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Not surprised by negativity about upcoming 1.0

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Well it is a bit of a mystery, but I think it is necessary that players would hang in a coast for 10-20-30 minutes before rushing out. Ideally I would say between 30-60 mins, well not as a rule or something but purely natural average gameplay time, I think it is almost completely influenced by central economy. I actually had success yesterday in ST SWE halloween server to meet two great guys in Electro in about 20minutes of play, later near Staroy someone was shooting at us, but thats great because I think DayZ has to have a blend of friendly and hostile players, and coast naturally a larger concentration of friendly players.  


Edited by Mantasisg

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21 hours ago, Bantankerous said:

 No stamina, gear in Cherno so you can, you know defend yourself against the aforementioned dingleberries that camp the coast with their dupped gear, etc. 


I have played this game since day one and the standalone is surely not what dayz is supposed to be.   The only people left are the carebears, bronies and furries that ruined this community.  

What ET and IMT have already said, but let me stress it again - dude, everyone shoots at you because you're insufferable. You sound like you consider not shooting someone a weakness, and that's a red flag for almost all types of players.

But also, the most embarrassing part in your post is that 'playing since one'. Want to know how you sound like? 'Guys, I've played chess since I was five and now I can hit a squirrel with a pawn from 30m away. Yeah I know some people move pieces around on that faggy 'chessboard' thing, but I've always thought it's for eggheads who wear glasses and can't hit shit with a chess piece. Once I played like that, but the guy won, so I simply smashed my pieces into his face and said 'Checkmate THIS, asshole'. And now I just carry chess pieces in my pocket and throw them at everyone who wears glasses. Trust me, I haven't lost a chess throwing fight for years, that's how good I am at the noble, ancient game of chess'.

You need to wake up, you male bimbo. There's a whole world out there that you're missing.


Also also, in the midst of this epic shitstorm, I'd like to thank the DayZ dev team, from the bottom of my heart, not to make a game that this guy expects.

  • Beans 1

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Actually , Luke's name is not used at all . He say's "I AM your father , look in your heart , you know it to be true" ......

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