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Parallel universe

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Odd thing I noticed yesterday, a friend and I were playing on the same server together but experiencing different weather. On my screen it was pouring down but on his it was sunny. We both had the 'wet' icon so we figured it was an issue on his side. We've played together numerous times and this has never happened, but he's just bought an xbox X and so I wondered if that had anything to do with it? I'm just on xbox one. 

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I play on the X and had a similar experience yesterday. It was downpouring with a clear  blue sky no clouds in sight and sun shining 

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Had this with a friend also but we were both on Xbox One Standard.

Raining on mine, sunny on his. I love  crazy moments like this in game previews.

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Yeah, I’ve encountered this since DayZ launched on Xbox.

I’d see rain before my friends did within the same server. They thought I was pulling their leg, then 5 minutes later...

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I also wondered if weather differed on different parts of the map? My original post refers more to a glitch, but it would be cool to have weather vary in different parts of the map. 

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