome stuff nevertheless :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fink2011 0 Posted July 6, 2012 Not sure which is worse, your aim, or that you dc'ed like a pussy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steven89 22 Posted July 6, 2012 ok....u bitch about my aim....and i am a fool for not beeing able to shake them off....1. try to shoot someone on a server who is laggy....u cant aim for shit with this kind of mouselag..2. i didnt want to shake them off...ive waited for them so often that they dont lose me...3.i just wanted to have some fun thats all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 6, 2012 Disconnector up in here yup yup Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted July 6, 2012 Great video, lame DC attempt at the end. Can get you banned... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridley (DayZ) 19 Posted July 6, 2012 And 2 pages later... people still crying about a D/C. You guys are relentless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 69 Posted July 6, 2012 Those with german IPs have this video blocked on youtube. Thanks to the uploader using copyrighted music and the GEMA ofc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squeek 0 Posted July 6, 2012 Cool video but what a shame at the end. Be a man not a pussy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steven89 22 Posted July 6, 2012 just get proxtube and u can watch it....its a addon for firefox :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateburger 0 Posted July 6, 2012 Everyone bitching about the "DC attempt" at the end of the video couldn't have actually watched the whole thing. There are many times throughtout the video that the player stopped to wait for his pursuer to catch up. He was just dicking around with them to have a cool chase. If he was that interested in surviving, he would have just lost his pursuers - he had the opportunity to do so many times.So stop whining about it, because it makes you look absolutely ridiculous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twotoes 11 Posted July 6, 2012 what is it with all you DC whining twats?! Poor 'ickle egomaniacs being robbed of their pointless kills?Out of that entire video the only thing you could think to say or point out was that he DC'd - despite the game being so definitively over for him.Only thing that surprises me is that i was surprised by the DC comments.Steve - cool vid bro. emergent moments like that are what DayZ's all about, imo.Kinda moments you stumble into by not laying on a hill with a sniper rifle for hours on end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites