jay535 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Twice in one night the servers I've been in (Atlanta 15 & NY8, I think) have been hacked and all players were killed instantly. This is ruining the game for me and I'm having serious thoughts about even playing again until someone stops the hackers.If they're unable to stop the hackers this mod will turn into a simple deathmatch focused in Cherno and Elektro because no one will want to invest any time and effort into their characters. It seems to be becoming that already I'm afraid. Sad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadManDan 23 Posted July 4, 2012 Same. I've been on my life attempt #12 for about 10 times longer than all my previous lives put together. I think I'll just wait until things settle down or get patched. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonesnap 75 Posted July 4, 2012 The script kiddies seem to mostly be on the populated servers, thus why I try to avoid them like the plague. Also, if you see yourself getting dropped from the sky I would suggest alt+f4'ing the hell out of there before dying (one of if not the only time d/c'ing is acceptable imo). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alucarddraven 0 Posted July 8, 2012 the drop in the air thing just happened on seattle 68 no sooner then we got in we killed one zombie we where fully decked out then sudden killed lost everything. something needs to be done i don't care dying and losing but this is the 3rd time i had me and my friends had to restart from this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted July 8, 2012 If they're unable to stop the hackers this mod will turn into a simple deathmatch focused in Cherno and Elektro because no one will want to invest any time and effort into their characters. It seems to be becoming that already I'm afraid. Sad.The game is PvP deathmatch, hackers have nothing to be with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 8, 2012 The game is PvP deathmatch' date='[/quote']Except it's definitely not. Thanks, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 8, 2012 Wait for the patch before crying. No one is happy about getting killed by hackers but don't act like it'll never get fixed. Also, Alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kozzy420 39 Posted July 8, 2012 Ive been playing since the first day the game was out and I have only witnessed one hacker. Been killed more by bridges and doors then by hackers (:There are def some issues but all the wonderful experiences ive had more then make up for the issues ive experienced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted July 8, 2012 The game is PvP deathmatch' date='[/quote']Except it's definitely not. Thanks, though.you have proof otherwise, I have yet to meet a person in the game, cause they always kill me after I say hi, so really the game is a bunch of people running around shooting everyone they see.Boom, Deathmatch.Good day sir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 8, 2012 The game is PvP deathmatch' date='[/quote']Except it's definitely not. Thanks, though.you have proof otherwise, I have yet to meet a person in the game, cause they always kill me after I say hi, so really the game is a bunch of people running around shooting everyone they see.Boom, Deathmatch.Good day sirI guess I've been lucky, never seen a hacker on the servers, and 90% of the players I've encountered have been friendly, sometimes teamed up with 2-5 random people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stupar123 6 Posted July 8, 2012 I believe hackers are only thing ruining immersion of this incredible mod(except lower FPS but I hope it gets better).I was killed twice by hackers.Once,with AKM guy just teleported in front of me and shot me with lee einfield.Nevertheless,I started new characters and I got m4 CCO SD 5 magz with it,full M1911 with tons of magz,NVG,map,GPS practically every gear (military flashilight ftw :) and I was simply killed by insta death in wilderness.I didn't get shot no bleed no loss of hp,my character just fell down and I saw other characters dieing in list.Bugs aren't current problem,nor FPS ... it's those assholes who can't play normal and then ruin fun of other 99% player population. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 119 Posted July 8, 2012 I just got killed by a fcking hacker.. I was in the middle of nowhere (litteraly, I was at atleast 3km away from any town), and I see a guy teleporting on my left, I tried to shoot him, and he shot a winchester with seemingly a rapid fire of some sort (heard like 10 shots in a second), and he killed me. I had very good gear (m107 with 3 mags, bizon pp19 with 3 mags, NVG, GPS, Coyote pack, ghillie x2..), it was at night, and he didn't even have NVG to see me... Some dickface comes along with a hack and takes away my 7 days of intensive search for heli crash sites within a second. I wouldn't be mad at all if the guy wasn't obviously hacking... Hope he gets fcking banned.Honestly, how can hacking be fun... Yeah sure you kill a couple people, but you must get bored after a while... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertRose 8 Posted July 8, 2012 Ive been playing since the first day the game was out and I have only witnessed one hacker. Been killed more by bridges and doors then by hackers (:There are def some issues but all the wonderful experiences ive had more then make up for the issues ive experienced.Story of my lives in DayZThe amount of times my head has been crushed by a damn door.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John (DayZ) 62 Posted July 8, 2012 I just got killed by a fcking hacker.. I was in the middle of nowhere (litteraly' date=' I was at atleast 3km away from any town), and I see a guy teleporting on my left, I tried to shoot him, and he shot a winchester with seemingly a rapid fire of some sort (heard like 10 shots in a second), and he killed me. I had very good gear (m107 with 3 mags, bizon pp19 with 3 mags, NVG, GPS, Coyote pack, ghillie x2..), it was at night, and he didn't even have NVG to see me... Some dickface comes along with a hack and takes away my 7 days of intensive search for heli crash sites within a second. I wouldn't be mad at all if the guy wasn't obviously hacking... Hope he gets fcking banned.Honestly, how can hacking be fun... Yeah sure you kill a couple people, but you must get bored after a while...[/quote']I agree. I don't see the fun in it.I'm totally a bandit and I LOVE ruining people's experience - but, I mean, come on. At least I do it fair and square. If I kill you, you lost; that's just how it is. I would derive absolutely zero fun if there was no chance that anybody else could kill ME, or if it took me no effort to amass my gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LumberBack 43 Posted July 8, 2012 actually players have ruined dayz... this guy is a good reason to why people start hacking...http://www.twitch.tv/puddn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John (DayZ) 62 Posted July 8, 2012 actually players have ruined dayz... this guy is a good reason to why people start hacking...http://www.twitch.tv/puddnBoo-fuckin'-hoo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LumberBack 43 Posted July 8, 2012 actually players have ruined dayz... this guy is a good reason to why people start hacking...http://www.twitch.tv/puddnBoo-fuckin'-hoo.say what you want. its the truth... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John (DayZ) 62 Posted July 8, 2012 actually players have ruined dayz... this guy is a good reason to why people start hacking...http://www.twitch.tv/puddnBoo-fuckin'-hoo.say what you want. its the truth...Listen' date=' if you can't handle getting killed, you need to [i']not play video games at all. What I do is another facet of the game. I also spend a good portion of my time doing the whole "survival" thing, but fuck it, I like pretending this is The Most Dangerous Game. Both zombies and survival have lost their challenge, to me; now I turn to hunting humans. It is much more thrilling.Either way, I'm another obstacle you have to avoid or tackle, just like starvation, dehydration, or zombies. Now stop weeping the bitter tears of a man too trusting, and go kill somebody. Maybe me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beigesponge 0 Posted July 8, 2012 Well, I have run into many hackers, none have tried to kill me, heck some tried to give me weapons and one overwatched me at the airfield Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LumberBack 43 Posted July 8, 2012 actually players have ruined dayz... this guy is a good reason to why people start hacking...http://www.twitch.tv/puddnBoo-fuckin'-hoo.say what you want. its the truth...Listen' date=' if you can't handle getting killed, you need to [i']not play video games at all. What I do is another facet of the game. I also spend a good portion of my time doing the whole "survival" thing, but fuck it, I like pretending this is The Most Dangerous Game. Both zombies and survival have lost their challenge, to me; now I turn to hunting humans. It is much more thrilling.Either way, I'm another obstacle you have to avoid or tackle, just like starvation, dehydration, or zombies. Now stop weeping the bitter tears of a man too trusting, and go kill somebody. Maybe me.Oh great oné, i bow at your great spawnkilling skills, yes that is what this game is about... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sleepless 22 Posted July 8, 2012 Been nuked twice now on different servers, the second time losing my beloved bike! Seriously though, any legitimate way to die is fine, but killed by some spotty script kiddie because his bf3 skills are useless in this game is just too much. Hope theyll be able to knock this on the head soon, at the least they could add something to crash the server every time everyone dies, which would at least save gear. Really needs to be sorted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites