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Dayz - how to spawn npc?

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it's downloadable mission

what? GrunDy is there any problems? =/

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Rocket (DayZ author) has asked me to not host this mission anymore.

Please don't email me asking where or if you can get it.


(A response to his claims regarding this mission is available on reddit and here.)

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it's downloadable mission

what? GrunDy is there any problems? =/

Your playing with fire!

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i don't understand. I just want to try on game mechanics - that's all. nothing bad at all

and besides, it is SINGlEplayer, so i won't cheat/mess anything online

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i don't understand. I just want to try on game mechanics - that's all. nothing bad at all

and besides' date=' it is SINGlEplayer, so i dont cheat/mess anything online


Off-topic would be safer.. just saying, but do as you please =)_

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This is a alpha version...this is what we are all doing 'Trying the game and it's mechanics' But posting a link to a 'Hack' as it even says in the statement on the Real version main forums, isn't the smartest of ideas

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hack? exuse me, but on my view its only arma2 mission, correct me if i'm wrong?

ehm...but if i violated any rules - i'm sorry. I guess there's something i didn't know about "hacks". Now i'm really confused

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It's only arma 2 mission, but it depends heavily on Rocket's main server. You can't play it without contacting his server (for loot and zombies spawns etc), so you can't really use it standalone.

Also, the standalone version was used to try out hax, so rocket told the author to seize and desist.

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uh, so, the conclusion is - playing/editing this mission is forbidden and violators will receive global ban? <=(

Rinner23, can you erase sp link in your quote, please?

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