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Vehicle's - where are they?

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I have over 500 hours in this game and I always play on full servers and yet the number of vehicles I have seen driven? Well its under 2. In 500 hours, most of which is since they were added.


I think the devs need to seriously reconsider vehicles. They need to be much easier to find and much easier to fix up. Currently its just not possible to really fix them up without hopping servers and even then its probably not a viable proposition. 


What is the point of even having vehicles in the game currently? Nobody ever gets them. The amount of running you would need to do to (maybe) fix one up is so large that you could probably run to NWAF and back 20 times before you have got the vehicle fixed (maybe fixed). And it might get found by someone else in that time. Even squads cant realistically fix one up on a full server.


I suggest a complete rework, its stuff like this that hurts the game. Its just a huge barrier to features of the game that people want to use. And by huge barrier I mean an unrealistic barrier which will never be fulfilled. I would suggest stuff like this is a reason for day z's declining popularity. I hope to see vehicles made more accessible in the near future (or should I say accessible at all!).



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Vehicles, and vehicle parts are incredibly easy to find. I am super surprised you don't find them more often. However, playing on full servers can of course prove a bigger challenge to finding them.

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6 hours ago, DukeHenry said:

I have over 500 hours in this game and I always play on full servers and yet the number of vehicles I have seen driven? Well its under 2. In 500 hours, most of which is since they were added.


I think the devs need to seriously reconsider vehicles. They need to be much easier to find and much easier to fix up. Currently its just not possible to really fix them up without hopping servers and even then its probably not a viable proposition. 


What is the point of even having vehicles in the game currently? Nobody ever gets them. The amount of running you would need to do to (maybe) fix one up is so large that you could probably run to NWAF and back 20 times before you have got the vehicle fixed (maybe fixed). And it might get found by someone else in that time. Even squads cant realistically fix one up on a full server.


I suggest a complete rework, its stuff like this that hurts the game. Its just a huge barrier to features of the game that people want to use. And by huge barrier I mean an unrealistic barrier which will never be fulfilled. I would suggest stuff like this is a reason for day z's declining popularity. I hope to see vehicles made more accessible in the near future (or should I say accessible at all!).



Game is not finished yet, 'nuff said.

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7 hours ago, nl said:

Game is not finished yet, 'nuff said.

Yeh which is why feedback is important. The current availability of vehicles is unacceptable. 

If the game was finished this sort of feedback would be completely pointless. Which is why it needs to be made now. That is the point of early access. People who just answer every piece of feedback with "its alpha" dont understand this. Maybe over time you will realise this. Maybe not.

Either way I just wanted to give some feedback with the hope that things will change in a positive direction regarding vehicle availability.

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No, they don't need to reconsider vehicles, actually.

They are "supposed" to be hard to get, hard to fix, and hard to run. Really, the only people who should be able to use vehicles on the semi-regular would be organized clans.

The devs have stated (unofficially, via reddit, but whatever) that they don't want there to be any more than 10-20 vehicles over the entire map. That includes cars, trucks, vans, bikes, etc.

They basically don't want a repeat of the mod, where you can get a vehicle up and running within 5 minutes of spawning.

Edited by Whyherro123
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The Vehicles Are very good and yes very difficult to find the parts, but not at all impossible. I think the vehicles are being used and built more on private servers than public because of the time involved and how easy it is to be killed in one on fuller public servers. The only problem we seem to be having now with .60 are the vehicles aren't spawning where they are supposed to, they are random all over the map,even in the woods. The other problem with.60 is the vehicles not always being persistant and dissappearing . Really aggravating when it's loaded with loot that you spent hours and hours sometimes collecting, not to mention the hours spent finding the parts for the vehicle. 

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