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About DukeHenry

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DukeHenry

    Loot doesn't respawn

    Quite honestly, loot respawning is bugged currently. It doesn't respawn. The way to gear up is to find fresh servers basically. Not sure this is how the game is designed to be played. There is a ton of loot but it doesn't respawn. And its not just on the coast. Loot doesnt respawn anywhere
  2. So lets say tomorrow they up the system requirements again because they cant optimise their game and now you cant play anymore. Still be singing the same tune? I actually think if you are going to sell a product you need to keep the system requirements static. I am confused for the argument against this. I could afford a new PC and gfx card. I am a highly successful individual, probably because I dont spend my time on gaming forums shilling for companies who take my money. But I dont see why I should at all.
  3. I have a dx11 card. It is about running the game. Performance got worse on my GT640 card. Yeh its not the best card, but it worked previously for day z. I would of got a refund if I had just bought this game. But now I can't get a refund because its been 2.5 years since I bought it (not under 2 weeks as steam require). So what am I meant to do? A game which worked fine for me now basically is unplayable because they changed their system requirements. And I can't get a refund? I understand you want to shill for them but please explain how this doesn't suck for me and others like me and please explain how this is fair. if you want then you can buy me a $150 graphics card and send it to me?
  4. Yeh and we paid for it lol. We paid for it based on certain provided system requirements which are now not valid. In what world is this ok? You are anti-consumer I guess. Thats cool. But most of us prefer to look after ourselves and comsumers in general rather than shill for big businesses.
  5. Do they even know that there is a significant proportion of us on mid range pcs who cannot play the game anymore. When the settings are low the trees dont render in (they render in in phases of about 15 seconds total). The leaves dont render in. Buildings take ages to render in. So I have to up the settings to get an even close to playable experience. Which apparently then causes complete frame rate drops. So yeh...0.60 pretty much ruined this game for me.
  6. DukeHenry

    WInchester Ammo RARE?

    Winchester ammo should be much more common than it is. I mean its an early game weapon generally, not military grade. There are a ton of guns for it and yet none of the ammo. Its pretty bad.
  7. DukeHenry

    Vehicle's - where are they?

    Yeh which is why feedback is important. The current availability of vehicles is unacceptable. If the game was finished this sort of feedback would be completely pointless. Which is why it needs to be made now. That is the point of early access. People who just answer every piece of feedback with "its alpha" dont understand this. Maybe over time you will realise this. Maybe not. Either way I just wanted to give some feedback with the hope that things will change in a positive direction regarding vehicle availability.
  8. I have over 500 hours in this game and I always play on full servers and yet the number of vehicles I have seen driven? Well its under 2. In 500 hours, most of which is since they were added. I think the devs need to seriously reconsider vehicles. They need to be much easier to find and much easier to fix up. Currently its just not possible to really fix them up without hopping servers and even then its probably not a viable proposition. What is the point of even having vehicles in the game currently? Nobody ever gets them. The amount of running you would need to do to (maybe) fix one up is so large that you could probably run to NWAF and back 20 times before you have got the vehicle fixed (maybe fixed). And it might get found by someone else in that time. Even squads cant realistically fix one up on a full server. I suggest a complete rework, its stuff like this that hurts the game. Its just a huge barrier to features of the game that people want to use. And by huge barrier I mean an unrealistic barrier which will never be fulfilled. I would suggest stuff like this is a reason for day z's declining popularity. I hope to see vehicles made more accessible in the near future (or should I say accessible at all!). Thanks,