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Ladders are seriously still killing people?

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I died from climbing a ladder while I was pretty geared up after an exhaustive 6 hour exploration through cherno. I can't remember the last time a ladder killed me. Am I the unluckiest survivor or is this really still a thing? 

Edited by Solopopo

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7 hours ago, Solopopo said:

I died from climbing a ladder while I was pretty geared up after an exhaustive 6 hour exploration through cherno. I can't remember the last time a ladder killed me. Am I the unluckiest survivor or is this really still a thing? 

It's still a thing. Although it is pretty rare now a days it still happens. Usually it happens because of server/client desync. If you read the latest status report they have stated they made significant changes to the net-code to hopefully squash bugs such as this one.

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They can, and i think its mostly around the time you carry something in your hands, or run up and down quickly. It also could be with desync to the server.

Any packet loss etc.. Its not as common as in the past though. I've ran up and down ladders with 2 weapons and survive 99% of the time

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On 8/30/2016 at 0:17 PM, SMoss said:

Dev Update/Mirek

As we are moving closer to 0.61 experimental, we're mostly stabilizing the build (catching crashes, tweaking character selection from the main menu and new infected/animal spawner).
But there will also be one big thing we would like to enable in 0.61 experimental which Brian mentioned in the last status report a bit. We were reworking major parts of the network code and completely changed synchronization of player controlled entities, which should deal with position desynchronization. This means that there won't be any weird deaths (on stairs, near the edges of roofs, etc.), character won't be blocked somewhere else on the server side (infected or other players won't hit you from large distances and if the player is inside a building, he won't be blocked outside), the game should behave much better under stressful network conditions and it should deal with a lot of issues that were present in the game since EA release.
I have to admit that these changes aren't applied on vehicles yet, so vehicles won't probably spawn in the first iterations of experimental builds, but once we will enable them for vehicles, they should fix most issues like lagging and freezing, when a vehicle is in proximity of another vehicle.
Also, please don't expect everything will be amazing, we still have some animation issues and a couple of other bugs, especially related to ladder movement and it's very likely that more will appear after the experimental release. It's even possible that the network changes won't hit stable if a lot of issues appear and instead will be postponed to 0.62, because we don't want to block 0.61 stable release for too long.

- Miroslav Maněna / Lead Gameplay Programmer

Follow the status reports!!

Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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