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Trying to help fresh spawns in berezino against bandits me and my team killed 6 from granes then they jumped servers and respawned behind us need to sort this out roll on private servers 

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This is an ongoing issue. The best temporary solution to address this is when you see them combat log... leave the area asap.

Unfortunately private servers will not fix this issue. DayZ is a PvP centered game. And this ghosting mechanic is an abuse of the system. If you notice it. Leave. That's the best advice I can give.


Walk further back. Allow them to spawn and shoot them in the back for what they are trying to do.

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1 hour ago, Hearingjet74 said:

Trying to help fresh spawns in berezino against bandits me and my team killed 6 from granes then they jumped servers and respawned behind us need to sort this out roll on private servers 

According to the vets "suck it up". I feel for ya it kind of ruins aspects of the game. Same as when you get off a few shots on a guy and he hops servers before he dies. Same as the comment I made about people just sitting at the beach camping new spawns. "Its part of the gwme deal with it" until the game dies off again then its "you guys let the game fail". This game seems to rely heavily on its community and if its community is just KOS greifing people who have just started then it may as well go backwards and be arma again

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11 minutes ago, Chris Burton said:

According to the vets "suck it up". I feel for ya it kind of ruins aspects of the game. Same as when you get off a few shots on a guy and he hops servers before he dies. Same as the comment I made about people just sitting at the beach camping new spawns. "Its part of the gwme deal with it" until the game dies off again then its "you guys let the game fail". This game seems to rely heavily on its community and if its community is just KOS greifing people who have just started then it may as well go backwards and be arma again

Yeah, this is how I handle Bambi killers:


Any other situation I’ll attempt to establish communication. If your sole purpose is to troll new spawns, you’re dead.

That’s Bambi kos’er #2 pushing roses.

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Yep already to many little boys walking the coast with ballistic vest kitted upto high heaven with AR's and hundreds of rounds ready to fight those dangerous fresh spawns. Thankfully some of us like to go sit on the hills over looking the coast by frequent spawn points waiting for these bambi killers to appear spraying down unarmed players so that we can show them it's not so easy winning a gunfight against another player with a gun, especially with no sprint bar due to your vest and twenty mags garnered from server hopping lol.

after 100 hours of punishment these boys will uninstall & only the hardcore community will remain. Those who will atleast have some honour in there banditry and be looking for a challenge rather than easy target practise.

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