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Heavy Punch

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I'm not the only person who thinks that the Heavy Punch (RB) is kind of ''overpowered'' right ?

If someone start to beat you with a heavy punch... you are done for lol, you cannot do anything, you character will keep getting staggered over and over and you cannot do anything to free yourself, if someone you fighting start the heavy punchs first you are done, fresh spawners know of this and use the heavy punch a lot to make you unconscious and rob your stuff, they know you cannot do anything, even if you are fully geared.

Edit; even i use the heavy punch a lot lol, already got my fair share of ''kills'' and stuff because of it.

Edited by MarczXD320

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I want to agree and say that it's fucking ridiculous! because I HAAAATE when It happens to me, but when you stop and think about it, it's the only means that a fresh spawn has to attack or defend...

Ahh fuck it. It's total bs

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Stun lock is going to be adjusted eventually. Its a big issue and people have been screaming about it for a while now.

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i mean, if i run up to you full speed and clock you in the jaw/temple/back of the head, most likely ur getting staggered at the least and lights out in most cases. so with that its not unreasonable to think the heavy punch isnt "overpowered" . just play with the knowledge that the most dangerous people in the game are the ones with nothing to lose 

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Was a fresh spawn last night. Ran into someone basically kitted out in military gear trying to be funny and stab me. Gave him the 1 2 combo with a heavy pinch knocked him out finished him off with his own m4. Thanks bro saved me hours trying to loot

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