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geegee (DayZ)

Good game

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Friend walks to me to look in my bag, he touches me and we both get instantly killed. Good fucking game.

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Game's in Alpha.

Just start over. All the best :)

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It's not a game, it's a mod in an Alpha state and you, good sir, are an idiot.

But you didn't die because of a glitch - I killed you because I hate you.

Sincerely, your bag.

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That's the ARMA engine. If you do something it doesn't expect, it kills you :P

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Don't say anything until you have ran into a bush, broke a leg, got knocked out, and bled out... (I have done the same thing going upstairs)

And before all you smart kiddies out there go hating on me saying "ITS IN ALPHA!!!!!"

I know its a mod in alpha stage, I just like sharing stories of stupid deaths.

BTW I read your post and I died laughing lol!

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Beware the rabbits. They can break your legs.

Also don't look at the trees funny' date=' that will get you killed


Its worth noting, that tress actually conspire against you, and can talk to each other through their root network. Be very careful when running through forests.

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