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Heart Beating Sound Effect

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I think that adding a sound of your heart beating whenever in a firefight or getting shot at/getting shot somewhere would add more realism and immersion to a DayZ survivor's experience.

It would be more intense and would make firefights just seem more real... There's not much to say, I just think that implementing this into DayZ would be very easy and would be really cool 

Edited by OfficialFrosty
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I think the adrenaline (increased heart rate) rush you get during an a firefight or intense situation in DayZ is more than enough :)

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2 hours ago, DannyDog said:

I think the adrenaline (increased heart rate) rush you get during an a firefight or intense situation in DayZ is more than enough :)

Sometimes you don´t get anything, so ...

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1 hour ago, exwoll said:

Sometimes you don´t get anything, so ...

There's something more authentic to invoking actual feeling into a person than trying to emulate it into your avatar.

I don't know, that's just how I feel

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I don't think that it would just try to emulate it. It adds some immersion, same as the breathing and gun swaying. You don't have to hear it always, but if you are getting shot at, some beating would be cool. It would add to the danger sensation a little. 

I mean in your first pvp battles it will be useless, but later on it's all about the frags and you don't even care anymore.

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