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Being able to walk while using ironsight

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title says it all with the new controller please make this a thing, because atm you walk so slow and aim so unprecise that its just really unrealistic, you can do it on Arma 3, walking on a normal speed while maintaining your precise aim while looking through your crosshairs so why not DayZ SA,




 I know that we are civilians but everyone can do this, and yes the recoil might be worse while moving however the walking itself shouldnt be unprecise unless you're wounded.


this would also create less camping in houses



thanks for the read


Edited by thefriendlydutchman

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Hmm. We might see some tweaks here and there, but despite being developed by the same company, using similar engines, both titles are very different. You're a trained soldier in ArmA titles, while you're just a survivor, a civilian, in DayZ. 

Despite having more than half of the community dressed as wanna be soldiers, and packing big guns, they're not soldiers... 

As for "camping", there's no such thing in DayZ. There's no time limit or end of game. During a "zombie apocalypse", people would feel much safer inside a house, behind closed doors, than outside facing the hostile environment. A lot of players coming from COD, BF or ArmA don't like "campers", but their vision is altered and twisted but different titles that have very different meanings and objectives. The corruption of minds is real. 

When barricading comes in, either they will adapt to their new environment, or fail and leave. Evolution.

Edit: You assume that "everyone can do this", but in reality, it's false. That's not how things work buddy. 

Edited by odin_lowe
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25 minutes ago, odin_lowe said:

Hmm. We might see some tweaks here and there, but despite being developed by the same company, using similar engines, both titles are very different. You're a trained soldier in ArmA titles, while you're just a survivor, a civilian, in DayZ. 

Despite having more than half of the community dressed as wanna be soldiers, and packing big guns, they're not soldiers... 

As for "camping", there's no such thing in DayZ. There's no time limit or end of game. During a "zombie apocalypse", people would feel much safer inside a house, behind closed doors, than outside facing the hostile environment. A lot of players coming from COD, BF or ArmA don't like "campers", but their vision is altered and twisted but different titles that have very different meanings and objectives. The corruption of minds is real. 

When barricading comes in, either they will adapt to their new environment, or fail and leave. Evolution.

Edit: You assume that "everyone can do this", but in reality, it's false. That's not how things work buddy. 

but but... everyone that can walk and hold a weight can walk like this

hell the character can walk normally when he just raised his weapon but not when he looks through the ironsight which is retarded.

Hell where getting the ability to kick in doors but not the ability to walk while looking through a heavy weight?! pick up a heavy item right now long enough to function like a rifle or hell pick up a rifle and just walk forwards, its not that hard even for untrained soldiers.

and with camping I mean, people joining 50+ servers so they can sit in the red house at electro for half an hour shooting anyone from the windows they see and not move at all.


also I already said I knew they were civilians, however they would be able to do it if healthy, maybe not after running 10km but in normal conditions they would be very capable of doing this easy task



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If I remember correct, the devs confirmed that it will be possible to walk while aim down sights with the new player controller, but I guess you won't hit any target while moving. We'll see many improvements in character movement, even melee will be alot better, according to the devs. I'm really excited about 0.6 with the new renderer and UI, but I'm much more excited about the new player controller, I think this will be the real game changer.

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1 hour ago, thefriendlydutchman said:

1. but but... everyone that can walk and hold a weight can walk like this


2. Hell where getting the ability to kick in doors but not the ability to walk while looking through a heavy weight?! pick up a heavy item right now long enough to function like a rifle or hell pick up a rifle and just walk forwards, its not that hard even for untrained soldiers.

3. and with camping I mean, people joining 50+ servers so they can sit in the red house at electro for half an hour shooting anyone from the windows they see and not move at all.



1. Again, that's an assumption. Not everyone is in the same physical shape. In real life, individuals varies greatly from one another. This is just a game, so whatever the devs program will be how it is. Call it "realistic", "authentic" or whatever. Like c4p said, with the new player controller and animations, will probably see something similar to what you want, but maybe not just like ArmA3.

2. The animations for kicking doors are for the infected. I doubt we'll have the same abilities, as it's pretty ridiculous for anyone to be able to breach through doors like that. (Seeing many SPECOPS, police units or swat teams fail miserably at doing so, with battering rams in hand... Not everything is like Hollywood movies.)

3. Video game. It's an open world game, that let's you play the way you want. Of course some play styles might irritate you, but that's how it is in society. You need to respect others' choices even if you don't agree with them. If you are bothered by "campers" in Elektro, than "breach" your way in and kill them. From a certain point of view, that guy is just a "camper", but from his perspective, he might just hold his house and see the people running around town as a threat, no knowing if they are infected or not. Of course, in the end he's just a KoS PVP enthusiast, but it's DayZ. People have the right to stay hours in the same house if they want. They're not "campers". This isn't BF, COD, MOH or whatever flag based, point based, time based, objective based game. He's a bandit, a killer, you don't like that, then do something about it. 

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Trained marksman plant their feet in specific stances before firing.

One of the things that made the good Resident Evil titles difficult was making you stand still to fire every time (which also creates tension and strategy).

We already have a super easy to use crosshair for shoulder firing while moving, especially for automatic rifles IMO.

And yes, the new player controller will include changes to how we move in every way, including while firing.

What I would like to see is the resting of a gun on a barrier or similar object for added stability while firing (I believe ARMA has this)....

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