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Firearms Malfunction

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Please don't tell me thats an AK-47 style gun that had the jam animation. 


  • You can throw your AK from the Eiffel Tower
  • You can put it in water, mud or any liquid or solid.
  • You can try anything that would jam other weapons if it isn't destructive (breaking the barrel and stuff)

And it will still fire when you press the trigger. 


So please tell me why ^^

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In-game (well, IRL too I guess)  it probably has quite a lot to do with ammo quality. I always use pristine ammo, and I've never had a jam.

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AK-pattern rifles can still jam. In all seriousness, they can actually jam "more seriously" because the wide open spaces inside the workings of the rifle, which are part of its quality, can let in larger particles of sediment.

AK-pattern rifles being immune to malfunctions is a myth. While they are more robust than other rifles, they are not perfect, far from it, and need regular cleaning and maintenance, just like any other firearm.

Just like M-16-pattern rifles and its derivatives are not particularily shitty, nor prone to jamming. They were, back in Vietnam, but that was an issue with gunpowder, not the firearm. With regular maintenance, the M16 family of rifles is popular worldwide, for many reasons.



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