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'Gravity' principle to inventoy

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What would be the purpose adding this? Just seems like it'd be wasted time and effort, even if it that amount of effort and time was minuscule.

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The 'Locking' thing doesn't really make much sense.  I can get stuff out of the bottom of my bag in real life unless it's literally packed full with volume filling objects (like clothes).  The Gravity idea doesn't make too much sense on it's own either, at least not how you said it.  I would always have the smallest things make their way to the bottom of my pack, followed by the heaviest things.

Even though you didn't say it, I kind of like that idea about separate pockets on one item, instead of just one 'pooled' inventory for the item.  With some programing magic they might be able to make inventory hitboxes as well that way.  IE if someone shoots you in the right hip and you had a map in your right pocket, it's now ruined.

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I agree with the others on this. Its not needed. I have thought very little about it before but i remember thinking technically bullets should fall (stray from a bunch) if  they are loose and not secured inside a box if we are going this far for gravity purposes :P

Always a yes to the separate pockets idea and If anything i believe we should at least have to have a delay at taking items from your pack (animation?) before any other "inventory" adjusting changes should be implemented. Thus making your pockets more important as we all know and would love to see   

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